Saturday, December 28, 2019

Courts Do not Look Beyond the Shareholders in the Veil of...

The veil of incorporation means that separate legal personality of company operates as a shield which is the courts will not normally look beyond the faà §ade of the company to the shareholders who incorporate it. The screen depart the company from its individual shareholders and directors is commonly referred to as ‘the veil of incorporation’. The House of Lords in the case of Salomon v A. Salomon Co [1897] identify the legality of Salomons one-man company, and try to lift this veil, whether to force liability on those veil or other aim. The veil can be lifted by enactment Dimbleby v National Union of Journalists 1984, but this provision are rare and incline to force extra individual liability rather than neglect the corporations†¦show more content†¦It deny the case Creasey v Breachwood Motors Ltd which shows that even transfer corporations assets (some section of a group re-organization of assets) after appear the potential liability would not defend lifting the veil. This was incomplete with the aim of escape that liability. With the similar restrictively, another enactment deny that the veil can be lifted easily to force liability on a man behind an improper business deal. This shows that the courts still willing to lift the veil and the present law is not closer to the Schmittoffs statement but more towards the statement of Samuels because of the principle is restrictive apply. Agency: Court may be lift the veil on a company is only carry the business as an agent of its shareholder. It means that the deal which entered by the subsidiary could be treat as the deal of the holding company. The House of Lords refuse the opinion that the corporation was act as Salomons agent, the truth about the corporation is a wholly own subsidiary or a single member is insufficient to act as an agent of its shareholders or member. In previously, the courts have found the relationship among a subsidiary corporation and its parent corporation. In previously, the courts have found the relationship among a subsidiary corporation and its parent corporation. It can be found in the case Smith, Stone Knight v Birmingham Corporation but Adams v Cape Industries Ltd verify that anShow MoreRelatedpestle analysis mydin1505 Words   |  7 Pagesversus lifting the veil: The decision in Salomon V. Salomon Co.23 The case of  Salomon V. Salomon Co., commonly referred to as  the Salomon case, is both the foundational case and precedence for the doctrine of corporate personality and the judicial guide to lifting the corporate veil. The House of Lords in the  Salomon case  affirmed the legal principle that, upon incorporation, a company is generally considered to be a new legal entity separate from its shareholders. The court did this in relationRead MoreCorporation7972 Words   |  32 PagesBackground One of the primary benefits of creating a corporate entity is to limit the liability of the shareholders. 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Salomon amp; co. ltd., (1897) A.C. 22].The courts did this to in relation to a one person member company. The principal is commonly referred as â€Å"veil of incorporatio n† The courts were bound by these principals butRead MoreProject on Company Formation17295 Words   |  70 Pagesmeans a company formed registered under the companies Act 1956 or under any of the previous laws relating to the companies [Section 3(1) (ii)]. In common law, a company is a legal person or legal entity having separate form, capable of surviving beyond the lives of its members. However, company is not a citizen so as to claim fundamental rights granted to citizens. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Impact of Gambling in America - 2867 Words

The Impact of Gambling in America The impact of gambling on the United States carries both positive and negative effects into our society and communities. Gambling is a leisure activity that usually provides excitement and fun for its players. Gambling also brings tremendous amounts of money into the economy and provides employment. American cities such as Las Vegas and Atlantic City thrive off of the gaming industry. Sure, gambling can be fun and exciting, but at what point does that fun activity develop into a pathological problem? I will contend that the harmful side- effects of gambling far outweigh any positive aspects. Pathological gambling can destroy families, careers, and lives. The reason why casinos are so successful†¦show more content†¦For example, in 1998 the bankruptcy rate in Atlantic City, New Jersey per 100,000 people was 1,019 while the rate of the state of New Jersey was only 555 ( In 2003, there was a proposal to add casinos into the mix of Kentucky’s gambling options. Dr. John Kindt, a professor of commerce at the University of Illinois said that bringing casinos to Kentucky would be â€Å"bad economics and bad social policy†. â€Å"Studies show that within the 35-mile feeder market around a casino, gamblers will spend 10 percent less on food, 25 percent less on clothing and that 37 percent will dip into their savings to pay for gambling. For every three (video slot) machines, youll be losing two jobs from the feeder market economy, Kindt said. â€Å"This occurs because each machine can be expected to bring in $100,000 per year that will not be used elsewhere in the economy† ( This is a serious issue that occurs when business owners do not think about how their actions will affect others in the future. Not only does gambling affect the economy of our communities, but it also has social effects. There are many negative consequences of gambling, while there are minimal positive outcomes. Beginning with the positive side, gambling is a recreation, a break from the everyday pressures of life and a relief from stress. People feel good about themselves when they do hit a jackpot or â€Å"win big†. Without gambling, certain sports such as horse racing and boxing would not be nearly asShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Gambling1282 Words   |  6 PagesPros/Cons of Gambling Gambling definition- â€Å"The betting or staking of something of value, with consciousness of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game, a contest, or an uncertain event whose result may be determined by chance or accident or have an unexpected result by reason of the bettor’s miscalculation.† Some gambling games are craps, roulette, baccarat, blackjack, and trente et quarante. Some of the things people bet on are horse racing, dog racing, and dog and rat fights. CasinosRead MoreTaking a Look at Gambling669 Words   |  3 PagesGambling has been in existence for centuries, and it is gaining popularity today more than ever. With this trend, it is difficult to avoid questioning of any possible effects associated with gambling. There are many social and economic effects associated with the widespread practice. In this paper, we address these effects of gambling and its contribution to one’s poverty status in America. We also examine the large industry of ga mbling and the dynamics of the business structures and revenues. Read More Gambling Casinos Essay868 Words   |  4 Pages Gambling Casinos: A Plague on Society Gamblers no longer need to trek to Las Vegas or Atlantic City to find the action they so badly crave. It is available today in their own hometowns. Legalized gambling is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. Gambling’s tremendous popularity is evident in the recent increase in the number of off-track betting parlors (OTB’s) and riverboat casinos that dot the midwest and the Mississippi Delta. Billboards on major highways depict theRead MoreShould Gambling Be Legalized?971 Words   |  4 PagesToday, gambling is not allowed in some countries, but it is legal only in some areas in the United States. Some people are in favor of gambling because they find their entertainment in playing in casinos. Gambling is to take risks and play the games for money. Most people believe that gambling should not be legal because gambling activities do not benefit our communities and eventually causes: increased taxes, a loss o f jobs and money. However, my opponents believe that gambling and casinos areRead MoreProblems And Solutions Of Gambling Essay1190 Words   |  5 Pagesconcerning Gambling and Several Solutions Gambling is a kind of recreation from ancient times and is still very popular now. In America, more than 1500 casinos are running and their profits are huge. Some cities like Las Vegas rely on casinos heavily. This essay offers a brief introduction to the casino industry and problems and solutions around it. According to a research by AGA(American Gaming Association), gambling has already been a big part of economy gains in America. They found that gambling generatesRead MoreGambling No Matter The Stake Gambling Essay1555 Words   |  7 Pagesa loser, this being very prevalent in gambling no matter the stake. Gambling regulations exist all over the country as there is a basis of set laws that are put forth by the government, such as the ability to not buy a lottery ticket until the age of 18 and not being able to fully access a casino until the age of 21. On the topic of individual state, states have the power to control who gambles and how by setting forth regulations on the topic of gambling, such as recent applications that involveRead MoreWhy Gambling Should Not Be Prohibited Or Policed By The Federal Government1236 Words   |  5 PagesGambling In today’s world there are many different types of gambling such as casinos, state lotteries, pull tabs, bingo, sports and internet gambling. Popularity of this activity remains strong in America, however, there are individuals and groups that continue to scrutinize and attack this industry. I believe gambling is a fun social activity that should not be prohibited or policed by the federal government. It should be an individual’s right to choose if they gamble or not based on theirRead MoreThe Issue Of The Lottery943 Words   |  4 Pageslottery is one of only a few that operates a compulsive gambling treatment operation as part of its regular operations, employing six problem gambling experts. Five states require a telephone number for help for problem gamblers be printed on its lottery tickets (National Gambling Impact, 1999). Are the risks too high and are the choices made when gambling beneficial for the greatest number affected versus profitability for the state lotteries, businesses who manufacture goods and services forRead MoreLegalized Gambling Essay919 Words   |  4 PagesLegalized Gambling Have you ever wagered on a game? If so you were gambling and should have been fined. Gambling should be legalized in the state of Florida. The lawmakers, who have decided that it is evil for you and me to gamble, have justified it as a means to scam billions from citizens in order to compensate for their mismanagement of tax money. First they waste what they collect in taxes and then recover the wasted billions with gambling scams to get more, much more. AddingRead MoreGambling Is Not Immoral Or Unethical1406 Words   |  6 PagesGambling In today’s world, there are many different ways to gamble such as casinos, state lotteries, pull tabs, bingo, sporting events, and the internet, just to name a few. Although the popularity of this activity remains strong in America, there are individuals and groups that continue to scrutinize and attack this industry. People strongly opposed to gambling would like to see it policed by the federal government or outlawed completely; they are wrong. There are several positive aspects of gambling

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Based Nursing †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Based Nursing. Answer: Introduction In case of arthroscopic surgeries, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the repair of the torn meniscus are common. The ACL helps to stabilize and provide support to the joints. In the case scenario, Mr. James Versace is 17 years old adolescent, who is a soccer player. He faced problem in exercise and pain. Other medical problems of Mr. Versace are asthma, dermatitis, subluxed his left patella, allergic problem and hayfever. The assignment discusses about the continual risks of postoperative condition. The current therapeutic regime is discussed that helps to reduce the risk factors. In the section, manual therapy, rationale, and intervention are discussed. The benefits of evidenced based Nursing are discussed. Continual risks of postoperative condition Westermann et al. (2014) mentioned that every surgery has some risks that is known as the complication. However, the meniscus repair is one of the safest processes, in which the risk rate is 1.3%. The main complication of the meniscus repair is the injuries to the skin nerves. Other complications of the postoperative condition are knee stiffness and infection, which are uncommon but can occur. In such circumstances, Wasserstein et al. (2013) mentioned that the doctors need to minimize the risks of complications that will help the patient to overcome the surgical risks. In the case scenario, Mr. Versace has various health complications. Therefore, before the medication, the doctor and nurse need to check his medical history as he has allergic problem. He has allergies in lactose, cashews, animal fur, peanuts, and pollen. Therefore, the nurse needs to be careful about his diet as well, which may increase the complications of the postoperative condition. The nurse needs to observe him a nd provide intensive care to avoid the infection. He needs to take complete bed rest and avoid the alcohol consumption. From the case scenario, it is clear that Mr. Versace takes alcohol occasionally. In postoperative condition, the doctor can suggest about the rehabilitation to the patient that will help them to get over the problem. The rehabilitation technique with the sound rehabilitation plays major role in the treatment of the meniscus repair. With the medication, the physiotherapy is also important that will help in leg movement. As Mr. Versace is an adolescent athlete, he needs to get over the problem as earlier as possible. In such cases, physical therapy helps the patient to get back in his normal life. To provide the quality to the patient, who has gone through arthroscopic surgeries, need to understand the biomechanics. Achtnich et al. (2016) suggested that with the medication, the physical exercise is necessary that can help the patient to avoid the complication. The clinical evaluation and the treatment techniques ensure the optimal outcomes. In such circumstance, communication plays key role. The nurse needs to have proper communication skill that will help to know about the patient requirement. In such condition, the medical lab reports can help the nurses as well to know about the condition of the patient. Therefore, the nurse needs to check the lab reports minutely. Manual therapy The main purposes of the manual therapy are to modulate the pain, increase the motion range, reduce the soft tissues inflammation, improve the contractile tissue repair with the extensibility, and facilitate the movement. As mentioned by Forkel et al. (2015), manual therapy refers to the application of the manual forces of therapist to improve quality and range of motion of the soft tissues and joints. Michalitsis et al. (2015) mentioned that the mobilization is one of the manual technique, which replicate the normal joint via the repeated passive motion at the low speed. The normal joint moves smoothly at varying amplitudes. On the other, Chahla et al. (2016) defined that manipulation is the fast and small force with the small amplitude, in which the joint is moved in high speed. The manual therapy helps to improve the joint mobility and joint function. In case of Mr. Versace, he needs the manual therapy as well so that he can be able to play soccer again. In case of manual therapy, the joint glides need particular planes so that the movement can be done smoothly. In case of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the repair of the torn meniscus, manual therapy helps the patient in movement (Anderson Anderson, 2015). This helps to reduce the complications of arthroscopic surgeries and provide benefits to the patient. The patient Mr. Versace is 17 years old male, who have been admitted for the arthroscopic surgeries due to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the repair of the torn meniscus. In the current context, the main problems are prioritized to manage his pain and knee movement problem. For managing the pain, the pain score needs to be managed with the pain measuring scale. This is based on the pain management plan, which needs to be developed. To reduce the pain, the doctor suggested diclofenac and mentioned the dosage of the drug to 25 mg. therefore the patient takes 1 to 2 tablets daily for the pain management. The oral medication helps him to reduce the pain. Duchman et al. . (2015) suggested that when the pain of the pain will be reduced, he will be able to move his knee and the complications will be reduced as well. Managing asthma and allergy: The patient is suffering from asthma and allergy problem. To reduce the problems he needs to modify his dietary habit first. He needs to exclude the peanuts and cashews from the diet. The nurse needs to monitor the patient and note down the problems of the patient. Mr. Versace needs to take sufficient amount of water that helps to maintain the fluid balance of the patient body. The doctor prescribed some drugs to reduce the problems of the asthma and allergy. The nurse needs to follow the medication routine of the patient and provide the medication timely. Mr. Versace needs to take the salbutamol 100 mg with the CFC inhaler. The dosages need to be maintained. Another medication includes flticasone, advantan, prednisolone and epipen. The administration of the injection needs proper routes and dosage. The nurse should be careful about the routes and dosage. Nurse responsibility Rationale Check the administration of medication (drugs and injections) Before administration of drugs, the nurse should check dosage and route. However, the dosage needs to be applied in a safe level (Shybut et al. 2015). Overdose of the medication is fatal for the patient. The overdose of the drugs that are prescribed for the asthma and allergy can be fatal for Mr. Versace. Therefore, the nurse needs to recheck the dosage of the medication. Check symptoms of the patient The medication and injection needs to be provided after detecting the signs and symptoms of the patient. As the patient has various problems, therefore the medication should be provided carefully. Check route with dosage of medication administration The nurse needs to check the dosage and route of the medication. Proper implication of medication can help the patient to reduce the problems and get well soon. Observe the patient after medication The medication is provided to reduce effects of asthma, allergy, and pain. The nurse should monitor the patient, which help to develop the patients health. Take the consent of the patient and family members Before applying the medication, the nurse needs to take the consent of the patient and his family members (Mall et al. 2014). Table 1: Rationale of nursing intervention The benefits of evidenced based nursing Evidence based Nursing has various benefits, which include to provide the quality care to the patient. The quality care helps to improve the patient outcomes (Hamer Collinson, 2014). The evidence based Nursing helps the nurses to increase their skills as well as the critical thinking and decision-making. As result, the clinical performance of the nurse develops with the experience. Evidence based nursing helps to provide knowledge and satisfaction to the nurses as it helps to enhance the patient outcomes. Implementation of the evidence-based practice can manage the available resources, which is used effectively and efficiently (DiCenso, Guyatt Ciliska, 2014). However, there are various barriers that needs to be reduced to increase the rate of positive patient outcome. Conclusion Based on the above discussion, it can be said that the meniscus repair is one of the safest processes, in which the risk rate is less. As the patient has various problems including asthma and allergies, therefore the medication process should be done properly. the patient needs to take the medication timely and should take rest that will help him to get back in the normal lifestyle. In such cases, the physical therapy and manual therapy provide relief to the patient. Hence, it is necessary for the patient. The fluid balance of the patients body needs to be maintained, which helps in the treatment. As well as the patient needs to be careful about the diet and avoid the foods that can create allergic problem. References Achtnich, A., Herbst, E., Forkel, P., Metzlaff, S., Sprenker, F., Imhoff, A. B., Petersen, W. (2016). Acute proximal anterior cruciate ligament tears: outcomes after arthroscopic suture anchor repair versus anatomic single-bundle reconstruction.Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic Related Surgery,32(12), 2562-2569. Anderson, A. F., Anderson, C. N. (2015). Correlation of meniscal and articular cartilage injuries in children and adolescents with timing of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.The American journal of sports medicine,43(2), 275-281. Chahla, J., Dean, C. S., Moatshe, G., Mitchell, J. J., Cram, T. R., Yacuzzi, C., LaPrade, R. F. (2016). Meniscal Ramp Lesions: Anatomy, Incidence, Diagnosis, and Treatment.Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine,4(7), 2325967116657815. DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G., Ciliska, D. (2014).Evidence-based nursing: A guide to clinical practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Duchman, K. R., Westermann, R. W., Spindler, K. P., Reinke, E. K., Huston, L. J., Amendola, A., Wolf, B. R. (2015). The fate of meniscus tears left in situ at the time of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a 6-year follow-up study from the MOON cohort.The American journal of sports medicine,43(11), 2688-2695. Forkel, P., Reuter, S., Sprenker, F., Achtnich, A., Herbst, E., Imhoff, A., Petersen, W. (2015). Different patterns of lateral meniscus root tears in ACL injuries: application of a differentiated classification system.Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy,23(1), 112-118. Hamer, S., Collinson, G. (2014).Achieving evidence-based practice: A handbook for practitioners. Elsevier Health Sciences. Mall, N. A., Chalmers, P. N., Moric, M., Tanaka, M. J., Cole, B. J., Bach Jr, B. R., Paletta Jr, G. A. (2014). Incidence and trends of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the United States.The American journal of sports medicine,42(10), 2363-2370. Michalitsis, S., Vlychou, M., Malizos, K. N., Thriskos, P., Hantes, M. E. (2015). Meniscal and articular cartilage lesions in the anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee: correlation between time from injury and knee scores.Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy,23(1), 232-239. Shybut, T. B., Vega, C. E., Haddad, J., Alexander, J. W., Gold, J. E., Noble, P. C., Lowe, W. R. (2015). Effect of lateral meniscal root tear on the stability of the anterior cruciate ligamentdeficient knee.The American journal of sports medicine,43(4), 905-911. Wasserstein, D., Dwyer, T., Gandhi, R., Austin, P. C., Mahomed, N., Ogilvie-Harris, D. (2013). A matched-cohort population study of reoperation after meniscal repair with and without concomitant anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.The American journal of sports medicine,41(2), 349-355. Westermann, R. W., Wright, R. W., Spindler, K. P., Huston, L. J., Wolf, B. R. (2014). Meniscal repair with concurrent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: operative success and patient outcomes at 6-year follow-up.The American journal of sports medicine,42(9), 2184-2192.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thoughtful Laughter in Beckets Waiting for Godot free essay sample

Samuel Beckett’s use of humor can be seen throughout his repertoire of work, ranging from the exaggeratedly tragic lives of the two characters in Rough for Theater I to the mechanical prodding that is required to rouse the characters in Act Without Words II. The humor in Beckett’s work is given dimension by the fact that it addresses morbid themes such as death, poverty, suffering, and the crushing despair and apathy that comes with the realization of the meaninglessness of lifethe cornerstone of existentialism. Thus, the reader is amused by the works because, through humor, Beckett lightens the tenebrous view of life that is existentialism. Such a response to this sort of humor can be considered â€Å"thoughtful laughter† because while the reader considers the material to be funny, he is also made to ruminate over the broader and often darker implications of the work. Beckett’s humor can be seen most prominently in Waiting for Godot, and a character in whom this humor is most strongly manifested is Pozzo’s faithful subordinate, Lucky. We will write a custom essay sample on Thoughtful Laughter in Beckets Waiting for Godot or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lucky’s character and what he deal with represents the struggle that many face in their daily lives regarding their relationships with others. Lucky’s relationship with Pozzo is clearly one of submission and resignation, and through this relationship Beckett brings up the question of how and why we, as humans, allow ourselves to be controlled by others. Beckett’s use of humor in this situation is seen initially in his introduction of Lucky; when he enters the stage he is described as being â€Å"[driven] by means of a rope passed around his neck† by Pozzo. The absurdity in Beckett’s humor comes into play here in that Beckett makes what we often consider to be a figurative concept of being controlled by someone else literal. The idea that one person is capable of controlling another is made funny because the image is so ludicrous. The rope around Lucky’s neck and the fact that he is being forced to carry Pozzo’s belongings serves as a symbol of the socially constructed power structure—Pozzo is clearly in control in this situation and Lucky is being forced to comply with and do the bidding of his master. What also makes this humorous is the absurdity of the circumstance; Lucky is allowing himself to be literally led by a rope by someone who is supposedly superior to him, and does nothing to protest. This communicates how people have created a society in which they control one another by ranking, be it racial, socio-economic, age/gender-related, or anything else. It also brings to the reader’s attention the fact that, while it is clear that this situation is unfair and inconsistent with what many consider to be basic ethics, little is done to improve Lucky’s condition. Conversely, the reaction that Lucky’s situation provokes from Vladimir and Estragon contributes to Beckett’s commentary on this in that while both acknowledge that Pozzo’s treatment of Lucky is immoral and unjust (Vladimir refers to it as a â€Å"scandal† and Estragon as â€Å"a disgrace†), neither takes real initiative to help him. The â€Å"thoughtful laughter† that this elicits from the reader is so because the characters make themselves appear so appalled at the situation but don’t seem to actually care enough to help Lucky. Rather, they seem to be expressing disgust in order to prove to those around them that they are morally upstanding. An example of this can be noted in the stage direction where it is written that Estragon is â€Å"not to be outdone† by Vladimir’s supposed horror before he gives his own commentary on the way Lucky is treated. Lucky not only serves Pozzo as a sort of slave, but also serves Estragon and Vladimir in that he is an instrument for their self-aggrandizement—to them he is an object on whose situation they may comment and make themselves appear more caring and philanthropic than they actually are. In addition to serving as a symbol of the oppressed masses and a jumping-off point for heightening one’s own image, Lucky’s response to the way he is treated provokes thoughtful laughter in that he, too, does little to help his own cause. Beckett illustrates this in a scene in act I where Lucky kicks Estragon in the shins when Estragon, after encouragement from Pozzo, attempts to actually help Lucky. Initially, this part of the play can be considered funny because of the physical comedy. When one looks closer, however, it becomes apparent that this action has much stronger implications; Lucky’s character is beaten-down, oppressed by his supposed superiors, and overworked, yet when others make an attempt at helping him he refuses to accept such charity and instead makes a point of injuring his attendant. While laughable because Estragon’s injury is unexpected and entirely uncalled-for, this action is crucial to illuminating the dysfunctional nature of interpersonal relationships in which one person reaches out to another who is suffering. Not only has Lucky refused assistance in an alleged time of need, but has also managed to injure someone else in the process. This interaction between Lucky and Estragon is illustrative of Beckett’s approach to describing human interactions in that while Estragon thinks he is improving Lucky’s situation, he only ends up making it worse for himself. Thus, they have gotten nowhere and failed to move forward by bettering their circumstances. While this is a dreary point for Beckett to make, he orchestrates it beautifully through the medium of physical comedy and a sense for the absurd and exaggerated, presenting to the reader the ability to laugh at the situation while acknowledging its dismal symbolism. The character of Lucky can be mirrored by the first character presented in Act Without Words II, another work by Beckett. Contrasted against another character who is presented as gung-ho and constantly working toward bettering his own situation, this first character is displayed as apathetic, self-pitying, and needing much encouragement(being prodded multiple times) to perform basic human functions such as getting up and putting his clothes on. Lucky is similar to this character in that he, too, must be Waiting for Godot is profoundly bleak in that it presents existence as a stagnant chasm of nothingness and that every action performed by man is devoid of meaning and only done to â€Å"pass the time,† a phrase used multiple times throughout the work. What the play does, however, is communicate this message through the use of humor. Were it not for Samuel Beckett’s inventive weaving of jest into the intricate tapestry of existentialist commentary that is Waiting for Godot, the work would be emotionally draining and fail to accomplish what many existentialists yearn to achieve—the desire to live fully despite the meaninglessness of existence. The nonsensical delivery of Waiting for Godot is vital to the play’s ability to evoke in the reader an understanding of the hopelessness of the human predicament because with this humor the work blooms with vivacity and results in the reader simultaneously enjoying himself and better understanding Beckett’s criticisms.