Monday, September 30, 2019

The world is not really there

As though the quantum physicists would ever agree: There is world out here, and global warming portends its end. That’s the truth of it all, really, the world was never actually there, Speak the quantum physicists once again. But there is something here, Answer people like Al Gore who seem to notice things in the void. Indeed, they are positive that it is possible to manage the problem. They add: ‘The fact remains that the effects of global warming ‘Would be utterly disastrous if all those who are bumming ‘With the climate do not struggle to control anthropogenic greenhouse ‘Gas emissions. After all, human beings are partly, if not wholly responsible ‘For climate change. ’ So, someone from an LDC hears Al Gore in his Movie, An Inconvenient Truth. A bomb explodes as the bomber shows his Approval near an LDC beach. Al Gore continues, ‘Fortunately, it lies In their power to gradually reverse the effects of global warming. ’ So, what is global warming? There is no doubt about the fact that our world Has been warming up like a teenager in heat Trying to come up with ways to become fit for survival. Eleven out of the past twelve years, that is, the Bible Fighters’ time with the Qur’an fighters; in other words, 995 to 2006 have been ranked among the twelve â€Å"warmest years â€Å"Since 1850† (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4: Environment for Development†). Humans did not keep systematic records of temperature Before 1850 (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). How could they when they are still so helpless? How could you imagine them To keep systematic records of temperature before 1850? In any case, scientists are confident that there is something Terribly wrong with almost everything done by humans, including Their contribution to the fact that there has been a steady increase Of global surface temperature between 1995 and 2006. The evidence of global warming includes the shrinking of or fading away Of beautiful things like mountain glaciers in many parts of the world; Thawing of permafrost; the early breakup of lake as well as river ice; Lengthening of growing seasons (especially mid to high latitude); Shifting of animal, insect and plant ranges; early flowering of trees; Early emergence of insects and egg laying of birds; Changes in ocean currents as well as patterns of precipitation; And the increasing lifetimes and intensities of tropical storms In several regions of the globe (â€Å"Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basics†). As though we care! Ha! The United Nations, spreading news around the world, Stories they refer to as research For the minds and the eyes of the rich Alone, saying things like the following, as though anybody cares Except to say Ooh and Aah at these shocking tales: ‘Seeing that the poorest people of the world are rather dependent ‘On a hospitable as well as stable climate – they’re dependent ‘As always – for their crop growing needs as well as gathering ‘Of natural resources – before they are snatched or stolen through invasion – ‘It is vital to understand climate change before we try to manage it – Pretending that we are able to manage everything, we will manage it’ (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†)! The United Nations, our supreme council for research and no practical work Apart from research, adds: ‘Poor people are reliant on the monsoon seasons – and us – ‘As you k now, climate change is about to turn their lives around. ‘Moreover, it is the poorest people of the world around ‘Whom all our concerns rest at this time because these people ‘Are most vulnerable to the destruction caused by natural disasters. ‘The Asian tsunami provides evidence of this phenomenon – ‘As do bombs because they heat up things, including our minds, as no one Disagrees. Increase in drought frequency in Africa is another reason ‘Why policymakers around the globe must consider decisions ‘That would have a long-term impact on humanity – once they find ‘The time to consider such decisions, of course; they must then bind ‘Governments in contracts to reduce gas emissions knowing their contracts ‘Exist only on papers with paper pins neatly making stacks of their contracts’ (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). The United Nations expresses deep concern in its voice as it continues: ‘Other examples of destruction caused by climate change To the poor communities in particular – who else? – include ‘The effects of Katrina in the United States and that long, crude ‘Heat wave that was experienced by Europeans in 2003. à ¢â‚¬ËœAs these examples reveal, poor people in rich societies are also vulnerable to the devastating ‘Effects of global warming – the rich people need not worry’ (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†)! In war-torn Iraq A man is sipping tea in war-torn Iraq. Flimsy pages of his newspaper, Iraq Today, fly here and there as they stay put Nevertheless in his lap; and input From the pages enters his mind as slowly As memories of the bony lass slowly Leave his mind – memories that had tormented Him ever since the Iraq War began. ‘Kid, ‘She is gone, she left with the soldiers of the United States,’ The landlord of her flat had informed him. So now the man hates Everything he hears from the country where the bony lass resides. Still, out of necessity, he listens to those pages, presides Over them as though he would do something about the news on those pages; If only pretend he would do something about the news on those pages. As his tea cools under those fans that don’t really help him feel cooler In the head where suppressed anger and worry due to the vast dollar Country’s actions stay, he chances upon a piece of news that suddenly Interests him although he did not really care whether it was hot or cold. ‘Global warming,’ says the piece. ‘A publication of the United Nations ‘Environment Programme, Global Environmental Outlook 4, states ‘That the effects of global warming would vary across the globe. ‘According to the report:’ While the Earth’s climate has varied throughout the prehistoric ages, the last few decades have witnessed a global climate disruption that is unprecedented over the recent millennia, a period of relative climatic stability during which civilization emerged. Some regions, particularly the Arctic, will be more affected by climate change than others closer to the equator. In many regions, the agricultural sector will be particularly affected. The combination of high temperatures and decreased soil moisture projected for parts of Africa will be particularly hard to adapt to. (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†) ‘I think this is what the Prophet (Peace be upon him) had told us about,’ The man in Iraq reflects on the warning of the United Nations. He continues Reading the news report: ‘Global Environmental Outlook 4 ‘Also describes the main responsibility that human beings must assume For global warming: that, in fact, humans have placed great pressure on the ‘Climate system with increasing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. ‘The greenhouse gas that is mainly responsible for climate change appears ‘To be carbon dioxide, primarily originating from the consumption of ‘Fossil fuels (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). The UNEP report ‘Further describes the environmental damage caused by humans ‘While they were ignorant of the dangers of global warming: Since the dawn of the industrial age, the concentrations of these gases have been steadily increasing in the atmosphere. The unprecedented recent rise has resulted in a current level of 380 parts per million, much higher than the pre-industrial (18th century) level of 280 ppm. Since 1987, annual global emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion have risen by about one-third, and the present per capita emissions clearly illustrate large differences among regions. (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†) So now he understands, the man sipping tea: ‘Everything in this report describes the fee ‘For occupying this world. Moreover, it is as the Prophet ‘(Peace be upon him) had described. It is the call of the Prophet For us to mend our ways once and for all. God is going to take account. ‘But who is listening? Does anybody care? ’ The man folds the account On global warming on one of the flying sheets of newspaper, Iraq Today. He decides to return home when he gets an idea, straight out of Iraq Today. He thinks: ‘Overly excited about their achievements during ‘And after the golden Industrial Age, human beings did not realize ‘That materialism and greed could even be responsible for ending ‘Their existence on Earth in the near future. Indeed, if climate change ‘Is not managed through effective global policies at present, huge natural Disasters may very well finish off all life on our planet. ‘As it is, global warming is accompanied by spells of really high temperatures ‘That are known to destroy life through heat stress in addition to air pollution. ‘In June 2003, Europe experienced such a spell. It raised temperatures ‘Twenty to thirty percent higher than the average temperatures during summer. ‘What is more, the spell covered a huge portion of the European continent, ‘From Germany to Italy, and from the north of Spain to Czech Republic. ‘With social as well as economic impacts, besides its environmental impacts, The heat wave presented heavy losses to the European continent. ‘In point of fact, thirty thousand European people lost their lives during June 2003. ‘Forestry and agricultural production were impaired; forests were burned; ‘Crop cycles we re disrupted; nuclear reactors cooled by water from rivers ‘Had to be closed; demand for electricity could not be met; ‘And the stability of rocks was affected’ (â€Å"Impacts of Summer 2003 Heat Wave in Europe†). ‘Once they know what we go through each hour, each day ‘They would surely become one of us, one of clay ‘People. ’ As he ends reflecting on climate change, he Remembers another similarity between man and man: ‘Hadn’t God said, We made man out of clay? ’ He tries to figure out in his mind whether fire can damage clay, But then another worry enters his mind: ‘Do the industrialists ‘Also know, We made man out of clay? ’ In Europe The man in Iraq was happy to know that Europe had experienced Significant development during the Industrial Age, Although it did not have any power over the heat wave of 2003. A construction worker in Germany, on the other hand, Understood it this way: he thought: ‘It is evident that the European Union ‘Would now play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The heat wave of 2003 served as a warning for the entire continent ‘To begin taking serious action against greenhouse gas emissions, ‘While enjoying the fruits of the Industrial Age even in the twenty first century’ (â€Å"Impacts of Summer 2003 Heat Wave†). Even though he was optimistic, the construction worker Believed that he knew that politicians only tell lies to the People, the voice of the people is never heard, and democracy Is a sham. As he thought about politicians suffering from all sorts Of amnesias, another fact was brought to mind simultaneously; The construction worker felt delighted in the misery of others When he remembered he had read somewhere that As bad as the European heat wave of 2003 was, There is no way for it to compete with the rising average Temperatures in the Arctic. In fact, temperatures in the Arctic Are â€Å"rising almost twice as rapidly as in the rest of the world† (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). † Sea ice and glaciers in the Arctic are presently melting, While the permafrost temperatures are rising. In Siberia and Alaska, permafrost is also melting. This is expected to release methane into the Earth’s atmosphere From the frozen hydrates. Scientists are aware that fifty Million years back, a large amount of methane was released Into the Earth’s atmosphere. Temperatures around that time Must have risen approximately five to seven Celsius. Additionally, scientists have determined that it took approximately One hundred and forty thousand years for the atmosphere To return to its normal state after the initial release of methane (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). ‘Perhaps, therefore’ – reflected the construction worker – ‘The effects of global warming would remain with us ‘For a very long period of time. Our future generations ‘Would have to suffer because of the excessive greenhouse Gas emissions that our generation has been held responsible for. ‘Other effects of global warming include increased changes ‘In precipitation around the world. While wet regions are experiencing ‘More rain, the dry areas of our world are turning more arid than before. ‘In addition, regi ons like Africa with â€Å"the lowest contribution to anthropogenic greenhouse gas ‘Emissions† are projected to suffer most due to these changes’ (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). ‘As a matter of fact, water scarcity is projected to become a dangerous ‘Problem for the African people in the days to come (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). Global warming is also increasing â€Å"intense tropical cyclone activity,† ‘Especially in the North Atlantic (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). ‘This has been going on since 1970, and is definitely associated ‘With increases in the surface temperatures of tropical seas. ‘Furthermore, there is evidence of increased tropical cyclone activity ‘In certain regions of the world where it is difficult to gather high quality data. ‘In any case, over the past thirty five years the number of Class 4 and 5 ‘High intense storms has almost doubled. These storms are now occurring ‘In virtually all ocean basins. Of a certainty, our world would warm up Even more because of this activity in the deep’ (â€Å"Global Environmental Outlook 4†). As the construction reflected on the meaning of global warming For everybody in the world, the only person he thought was Insulated from its disastrous effects was himself. His family, too, Would be saved, he thought, smirking in his mind’s eye when those miserable two – Arctic and Africa – were remembered. He had to earn his dail y Bread, after all. It did not really concern him that the people Of Africa suffered. He believed that the politicians with free Cups of coffee and bowls of rice available to them should do All the thinking for the poor people of the world. He was lucky To be German, that’s all. What concerned him about global warming was this: Indeed, there exist a number of paths for us to take to help Ourselves and our fellow beings survive on the planet. As an example, with the awareness that our buildings consume Almost thirty to forty percent of energy in our world – Another UNEP report, Buildings and Climate Change: Status, Challenges and Opportunities, advises governments Around the world to put policies into place for the construction Of environmentally friendly or green buildings that would not Exacerbate the effects of global warming. There are a variety Of choices available to modern man to use energy more efficiently than before (â€Å"Buildings and Climate Change†). ‘Would Herr Braun consider the alternatives? ’ – he asked Himself. After all, he was only a servant. Had he asked Herr Braun, would the latter have answered his loyal Construction worker? Maybe, maybe not. The royal Herr Braun was unreachable most of the time. But the construction worker’s fifty-seven year old wife Should be able to guess and inform him. She was good At divining things. She would know about global warming.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Middle Ages educations

Education is acquiring or imparting new knowledge and also an art of teaching. Middle Ages educations have different experience from Greek education. Education in the Middle Ages most of the people were unable to read and write and showing lack of culture but some of the children who belongs to the upper class were educated. The Monks taught the poor children on how to read and write a little. Grammar schools where built for the middle class boys, and they worked long hours in the grammar school and the boys were beaten with rods or twigs as their form of discipline. Middle age education is unfortunate for the reason that popular educational history books continue to repeat errors and misstatements. During the middle age period monks were the teacher for learning to read and write Latin at the school for boys. Latin is the major language used by the church and bible. Literacy and learning were increasing and by 15th century students began to learn grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. At that time one-third of the population started to learn on how to read and write. During the Middle Ages, which were on the 5th to the 15th century, Christianity particularly Roman Catholic Church operated the parishes, monastery and chapels at the elementary level. Schools in monasteries and cathedrals offered secondary education while much of the teaching in these schools was directed at learning Latin, the old Roman language used by the church in its ceremonies and teachings. The church provided some limited opportunities for the education of women in religious communities of convents (History 2). The Greek Gods were much more down-to-earth and much less awesome than the remote gods of the East. Because they were furnish with human qualities and represented aspects of the physical world, such as the sun, the moon, and the sea (Greek ). In Greek education ancient Greece girls learned skills from their mothers like weaving and only boys went to school at the age of seven. Girls learned athletics and dancing for them to become fit and healthy mothers of more soldiers. And those who belong to a rich family were accompanied by a slave and most of the time if they commit mistakes they were beaten. Discipline was very severe; In Sparta children were treated very harshly. At the age of 7 boys were removed from their families and sent to live in barracks. They were treated severely to turn them into brave soldiers. They were deliberately kept short of food so they would have to steal-teaching them to stealth and cunning. They were whipped for many offenses. ( Lambert). The boys from Sparta became military cadets and learned the arts of war and joined the state militia which is a standing reserve force available for duty in time of emergency in which also they served until they reached the age of sixty. Sparta also provided training for girls who went beyond the domestic arts, they are not forced to leave home like the boys but they have same training that of the boys. During the middle age education they used the classical learning for Christian used. There were two traditions of classical literature and philosophy which separated the classical world and were brought together in union by the church rearranged into another educational method that would be the standard of learning. The union of the literary and scientific world views in Christ was the contribution of Medieval Christianity. Their system which is called as the Trivium, make the foundation of the seven liberal arts program which became universal throughout the Middle Ages. In this period the Hebrew people continued to teach their children the ways of God and rejecting pagan culture. At the end of Middle Ages, natural knowledge became powerful and philosophy being discredited, where the connection between the theology and the sciences were separated. And man started to work out and draw closer to life that is religion independent. At the early 18th century charity schools were built in many towns and called as Blue Coat Schools based on the color of children’s uniforms. Boys from rich families were sent to grammar schools and the girls still went to school but learning embroidery and music were more important for them. Until to the 19th century girls from upper class were taught by a governess. But the punishment in this period were still brutal, they included beatings and only less able pupils were humiliated by being forced to wear a â€Å"dunce’s cap†. In the early period, like those in Europe, consisted of one room where one teacher taught pupils from ages six to thirteen and sometimes older. The free education for all children were successfully implemented, educators focus their attention on how to attain quality education. In particular, significant in shaping new directions has been introduced which involves development of intellectual skills, engaging in new diversity of human communities and global culture.   The teacher-centered to learner-centered education instruction is highly emphasized and its new approaches to teaching and learning. There is a shift of teaching to a learning theoretical framework of instruction which is one process of transformation which is indeed the central point of great change during the contemporary times. The quality of education has been changing and improved. Although applications of techniques and theories where highly been practiced and exposure of students in facing the reality and its capacity to resolve and exercise leadership and responsibility. Organized teaching techniques and theory applications were being practiced and realized. Teaching skills were improved as well as the student’s performance in each field. In contemporary education, learning strategies were given stress and reducing the into which degree of the others. Works Cited â€Å"Tim Lambert.† A Brief History of Education. 1 April 2008 â€Å" Ancient Greek Education.†1 April 2008 â€Å"Hugh Graham Ph.D.† June 1993.Popular Education During the Middle Ages. 1 April 2008—–popular   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Excellent Human Resources Management

Global Strategy Group Need to change pic Welcome to Samsung Global Strategy Group I. Samsung Overview II. Global Strategy Group (GSG) III. GSG & You IV. Korea & Seoul I. Samsung Overview I. Samsung Overview (Revenue & Global Presence) Fast growth and vast global footprint Samsung Group Revenue Billion US Dollars 247 Global Operations ? ? 141 149 87 Samsung Electronics 80 22 1997 4 2005 2011 Number of Employees: 344,000 worldwide Offices: 510 offices and facilities in 74 countries I. Samsung Overview (Brand Value) Samsung ranked 17th among global companies in 2011 5 I. Samsung Overview (Total 28 Affiliates Companies) Samsung Group consists of various business units Electronics Industry Engineering & Heavy Industry Chemical Financial Services Engineering Total Life Insurance Cheil Worldwide Economics Research Institute C&T Corporation Petrochemical Fire & Marine Insurance Everland Inc. S1 Corporation Heavy Industries Fine Chemicals Samsung Card The Shilla Hotels & Resorts Medical Center BP Chemicals Securities Cheil Industries Inc. Asset Management Electronics SDI Other Companies Electro-Mechanics Corning Precision Glass SDS BioLogics Venture Investment Techwin Display 7 Affiliates 5 Affiliates 6 Affiliates 7 Affiliates 5% of Group Revenue 6 3 Affiliates 14% of Group Revenue 3% of Group Revenue 15% of Group Revenue 3% of Group Revenue I. Samsung Overview (SEC Device Business) Electronics (Device) 7 World Leading Consumer Electronics Manufacturer I. Samsung Overview (SEC Device Business) Market leadership in various products Flat Panel TV 28. 3% 1 29. 1% 1 30. 1% LCD TV 28. 5% 1 28. 9% 1 29. 8% Han dset 19. 4% 2 20. 6% 2 21. 2% Monitor 17. 0% 1 16. 3% 1 17. 1% A4 Printer 19. 0% 2 19. 8% 2 19. 3% 11. 6% 3 13. 3% 2 13. 4% Refrigerator 8 I. Samsung Overview (SEC Component Business) Electronics (Component) 9 Powering Today’s Devices I. Samsung Overview (SEC Component Business) Market leadership in various products DRAM 33. 6% 1 37. 4% 1 42. 2% Flash Memory 40. 6% 1 38. 6% 1 37. 0% Mobile Camera Sensor 28. 0% 1 28. 0% 1 27. 8% Smart Phone Processor 47. 6% 1 70. 3% 1 70. 4% 8. 7% 4 9. 8% 2 8. 9% LED Component 10 I. Samsung Overview (Other Electronics Companies) Complementary Technologies to the Core Device and Component Businesses Electronics (Others) Samsung SDI Samsung SDS System Integration Company Business Process Data Center & Cloud Smart Cities & Convergence Pioneering Green Solutions Energy Storage System Lithium Ion Battery PDP Samsung Display 1 Display Company OLED 11 LED Other Mobile Device Screen Samsung Electro Mechanics World Leading Electronic Part Company TV Parts (IP Board) Mobile Parts PC Part (Network Module) (Camera Module) I. Samsung Overview (Engineering & Heavy Industry) Leading companies in construction & shipbuilding Engineering & Heavy Industry Samsung C&T Samsung Engineering Burj Khalifa Pet ronas Tower (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Indian Oil Co. , Ltd. Refinery Project (Barauni, India) Saudi Arabia Olefin Plant (Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia) Samsung Heavy Industries Built world’s first drillship for Arctic Regions 12 Leading builder of large container ships (16,000 TEU) I. Samsung Overview (Financial Services) Financial Services Domestic leader in financial services with global aspirations Samsung Insurance Samsung Asset Management #1 Insurance in Korea #1 Asset Management in Korea Samsung Credit Card Samsung Securities #2 Credit Card in Korea 13 #1 Investment Banking In Korea I. Samsung Overview (Globalization Is the Key for Future Growth) New Business Model & Product Idea 14 Global Expansion and Talent New Business Initiatives I. Samsung Overview (Critical to Develop Global Talent Pool) Diversifying Global HQ Expanding Global Reach Samsung Electronics Target ? Samsung Electronics Target Overseas 45% Number of Global Employees in Korea 60% 2,000 65% 1,500 Head Office 55% 1999 850 40% 35% 2015 2020 1999 2015 2020 Other Affiliates Require Top Global Talent for Further Growth Construction & Engineering †¢ Samsung C&T †¢ Samsung Engineering Financial Services 15 †¢ Insurance †¢ V C, IB & Asset Mgmt System Integration †¢ Samsung SDS Lithium Ion Car Battery & Energy Storage system †¢ Samsung SDI Electro Mechanics †¢ Samsung Electro-Mechanics Resort & Environment Business †¢ Everland II. Global Strategy Group II. Global Strategy Group (History) Since its inception by Chairman Lee in 1997, GSG has been recognized as a credible and highly visible strategic partner to Samsung’s top executives â€Å"We need high caliber global talent who can reveal to us a fresh perspective on trends and the latest information. Let us develop talent to become global managers abroad by familiarizing them with Samsung. † â€Å"I greatly appreciate the performance of GSG. Their project work never fails to give me new perspective. I sincerely hope to work close together down the road. † Kun-hee Lee, Chairman Gee-sung Choi, Vice Chairman Samsung Group Corporate Strategy Office 2011 17 The effect of non-Korean MBAs recruited to Samsung has been like that of a steady trickle of water on stone. The environment has slowly became more friendly to ideas from abroad. II. Global Strategy Group (Role of GSG within Samsung) Pool of foreign talent acting as strategic advisors to Samsung Group Enhance Samsung’s performance with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas Accelerate Samsung’s globalization through various interactions with senior management Develop a pool of global managers who understand Samsung Group and Korea 18 II. Global Strategy Group As Samsung continues to grow, GSG’s role becomes even more important $247B 07 $141B 63 Samsung Group Revenue 45 $87B 20 GS Recruits 25 20 2011 GS Recruits No. of Projects 2005 GS Recruits No. of Projects 1997 ? GSG established 19 No. of Projects ? Built internal reputation ? Greater demand for global talent ? GSG expansion ? Higher number of project requests from Samsung Affiliates II. Global Strategy Group (School Mix) Global Strategists (GS): 78 GS: 5 AM: 5 GS: 5 AM: 4 GS: 4 AM: 8 GS: 5 AM: 1 GSG alumni in Affiliate management (AM): 79 Region of origin Americas 86 Europe 50 Asia Pacific Africa 14 Others 7 GS: 1 AM: 3 GS: 4 AM: 4 GS: 17 AM: 15 20 GS: 4 AM: 4 GS: 4 AM: 4 GS: 2 AM: 4 GS: 5 AM: 3 GS: 1 AM: 0 GS: 5 AM: 5 GS: 4 AM: 2 GS: 6 AM: 9 GS: 5 AM: 6 II. Global Strategy Group (Project Team and Mix) Global Strategists work in small teams on a variety of topics across the many businesses of Samsung Group The Project Team ? Team Members GSG Project Mix ? Conducted total 107 projects in ‘11 – Principal (1) – Engagement Manager(1) – Global Strategist (2) – Project Coordinator (1) Korean – Project Strategist (1) Korean ? 21 Project Travel – Average of 2-3 weeks per project – 100% on select projects ? Project Length – 10~12 weeks Affiliate Mix Functional Mix II. Global Strategy Group (Global Reach) GSG’s project footprint covers the entire world, providing global strategists a truly globalized experience Canada Wind Energy Europe Digital Appliance Marketing Germany Brand Strategy Russia Premium Market Strategy US Contents & Service Strategy Europe Long Term Strategy China Mobile Phone Project India Channel Strategy Taiwan Channel Strategy US Mobile Phone Strategy Africa CTV Strategy Dubai Construction Project Singapore Cloud Platform Strategy Indonesia HR project Australia Renewable Energy Latin America Long-Term Strategy Africa Long Term Strategy 22 II. Global Strategy Group (Project Sample) Title ? Mobile Digital Marketing Client ? Senior Vice President, Marketing Background ? Samsung Mobile GBM asked GSG to develop a consistent global digital marketing strategy Deliverables ? Formulated a unified marketing guidelines for digital, social media & mobile gaming marketing in order to enhance capabilities to execute holistic campaigns Results ? Resulted in the creation of a new global digital marketing team with 17+ members 23 II. Global Strategy Group (Cases of Career Progression) Based on expressed interest and professional experience, Global Strategists enter GSG on two different career paths Year 0 Professional 70% Experience Year 2 Industry Track ? Assigned projects are aligned with industry of focus ? Career Interests Year 1 Transition as early as one year ? Experience roles in strategy, marketing and new business development ? Pursue other international assignments after time in Korea Affiliate Management GSG Career ? Explore varied industries and topics as a consulting generalist ? Develop leadership skills through roles of increasing responsibility ? 24 Year 4 Affiliate Management Consulting Track 30% Year 3 Potential to transition to Affiliate management II. Global Strategy Group (Career Progression Support) Provide support for transition to the line management Operational Support Project Delivery Principal Project Coordinator Project Strategist Work Career Develop Transition Feedback Planning Opportunities Provide advice on transition and support career planning Global Strategist Communicate GSG with Affiliate HR Affiliate Companies 25 II. Global Strategy Group (Cases of Career Progression) Regardless of the amount of time spent in GSG, your experiences will prepare you for a rewarding career at Samsung Year 0 Year 2 Year 4 Year 6 Andrew Umans (GSG ’10, Columbia) Engagement Manager Responsible for working on strategic initiatives across Samsung Group GSG Lindsey Hamilton (GSG ‘09, INSEAD) Senior Manager, Global Marketing Operations Responsible for Brand Strategy for Samsung Electronics GSG GSG Global Marketing Operations Visual Display Division US Subsidiary GSG Global Marketing Operations Mobile Division GSG Digital Media Biz Marketing Latin America Headquarter = GSG 26 = Affiliate Dave Das (GSG ’03, Kellogg) Vice President, Samsung US Home Entertainment Responsible for all Samsung television product marketing in United States = Subsidiary Han Feung (GSG ‘03, Haas) Director & Senior Global Strategist, GSG Responsible for developing consulting capabilities for ll electronics-related areas GSG Visual Display Division Roman Cepeda (GSG ‘03, Wharton) Director, Regional Marketing – Latin America Responsible for overall Samsung Electronics marketing in the Latin America region II. Global Strategy Group (Current Positions of GSG Alumni ) GSG offers the opportunity to develop and shape your career at Samsung’s headquarters and to prepare you for challenges at our global subsidiaries VP. HR, Europe Dir. TV Marketing Sr. Manager, Regional HQ Sr. Manager, Digital Marketing U. K. Dir. Strategy, France Dir. Marketing Vietnam Dir, Corporate Marketing Dir, CTV Marketing Dubai VP. M&A Strategy Dir. Corporate Strategy Dir. Business Innovation Dir. HR and many more†¦. Korea Dir. Strategic Planning Sr. Manager Branding(2) Singapore Sr. Manager Regional Marketing Australia 27 SVP Regional Marketing VP. LCD Marketing VP. Home Appliance Marketing VP. Partnership Dir. Mobile Marketing Sr. Manager Product Innovation U. S. Sr. Manager Corporate Strategy Brazil II. Global Strategy Group (What You Can Achieve in GSG) Enhance consulting skills and expand global awareness Leadership Diverse Industry Knowledge Functional Expertise Problem Solving GSG Cross-Cultural Communication 28 Broad Market Knowledge III. GSG & You Samsung Global HQ in Central Seoul III. GSG & You (Customize Your Careers at Samsung) Strong demand for GSG as strategic leaders and Affiliate managers Industry ? Mobile ? Semiconductor ? Television and Visual Display ? IT Solutions / Network ? Renewable Energy ? Construction / Engineering ? Financial Services ? Pharmaceutical / Biosimilars ? System Integration ? Content & Digital Advertising 30 Function Global Strategists are empowered to pull two key levers to customize their careers at Samsung ? Consulting ? Marketing (B2B and B2C) ? Corporate Strategy ? Branding / Advertising ? Business ? HR Development ? Operations III. GSG & You (Competitive Benefit Package) We provide excellent benefits in addition to competitive compensation Housing Allowance Modern and convenient location Home Leave Ticket Family home leave flight Education Allowance for Dependents Renowned international schools Medical Insurance Best-in-class care Cigna (GSG) 31 Korean National Health Insurance (Affiliate Management) III. GSG & You (Training Program) GSG provides structured training programs Training & Development Korean Language Class †¢ Consulting frameworks Provided for all GS and their partners †¢ Communication skills †¢ Presentation skills †¢ Project & Team management Hypothesis driven work-planning Off-Line On-line Practice Group On-going Coaching †¢ Improve understanding of new trends Experienced consultants provide coaching and performance feedback †¢ Every Friday between 4~6pm †¢ Structured along industry practices Consumer Electronics Device Solutions Mobile 32 Financial Services New Business III. GSG & You (Who Are We Looking For? ) We look for MBAs with diverse backgrounds and global perspectives who can thrive in a team-based, dynamic business environment Teamwork Global Perspective Thrive in groups – flexibility, open-mindedness, patience Capable of understanding global usiness issues Adventurous Spirit Embrace risk and seek new experience 33 Global Strategy Group Diverse Background Have diverse industry, functional & market perspectives III. GSG & You The Gateway to Your Global Career GSG Affiliate Management . Consulting Skills . Functional Expertise . Global Strategic Projects . Execution of Strategy . Diverse Industry Exposure . Transfer to Subsidiaries Developing Samsung’s Global Leaders of Tomorrow 34 IV. Korea & Seoul 01. Modern & Young City 02. Fast and Efficient City 03. Range of Entertainment Options (Clubs, Music, Films, Sports†¦ ) 04. A foreign-friendly city with good support BEAUTIFUL KOREA PRESENTS| 01 Modern & Young City BEAUTIFUL KOREA PRESENTS | 02 Fast and Efficient City BEAUTIFUL KOREA PRESENTS | 03 Range of Entertainment Options (Clubs, Music, Films, Sports†¦) BEAUTIFUL KOREA PRESENTS | 04 A foreign-friendly city with good support Appendix Samsung Group 29 Affiliates web page list Electronics I ndustry Engineering & H eavy Industry Chemical I ndustry Finance & I nsurance Other Companies 42 Affiliate Companies Samsung Electronics Samsung SDI Samsung Electro-Mechanics Samsung Corning Samsung SDS Samsung Techwin Samsung Display Samsung LED Samsung Engineering Samsung C & T Corporation Samsung Heavy Industries Samsung Total Samsung Petrochemical Samsung Fine Chemicals Samsung BP Chemicals Cheil Industries Inc. Samsung Life Insurance Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Samsung Card Samsung Securities Samsung Asset Management Samsung Venture Investment Samsung Everland Inc. The Shilla Hotels & Resorts Samsung Economics Research Institute S1 Corporation Samsung Medical Center Samsung BioLogics Web Page http://www. samsung. com/us/ www. samsungsdi. com www. samsungsem. com www. scp. samsung. com www. sds. samsung. com www. samsungtechwin. com http://www. samsungdisplay. com http://samsungled. com http://www. amsungengineering. co. kr http://www. samsungcnt. com www. shi. samsung. co. kr http://www. samsungtotal. com www. samsungtotal. com www. sfc. samsung. co. kr www. samsungbp. co. kr www. samsungchemical. com www. samsunglife. com www. samsungfire. com www. samsungcard. com www. samsungfn. com www. eng. samsungfund. com www. samsungventure. co. kr www. samsungeverland. com www. shilla. net/en/ www. seriworld. org/ www. s1. co. kr www. samsunghospital. com www. samsungbiologics. com/ GSG School Champion E-mail List Please contact your school champion for further questions School E-mail Berkeley Parkin Kent parkin. [email  protected] com Chicago Yvan Nasr yvan. [email  protected] com Columbia Andrew U. andrew. [email  protected] com Darden Jay / Reginald reg. [email  protected] com / jay. [email  protected] com Dartmouth Andrew P. andrew. [email  protected] com Duke Robert Allen Robert. [email  protected] com HBS Germain Clausse [email  protected] hbs. edu IMD David Sebastio d. [email  protected] com INSEAD Nienke Budde nienke. [email  protected] com Kellogg Johannes & Adrian johan. [email  protected] com / a. [email  protected] com LBS Jean Philppe jp. [email  protected] com Michigan Gil Adato gil. [email  protected] com MIT David Segrera d. [email  protected] com NYU Jawahar Singh j. [email  protected] com Stanford Kimberly Schultz k. [email  protected] com W harton 43 Champion Eyal Yanai eyal. [email  protected] com Haas School Champion Bio – Parkin Kent Name Name Parkin Kent (parkin. [email  protected] com) Class Class Haas, 2011 Previous Exp. Previous experience Cisco Consumer Products (Flip Video & Linksys) Kaiser Associates GSG Start Date GSG start date September, 2011 Current Position Current project Next generation digital advertising strategy for Samsung Electronics Project Highlight Project highlight Meeting with digital advertising thought leaders in NYC, SF and Chicago Words of wisdom 4 Figure out your passion and dedicate yourself 100% Chicago Booth School Champion Bio – Yvan Nasr Name Name Class Class Chicago Booth, 2011 Previous Exp. Previous experience Kingfisher plc (London, Istanbul) Barclays plc (London) GSG Start Date GSG start date September, 2011 Current Position Current project Smart-TV Content Evolutio n Strategy through 2015 Project Highlight Project highlight Worked hand-in-hand with over 15 startups and industry experts to enhance Samsung Smart TV’s UI/Content Words of wisdom 45 Yvan Nasr (yvan. [email  protected] com) Wisdom begins in wonder ! Columbia School Champion Bio – Andrew Umans Name Name Andrew Umans (andrew. [email  protected] com) Class Class Columbia Business School, 2009 Columbia School of International and Public Affairs, 2010 Previous Exp. Previous experience NERA Economic Consulting (Oliver Wyman Group) Value Line Investment Survey GSG Start Date GSG start date September, 2010 Current Position Current project Leveraging Samsung’s businesses in insurance, health IT, and hospitals to create prevention and wellness services Project Highlight Project highlight Discussed potential partnerships with leading data analytics and wellness design companies in the US and Europe Words of wisdom 6 If at first you don’t like kimchi†¦ keep trying. IMD School Champion Bio – David Sebastio Name Name David Sebastio (d. [email  protected] com) Class Class IMD, 2010 Previous Exp. Previous experience Texas Instruments Rakon GSG Start Date GSG start date May, 2011 Current Position Current project System Air Conditioner Channel Mapping for the Digital Appliance Business Project Highlight Project highlight Definition of a Corporate Development fund and process for the microprocessor division Words of wisdom 47 Bring your leadership training to the workplace. Darden School Champion Bio – Jay Subhash Name Name Class Class Darden 2011 Previous Previous Exp. experience Accenture GSG Start Date GSG start date September 2011 Current Position Current project Mobile gaming strategy and partnership development Project Highlight Project highlight Getting a sneak peek at the latest and greatest mobile games Words of wisdom 48 Jay Subhash (jay. [email  protected] com) Turn the fan off at night†¦ Darden School Champion Bio – Reg Jones Name Name Reg Jones (reg. [email  protected] com) Class Class Darden, 2011 Previous Exp. Previous experience NBC Universal MDLinx and M3 USA GSG Start Date GSG start date September, 2011 Current Position Current project Project Highlight Project highlight Understanding how a company as large as Samsung can discover co-marketing and co-selling opportunities. Words of wisdom 49 Multi-Affiliate B2B sales effectiveness study across Engineering, C&T, Techwin, Telecommunications Network Systems, and Digital Appliance System Air-Conditioning. Take several breaks each day to refresh your point of view. Go exercise, enjoy a meal, talk to some friends, and read the news. Dartmouth School Champion Bio – Andrew Persson Name Name Class Class Dartmouth Tuck, 2010 Previous Exp. Previous experience U. S. Chamber of Commerce Advisory Board Company GSG Start Date GSG start date January 2011 Current Position Current project Business model analysis and strategic cooperation with leading developers in Singapore Project Highlight Project highlight Presenting an organizational design overhaul to an insurance Affiliate, and then seeing the implementation of our recommendations Words of wisdom 50 Andrew Persson (andrew. [email  protected] com) Be patient and keep an open mind Fuqua School Champion Bio – Robert Allen Name Name Class Class Fuqua School of Business & Nicholas School of the Environment , 2011 Previous Exp. Previous experience Deutsche Bank, Bear Stearns (pre-MBA) Coastal Conservation League; Glencore (MBA internships) GSG Start Date GSG start date September, 2011 Current Position Current project Renewable energy asset off-taker research and development Project Highlight Project highlight Having presidents and CEO’s of major renewable energy companies reply to your email with â€Å"we’re very eager to speak to you and your team. † Words of wisdom 51 Robert Allen (Robert. [email  protected] com) Be patient ,and when you’re done, be flexible Harvard Business School Champion Bio – Germain Clausse

Friday, September 27, 2019

M7A1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M7A1 - Essay Example Underlying concept of initial investment includes cash outlay, working capital, salvage value and tax implications. The factors that are involved with the initial investment are; purchase price, cash from the sales of old equipment, marginal income tax, increase in working capital, cost of shipping and installation of new equipment. The factors that are involved with the operating cash flows are; sales revenue, cost of production, income before taxes, marginal tax rate, depreciation, increase in working capital. The factors that are involved in terminal cash flow are; decrease in working capital, salvage value, marginal income tax rate. The criteria capital budgeting includes (1) cost of capital, (2) opportunity cost, and break-even point. Cost of capital determines the cost of borrowing to pay for the project. This value set the benchmark for the lowest possible return. This benchmark shows if the investment is worth with compare to other investments. Opportunity cost determines the cost for taking advantage of one option over another. Break-even point determines if the project would contribute to the growth of the company. Break even is the point at which sales equals cost. Break-even point involves determining fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are values that do not depend on production quantity. These costs are like, rent, salary, insurance, etc. Most of the variable costs, are associated with raw material, utility and transportation. Capital budgeting techniques are explicit formulas for analysis of financial values that determine if a company should proceed with the planned investment or not. Some of them are (â€Å" Investment decision – Capital Budgeting† ) Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback methods. All three methods use Operating Cash Flow (OCF) values. The OCF evaluates net cash flow for each year of project operation. The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Promotion & Price Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Promotion & Price - Research Paper Example hannels can also be segmented in order to reach a wide range of people given that the business particularly offers services which can appeal to different people. Price discounts to regular customers will be used in order to create loyalty among them. Price discounts can also be offered during off peak seasons in order to appeal to the interests of the customers. The effectiveness of advertising and promotion will be measured through observing the performance of the organisation. An increase in sales means that the strategy is effective. Feedback from the customers can also be used to measure the effectiveness of the strategy used. The nature of the event will be used to determine the price and aspects such as duration of the event as well as the size of the delegation participating in that particular event will be used to determine the price. For instance, for every delegation, $300 is charged for day services and this will include itinerary such as food as well as other related refreshment. An additional $50 will be charged to cover overnight expenses. A 15 % profit margin will be used to calculate profit from the revenue generated. Our initial start up capital is $40Â  000 and we expect it to double in six months time. Our profit in six months time will be: Solomon M, Cornell LC, Nizan L, (2009). Launch! Advertising and Promotion in Real Time published online by Accessed on August 8, 2011 at

Cultural Timepiece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cultural Timepiece - Essay Example form and before the invention of the industrial clock Does traditional culture not reflect modern culture in earlier form, thus, to conclude that our conceptions of time are motivated by similar conditions For quite a period since the study of time began, it was emphasized by convention that modern and traditional societies perceive time in contrasts. Anthropologists suggested, more in favor of modern time, that traditional time is "cyclical rather than linear, qualitative rather than quantitative, reversible rather than irreversible, encapsulated in tradition rather than constituting the motor of history, organized by routine and practical tasks rather than by the clock, oriented to stability rather than change, geared to natural rather than calendrical rhythms, and reckoned ecologically rather than by an abstract scale" (Adam 1994, 504). With similar theories on traditional time, Whorf singled out the Hopi concept of time and suggested that its distinct difference from the Western concept was of time perceived as not being made up of discrete instances that follow each other but is characterized by a cumulative getting later (1956, 151). And likened to Whorf's analysis, Evans-Pritchard proposed that the movement of their time must be recognized as an illusion, unlike Western time which passes and progresses, because the tribal time structure stays constant, meaning that their perception of time is no more than the movement of persons through the structure. He further propose that the span of their tradition is limited compared to modern Timepiece 3 time, and that in their myth, the events do not have relative succession (1940, 107-8). These notions has provided us with an impression that the time of traditional societies were found by a radically obscure consciousness driven by primitive conditions. Somehow these model theories would, it seems, have us drift farther away instead of closer to understanding other cultures through their behavior towards time, and in a way convince us that our evolutionary relationship with these societies is incomprehensible. Moreover, if we are to consider these analyses as unanimously true and ideal, our alienation would be fueled by an assumption that these other people are actually molded with an alien makeup by some source alien from our world. And by the same exaggeration have us wonder whether our own civilized consciousness was in fact innate and there was never any need for it to have to grow out of evolution. Closer to home, Ingold presented a different set of dichotomies which is more in regard to industrialism and the household. He contrasted perspectives such that there is free time and clock time as opposed to all time is task-oriented; that there is work and leisure against the notion that all life consists of tasks; that there is creative art and the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Property Law 1 Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Property Law 1 Assignment - Essay Example Mitchell had with Alfie. However, Ian as the new freeholder of the property cannot repossess the leased property, unless Mr. Mitchell violates the terms of the lease such as (a) does not pay rent (b) the original lease with Alfie specifies that the lease can be ended before the specified 25 year period (c) refuses to carry out any obligations that are executed in the lease agreement between Alfie and Mr. Mitchell*2. However, there is one important clause that must be considered in the light of the Land registration Act of 2002 which became active in 2003. Since Mr. Mitchell has acquired the property after the date of the new Registration Act, Alfie should have registered the lease title in favor of Mr. Mitchell*3. In fact, since the duration of the lease period is for 25 years, registration would have been mandatory even before the new Act. Hence, the first factor to be explored is whether or not Alfie and/or Mr. Mitchell have registered Mr. Mitchell’s term of lease absolute. In the event this has not been done, Ian will be under no obligation to allow Mr. Mitchell to remain except on renegotiation of new terms. But since Mr. Mitchell has paid some consideration in order to acquire a lease on the property, he will be entitled and within his rights to retain his possession of it and his lease allows him the right to peaceful possession and enjoyment of the outbuilding on which he holds a lease. Although he possesses the outbuilding, this is not a separate property but will be a part of the Albert Court property depending upon the legal description of the property and its boundaries as they have been spelt out in the title deed. Miss Watt’s term of tenancy is however a short term. The terms of the Land registration requirements under the new Act of 2002 will apply in her case*4. The new Law requires that all new tenancies of any length that start more than three months after the date

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Roman Polanski's Macbeth Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Roman Polanski's Macbeth - Research Paper Example He has been able to visually entrance the viewers into a universe of natural elements of rain and mist, gray dawns and clammy dusks, as well as transport them to an era where hoof-beats and trumpets were the only sounds that emanated from the streets of a European town. (Anderegg, M.) Polanski had a simple vision in mind while executing the movie; he wanted to make the character of Macbeth know what his actions would ultimately serve him and he has been able to deliver every character, even Macduff, with great justice. Every single person within the film seems to have been pushed by some or the other circumstance bequeathed upon them and thus every scene becomes motivated with several ideas that make the movie so enthralling to watch. A number of critics therefore say that since this film is actually an original take on the tragedy and not an interpretation of Shakespeare’s dialogues, it should rightfully called ‘Polanski’s Macbeth’. (Ebert, Roger) Many state that this film is one of the most pessimistic pieces of art made by Polanski and his final ending of having crowned another king adds to this suspicion. He has taken very few liberties with Shakespeare’s work and has aimed at orchestrating the visual content in order to transform it into a move goer’s delight while tampering with the realizations that people have while watching the film on screen. This is primarily how Polanski’s personal creative visualization sets him apart from other directors. He has also aimed to increase the roles of certain characters within the film who he feels did not get much leverage when Shakespeare wrote the play. For example, in the fifth scene, he has placed a great deal more importance on Lady Macbeth by increasing her presence on screen. This further helps to add continuity to the film as well as adds to building a sense of horror among the other characters and events that take place during the course of the film. Polanski is also

Monday, September 23, 2019

Child Labor in Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Child Labor in Africa - Research Paper Example Defining the phenomena To this date millions of children are working forcefully or willingly, under hazardous conditions which are not just harmful to their health and well-being but also to the innocence of their childhood. The innocence unknowingly seeps out of their souls as they choose a life in order to fulfill a role not yet meant for them. In the UNICEF Child Labor protection information sheet, child labor is defined as children that fall in the bracket of under 12 working in any kind of economic activity, children between the age of 12-14 engaged in any form of work that can’t be labeled as light work and all ages involved in the worst form of labor which are enslaved, prostituted, trafficked, forced into illegal activities or exposed to hazardous conditions (1). Further on, it is important to understand what is not taken as child labor; involvement in any sort of work by children which is neither having a negative effect on their health, personal growth not is it crea ting any form of hindrance in their journey for education (ILO & I-P Union, 14). For example a daughter helps her mother in household chores or a son assists his dad every now and then on the family farm. International Labor Organization Under the watchful eye of the United Nations, International Labor Organization initiated a program in the year 1992 known as the International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor. The goal of the organization was to eliminate child labor from its roots. Currently, IPEC has operations in 88 countries and with the help of different partners such as NGO’s, private businesses etc., it is making tremendous efforts to infiltrate the child labor swamp and clean it up (Wikipedia). Increasing concern of child labor With the help of different organizations, NGO’s, some powerful governments; Child Labor has turned into a heated debate and is one of the most important issues discussed all around the world due to the growing concept of global ization through which global communication was conceived. Yet, even with all the discussions, debates and awareness rising around the globe the eradication of the malice completely would take quite a long time. As discussed earlier, the new world order brought with it many different perspectives. Globalist would refer to it as a positive step towards solving the problem of collective goods, isolationist policies and others that were present before the cold war. While skeptics would come up with the argument that accuses globalization of being a system that has generated intensive competition between states in which labor and resources are exploited to a dangerous extreme. Nevertheless, globalization, liberalization of trade, transparency of economy and changing thought process of consumers is an extremely important reason as to why child labor has turned into a growing concern (ILO & I-P Union, 18). Africa- leading the world in child labor? In Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa is a region that is accounted to have the highest percentage of child labor. International Labor Organization statistics present to us an astounding figure of 80 million that is a prominent 41% of children who belong to the under 14 age bracket are working (Andvig, Canagarajah &

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Identifying Bacterial Growth

Identifying Bacterial Growth Introduction: This experiment was about isolating a single bacterial colony from a soil sample and identifying which genus it belongs in. This is especially important for functions such as agriculture, as knowing whether a specific soil has a high concentration of nutrient producing bacterium is essential to being able to harvest good crops. Another key component of soil bacterium, is that they tend to be high in nutrient recycling organisms. As well there tends to be a high number of varying phylum in soil bacterium that was previously unknown, as in 2003 Joseph et al. managed to isolate 350 different bacterium which were assigned into 9 different phyla. As well approximately 27% of the isolated bacterium belonged to unnamed families, and were located in very poorly studied phyla. (Joseph et al. 2003) Methods: The experiment began by subculturing a bacterial colony identified from a myriad of soil bacterium isolated in an agar plate. Then this bacterial colony was observed through a microscope, as well as tested for whether it was gram positive or gram negative. Then the bacterium was re-cultured into varying solutions to test for specific nutrient use. First it was subcultured onto an agar plate rich in starch, incubated, and tested for starch hydrolysis via the use of lugols iodine, to see if there was starch remaining in the area of the bacterial colony. Then a deep rich in sulfur was inoculated with the bacterium, and observed for whether motility was displayed, or whether hydrogen sulphide was produced. Then the bacterium was inoculated in a peptone broth, to test for production of ammonia, through the addition of Nesslers Reagent, an ammonium sulphate broth and a nitrite broth, to test for the ability to nitrify compounds using Nesslers reagent; Trommdorfs Reagent; diphenylamine; and Sulfuric acid, and a nitrate broth to test for the ability to denitrify compounds using indicated reagents. Then the bacterium was placed into a thioglycollate medium to test the oxygen tolerance of the bacterium. Next the bacterium was subcultured onto a normal agar plate, to test for the presence of catalase and oxidase. Finally the bacterium was subcultured on plates with varying NaCl concentrations, and inoculated in tubes of varying pHs and tubes with varying temperatures. (Robertson and Egger, 2010) Results: In this lab our obtained data was collected and summarized (Table 1). This was then used to obtain a possible bacteria genera from the collected data, based on a text of classifications. These include references for whether a microbe genera happens to have a specific enzyme, to which types of electron donors it utilizes throughout its ATP production phase, be it in oxidative phosphorylation, or substrate level phosphorylation, or even a form of fermentation. The information gathered in table in is well correlated in the assigned manual, and is indicative of the genera Bacillus, which is known for its Rod-like shape, and the ability of this specific genera to grow across a vast array of nutrient types. (Sneath, 1986) Other indicators of this particular Genus, are that Bacilli tend to grow most predominantly within a temperature range characterized by mesophilic organisms, and have a wide range of osmotic pressure, or salt concentration tolerances. Another indicator of the bacillus genera, is the fact that this unknown bacteria tested positive on the gram test, as most members of the bacillus genera are gram-positive bacteria. Discussion: The bacterium is of the genus bacillus, because of the fact that it fits into the category of being able to survive in most conditions. (Sneath, 1986) The main characteristics that helped identify this bacterium were the fact that it is gram positive, that it is rod-shaped, and the determination through chemical testing that it can utilize multiple nutrient types to grow, and reproduce. These characteristics pointed definitively to the bacterium bacillus, and further investigation revealed them to most likely be either Bacillus cereus, or Bacillus licheniformis. These bacterium share almost all in common with the isolated bacterium in terms of chemical use, and similar makeup. This bacterium could have been further identified through other tests, such as looking for other enzymes that may be present, and performing tests to determine the exact makeup of the cell wall. The other tests that could be performed, could be to detect for the presence of chemicals known to be associated with fermentation, such as lactic acid. The limitations of the tests which were performed, are that they tend to test for the same type of thing. For example if something tests positive for nitrification, they may not test positive for ammonification because it is all converted straight to a nitrate form. The Bacillus strain plays many varied roles in nature, based on its vast adaptability, and the variance of locations it is found in. For example, it ranges from living in soil, to water, from animals, to plants. The Bacillus is even found in a pathogenic form, as Bacillus anthracis in humans, and in multiple forms in insects and animals. (Sneath, 1986) This means that the Bacillus anthracis strain is of a particular interest to scientists, as it is a reason to research antibiotics, as well as a reason to investigate different strains of this bacterium to see what other pathogenic roles this bacterium can cause in living creatures. This lab contains many possible sources of error, the main one being cross contamination. As the bacterium was recultured so many times, each time represents a possible instance where another bacterium was added to the mix, or substituted for the bacterium being isolated. Also during testing different bacteriums could have been picked up and added to the testing which could have caused a shift in results, or an increase in the range a specific result is in. Another source of error, is that there was what appeared to be a subculture of yeast intermixed with one of the bacterium subcultures obtained during testing. As this yeast subculture was at one time located on the same plate as the bacterium which was isolated and tested for, it could have also been located in our sample throwing our specific results off. These specific errors could inevitably cause the data gathered to point to the wrong bacterium genus and lead to misclassification. This could be corrected for by taking multipl e subcultures of the bacterium, and observing each subculture carefully to determine if there is any presence of different bacterial strains. In the end, the objectives of this experiment were properly met, as a bacterial sample was subcultured from a soil sample, and the bacterium was adequately identified via a myriad of tests and procedures. Since these objectives were met the experiment could be considered to be successful, especially as it taught me about different subculturing techniques as well as the methods that a microbiologist uses to determine bacterial identity. Literature Cited: Joseph, S.J., Hugenholtz, P., Sangwan, P., Osborne, C. A., Janssen, P. H. (2003) Laboratory Cultivation of Widespread and Previously Uncultured Soil Bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 69: 7210-7215 Robertson, S., Egger, K. (2010) Identification of Soil Bacteria. Biology 203 Microbiology Lab Manual. 4-33 Sneath, P. H. A. Ed. Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Volume 2. 1986. Lipincott, Williams, Wilkins. Baltimore, Maryland.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Production Processes Of Top Glove Company Commerce Essay

Production Processes Of Top Glove Company Commerce Essay One of the successful reasons that TG Company can succeed in their business is because they have a strong and good production process in their latex glove making. They believe that they must have the most modern and advanced glove manufacturing machineries if they wished to be continuing as a world-class cost effective glove manufacturer. They have invested substantially in the machineries that are needed to ensure that they can fully adopt the latest manufacturing techniques for all their production lines. Other than that, they to ensure that they can consistently produce high quality latex gloves are also using a continuous engineering process. Competent and experienced personnel also contribute in smooth production line and consistency in quality of the latex gloves even though they have modern machineries. In addition, an on-line quality control measures have been instituted throughout the manufacturing processes to ensure the highest quality products. The latex is a white, milky liquid that comes from rubber trees, which is either from native or hybrid trees. Mostly, TG gets its latex from buying through the rubber market while the remaining latex is from their own rubber plantation. The latex will be harvested from rubber trees when the trees trunk is swollen and also every day, after the rain has stopped during the rainy season. The latex is a natural product and it will coagulate easily, therefore it needs to be harvests from the rubber trees as soon as possible and then send to TG factory to be manufactured. When the latex is sent to the TG factory, the latex will be manufactured with a standardized method that is set by the company itself. The flow of the production process of latex glove in TG Company is former cleaning, coagulant dipping, drying, latex dipping, leaching, beading, vulcanizing, post leaching, slurry dipping, stripping, tumbling, and quality control. Former Cleaning Before the latex can be process to the coagulant dipping process into hand-shaped, the glove formers need to be cleaned before it can be used to form hand-shaped latex gloves. A quality production of exam gloves includes the environment of latex glove factory is clean. This also means glove formers must be cleaned to ensure there is no dirt or debris anywhere because it will affect the final product to possibly have defects like holes. Firstly, glove former must be dipping into an acid bath and then rinse with clean water. Secondly, an alkaline bath is used by dipping the glove formers in them to neutralize the acid and again rinsed in clean water. Lastly, an important step that is the glove formers are brushed to ensure the surface of the glove formers is consistent and eliminate pinholes on the latex gloves after it form. TG factory have multiple production lines that produce batches of disposable gloves. If there is any dirt or debris on the glove former, it can result in the manufacturer being forced to trash the entire batch of latex gloves. This reason shows the importance of glove formers that must be regularly inspected and cleaned before the molds are dipped into coagulant tanks. Coagulant Dipping After the glove former is cleaned, it will be coated with coagulant (eg. calcium nitrate) and be dipped into the coagulant bath to help the latex mixture adhere to the formers and to help ensure the latex is distributed evenly. The glove formers are dipped into the coagulant tank under TG workers control to extract the protein from the previous glove dipping and this dipping is done once for every production cycle. Drying Drying is one of the stations in production process of latex gloves manufacturing whereby the coagulant converts the liquid latex film into a wet-gel on the glove formers and will eventually travel through a series of ovens to dry the gloves and end the coagulation process. In brief, it is a process of drying the gloves from wet to readymade gloves. Latex Dipping Latex dipping is one of the stations in the production process of latex gloves manufacturing and the tank is filled with compounded latex. A latex layer will be formed on the glove former after it goes through this tank. The thickness of the latex glove is determined at the coagulating and dipping stage. The longer the time the glove former travels in the coagulant tank, the thicker the latex gloves will be formed. TG Company will ensure that the latex gloves that produce is high quality and safe to be use. Leaching This leaching stage can called as the pre-vulcanization leaching. It also known as wet gel leaching. Residual chemicals and proteins on the surface of the gloves are put into the leaching process to be removed after the drying of latex mixture. A longer leaching line can wash out latex proteins more effectively. Besides that, the water must be hot and fresh enough to make the proteins dissolve better. This step is a critical step to minimize the occurrence of latex sensitivity. The water temperature, process duration, and water exchange rate will affect the effectiveness of the process. Good leaching line can result in a good and quality latex glove. Beading Beading is a process whereby up to a dozen chemicals are added to help in next manufacturing process of latex gloves. The chemicals added are antioxidant that prevents deterioration of the rubber molecules in the final product by heat, moisture, and ozone. Chemical accelerators are also added to help control the next vulcanization process. Vulcanization One of the discovery key in manufacturing rubber is the vulcanization process. It is a curing process in the production process of latex gloves whereby the latex particles are modified by adding in accelerator chemicals to it. When all the materials are heated, sulfur atoms are chained with the rubber molecules to form a cross-link that gives strengths and elasticity to the physical properties of the rubber. This process ensures the rubber will not be torn and melt easily. Post Leaching This process is similar to the wet-film leaching previously, but it is a little different whereby it is carried out on the dry/vulcanized latex film. Therefore, it is also known as dry-film leaching. Time and temperature is the most important element to ensure effectiveness in the process of water extractives reduction. Latex gloves may be leached up to 24 hours to ensure its effectiveness. Slurry Dipping This stage is also known as wet even powdering. The slurry tank containing the cornstarch solution can prevent latex gloves from sticking in the tank. The slurry is also referred to as wet powder. The benefit of this powder is acting as preservation of the latex gloves and to assist in the latex gloves donning process. TG Company has followed the international method in the specific stage whereby the latex gloves will go through more ovens for further drying and additional rinsing cycles where the powder will be removed. The process of removing the powder is to avoid latex allergic reaction. Stripping At this stage, the latex gloves are stripping from the glove formers. There are two types of methods, which are manually or automatically stripping the latex gloves from the glove formers. TGs latex examination gloves are stripped by fully automated stripping machine. By using this fully automated stripping machine, TG can increase the quality and safety of the latex gloves they produced. The latex gloves will be sent to the next phase of the latex glove manufacturing process for final drying. Tumbling The tumbling process at latex gloves manufacturing process is to remove excessive powder on the gloves. The latex gloves are putting into the commercial dryers to ensure that the powder is more evenly distributed and excess powder can be removed. Powder-Free Gloves Powder-free gloves stage is a technology to prevent stickiness of gloves by avoiding powder usage completely by going through chlorination or polymer coating process. This is one of the important technology processes in manufacturing latex glove nowadays because most of the glove makers are producing the latex gloves with powder-free. Top Glove produces latex powder and powder-free gloves. Basically, the powder-free latex gloves are transformed from powdered gloves when the powder is removed. Before the latex gloves dried, the powder helps the latex gloves give uniformity as well as to prevent the latex gloves from molding together. The tackiness on the glove surface can be removed by rinsing the latex gloves in water. Then it is placed into a chlorine bath to transform the powdered latex gloves to powder-free latex gloves. The glove is turned inside out and the process is repeated. The powder-free gloves are placed back into the dryers when the bathing process is completed. Quality Control TG carries out its quality control in total quality management system. In total quality management system, the process includes regular testing of raw materials, close monitoring the manufacturing process, continuous improvement on quality control, maintain regular quality control, complying with stringent quality standard, target for zero defects, good instructional labeling, efficient work standardization, continuous improvements in packing and loading, close monitoring of production process, tensile strength machine, innovative auto-stripping system, visual air pump test, water tight test, physical dimension test, protein test and powder test in their manufacturing process of latex gloves. The visual air pump test, water tight test and physical dimension test will be carried out in this quality control stage while the other test will be carry out during each manufacturing process of the latex gloves. The air pump test serves to check for holes and visual defects in gloves while th e watertight test serves to check for pinholes rate on the latex gloves. Each country will have their own acceptable quality level (AQL) in allowing the company to export product to their country. For example, the companies that want export their gloves to United States, a 2.5 AQL in the watertight test or better. The physical dimension test is used to measure the dimension of the gloves whether to know the measurement does meet the inspection level of 4.0 that set in AQL. Packing Packing is the final stage in the manufacturing process of latex gloves. TG packs their latex gloves in flat and efficient layer-by-layer to ease the dispensing of gloves in order to avoid latex gloves difficult to dispense from each gloves later. This type of packing method can reduces waste and makes latex gloves easier to take out from the box. For example, we can dispense tissue from a tissue box easily and the idea is applied to the latex gloves box dispensers. This layered technique is often use by all glove manufacturers. Lastly, when all production processes are completely carried, the latex gloves will be keep in TG warehouse for labeling and then send to their particular customers. In addition, the latex gloves are also being exported to other countries. The production processes of Top Glove are repeated for all the production lines and to ensure the latex gloves that are produced are in high quality and safe for use. Strength of the Production Process: The machine technologies that TG used to make their production processes of latex gloves are result in superior quality and it is safe to use by all consumers. The production process in TG adopts the latest manufacturing techniques by using the modern machineries. Other than that, the production processes in TG helps their company to increase precision and productivity in their latex gloves production. This is due to the advanced and modern technology that applied in the production processes. In addition, the production processes also increase the flexibility in producing latex gloves. The production processes will also increase the process stability during the manufacturing process of latex gloves. It is because the production processes are carried under a systematic production processes. The products will be produced gradually by following specific production processes and to ensure the product is high quality produced. The efficient production processes is able to help TG in saving a lot of production cost. It is because the efficient production processes can ensure that they can produce latex gloves effectively and efficiently. Then, the production processes also helps TG in reducing the number of workers. This is due to most of production processes are fully operated by the machine technology. This helps TG to save cost in the workers. Weakness of the Production Process: TG needs to invest heavily in buying the modern machineries and need to hire more experienced personnel in their production process. TG uses modern technology in carrying out their production processes to make latex gloves. The machineries that bought were extremely expensive. Thus, the maintenance of the machineries is expensive and if there had any minor or major accessories spoiled; it will be costly to the company to repair it back. It is because the accessories that are used in the machines are not for common use by other manufacturers within the same field area or other field areas and it is difficult to look for substitutes for that specific accessories. TG always checks and maintains the effectiveness of their machineries to prevent it from being spoiled. In addition, TG also needs to hire more experienced and skilled personnel with higher salary to operate the specific machineries and carry researches. Some machinery needs special skilled and experienced personnel to take charge and TG does not simply hire a worker to operate the manufacturing machineries. The experts for such operations in the latex industry are much fewer in other fields. Thus, TG needs to spend more money to hire those experts that operate their operations. Facility Layout: The layout of a company is very important because it establishes an organizations competitive priorities in regard to capacity, process, flexibility, cost, as well as quality of work life, customer contact, and image. An effective layout can help an organization achieve a strategy that supports differentiation, low cost, or response. The objective of layout strategy is to develop an effective and efficient layout that will meet the firms competitive requirements. Layout design has the following purpose:- Higher utilization of space, equipment, and people Improved flow of information, materials, or people Improved employees morale and safer working conditions Improved customer/ client interaction Flexibility (layout need to be change from time to time) TG is a company that used work cell layout to produce its products. Work cell layout means an arrangement of machines and personnel that focuses on making a single product or family of related products. A work cell reorganizes people and machines that would ordinarily be dispersed in various departments into a group so that they can focus on making a single product or a group of related products. Once the work cell has the appropriate equipment located in proper sequence, the next task will be staff and balance the cell. Normally it involves two steps. First, determine the takt time, which is the pace (frequency) of production units necessary to meet customer orders: Takt time = Total work time available/ Units required Second, determine the number of operators required: Workers required = Total operation time required/ Takt time By doing so, the company can increased equipment and machinery utilization due to better scheduling and faster material flow. Diagram below shows the layout of Top Glove company and the description of the components inside the layout:- The space of the layout is 80m (length) x 50m (width) x 8m (height) which can be categorize as a big company. Waste water- All the unwanted or wastewater will stored in this area. Latex storage- This is the place to store latex that use to produce latex gloves. It place near to the dipping line and chemical dispensing compounding ball mills because it easy for mixing work which need to combine other raw material and chemical substances with latex to produce the latex gloves. WC- This is the place for workers to refresh themselves. Tools/Maintenance- Places that put or keep the tools and equipments that used to produce the glove and for maintenance purpose. All the tools and equipments will be keeping in a specific place that easy the workers to find it. Chemical storage- All the chemical substances, which are dangerous, will keep here to avoid any accident happen and make sure the workplace is safety. This room is just nearby of the chemical dispensing compounding ball mills to make sure that the compounding work can be carry out smoothly. Dipping line- This is the place where machine is design for examination and surgical latex gloves, which include the process of auto washing, coagulants agents dipping, latex dipping, drying, and beading, fore leaching, vulcanizing, post-leaching, wet powdering, cooling, and stripping. Chemical Dispensing Compounding Ball Mills- The place that carry out the work of compounding or mixing of the raw materials, chemical substances, latex and many other to produce the gloves. Chlorination- A process of producing powder free gloves by treating these gloves with chlorine. It also removes the first layer of protein to an acceptable level. Tumbler Dryer- It is a machine that tries to dry up the gloves after all the compound mixed together. Sterilization- The place that sterilizes the gloves using Gamma irradiation to eliminate all microbial life, including highly resistant bacteria spores. Worker Canteen- Places for workers to have their meals. Plant Officer- This is the office for plant officer who supervise the production work of the company. Q.C Room- All the finished gloves will send to this room for checking before send to customer. The workers will checked the gloves one by one and see whether there are any rejected glove that do not meet the quality standard of the company. Lap Testing- Lap for chemist to test for new formula or compound that can improve the existing glove or testing for new products. This is good for the company to fight with his competitors however; some cost may be incurred for the research and development work. Packaging Area/Material- All the gloves that have go through Q.C checking will send here for packaging before sell to the customers. There are sufficient machine and material prepared for packaging work so that the glove will be pack nicely and keep in a good condition. Show Room- Room to display the products of the company. Customers who interested in the products of the company can take a look on the sample that show in this room. Company Office- Main office of the company where all the admin work of the company will carry out here. Finished Product Storage- The finished products will be stored here and waiting to send to the customers by the trucks. Strength of the Facility Layout: Top Glove used work cell layout as their strategy to produce their products to utilize the capacity of the company, which may bring a lot of advantages to the company. First, it can reduced work-in- process inventory which means there is less inventories or equipments needed to link up the work that is in different process because the work cell is set up to provide one piece flow from machine to machine. Second, less floor space required because less space is needed between machines to accommodate work-in-process inventory. For example, the tumbler dryer is place closely with the process of sterilization that uses to sterilize the gloves bacteria. Thus, it saves a lot of space between these two processes. Next, when the employees work in this kind of layout, it will heightened the sense of employees participation in the organization and the product which will encourage them to add responsibility toward the product quality because they directly associated with the products in their ow n work cell. For example, the employees who work as an operator in dipping line will feel motivated and carry out his work carefully when the manager empowered him to look after the machine or participate in any work that related to the dipping process. Lastly, increased equipment and machinery utilization is also one of the advantages because of better scheduling and faster material flow. When the glove is being chlorinate immediately it will proceed to the process of drying and after this it will go through the process of sterilization immediately as well. The fast material flow show that it utilize the machinery and equipment effectively. Weaknesses of the Facility Layout: However, there are still some weaknesses in this layout, which is the straight-line work cell layout as we can see in the dipping line. The workers in the dipping line are arrange in such way that sometime they will find that it is hard to divided their work evenly and more worker is needed compare to the U-shape work cell layout. This may cause social loafing in the workplace, which means some worker may work less as compare to his colleague. This is not good to happen in the workplace because it will lower down the morale of other worker who works hard but he just gets the same pay as his colleague who is lazy. Next, from the layout of the company, we also notice that there is only one main gate for exist and entry but no other emergency or back door in the layout. This is also a weakness of the company because there is no other emergency door for workers to escape if any accident happens. Goods and Service Design: The other strategic of this company is goods and service design. Top Gloves main productions are rubber gloves, synthetic gloves and surgical gloves. Top glove producing more latex glove as compare others glove, since latex gloves is a better choice of protection. The reasons are the latex is the main material in rubber gloves manufacture where it is the gold standard for durability. Where latex is referring to a milky, usually whitish, fluid obtained from over 1,000 species of trees and plants. It is the most important raw material used for the production of latex gloves, natural rubber latex, which derived from the Hevea Brasiliensis tree species found mainly in South East Asia though they originated from Brazil. It demonstrates superior elasticity, strength and barrier protection. It outperforms vinyl as well as any synthetic rubber in terms of maintaining barrier integrity in routine and high risks procedures. Based on the researches, the latex gloves provide up to 9 times more p rotection during normal use than non-latex gloves. The glove size is determined by measuring the circumference of the hand around the palm area with a tape measure. The usual size standard for examination gloves are of XS XL, while surgical gloves are of 6.5 8.5. The gloves thickness measured by depth protecting skin from exposure to elements. It was measured on a single wall using a micrometer over several parts of the glove, typically at the cuff, the mid-palm and the finger sections. The types of gloves are latex gloves, nitrile gloves, vinyl gloves, medical gloves, surgical gloves, disposable gloves, clean room gloves, household gloves, general-purpose gloves, and polyethylene gloves (PE glove). For example, the nitrile glove is one of the synthetic gloves that are produced from the synthetic latex of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Copolymer type, which is resistance to oil and exhibiting rubber-like characteristics. Its elasticity is good but less superior as compared to natural rub ber. It is generally more costly than natural latex gloves. Strengths of the Goods and Service design: The strengths of using this strategic which is the goods and service design are Top Gloves gloves are protect to lives and the price of it are low compare to other glove brands. When they manufacture the gloves, the gloves will test in the elongation or stretching test, to measure the strengths of the gloves. During extended surgeries, the practice of changing to a new pair of gloves prior to a critical procedure has been noted to reduce bacterial contamination. Weakness of the Goods and Service design: The weaknesses are poor donning techniques, which is can result in glove rips and tears. Healthcare personnel should take care to don gloves correctly and avoid excessive stretching. Thoroughly dry hands before sliding them into gloves. Quality Management: Quality is refers to the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Every organization should manage and control of their products quality. It is important to help the organization to build a well reputation in the industry. By doing this, customer will more reliability on such product and finally help to gain the market share. Top Glove is a manufacturer company that pays much attention on the products quality. Top Glove committed and believes in top quality products, they are responsibility to ensure quality consistency and product reliability to all their customers and users. Before the products go into the packaging process and sell to the market, Top Glove has implemented the quality inspection process to make sure that their products are producing at the expected quality level. Top Glove is strongly stresses on Total Quality Management (TQM) and the Quality Control tests are conducted from the point we receive our raw materials straight through the production processes and the finished products points. Compulsory pre-shipment inspections are carried out before the delivery of each order. Top Glove is emphasis on stringent quality control procedures in line with ISO 9001 and in strict compliance with ASTM and EN 455 standards. Top Glove has using the tensile strength machine as the measurement of the stretch required to break the glove material. Glove without good vulcanized process tend to have higher tensile strength. Top Glove also has using the innovative auto-stripping system to removing the gloves from the formers, where they are turn inside out. By doing this, the productivity can be increase because it is faster than by using manual stripping. Air pump test has been used to check for holes and visual defects in gloves. Furthermore, water tight test also using by Top Glove to check on the quality of products which is a test that use to determine the AQL level of an examination gloves by checking on the pinholes of the particular gloves after filling up the gloves with 1000ml water and then check for any leakage in 2 minutes time. To ensure the quality of products, Top Glove has been conducted the protein test of the rubber. All natural rubber latex products contain protein. For latex gloves, it is t he measurement of total protein regardless of allergenic content. The ASTM D5712 standard is using the test method in the Modified Lowry assay for analysis of aqueous Extractable Protein Natural Rubber. Besides, Top Glove has using powder free technology to prevent stickiness of gloves by avoiding powder usage completely by going through chlorination or polymer coating process. Besides, Top Glove believes and emphasize strongly in Research Development (RD) to be in line with ever-changing business environment and to cater to the increasing high expectations of end-users. To keep pace with the latest development in the rubber production, Top Glove has been collaborating closely with the Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia (RRI) and Lembaga Getah Malaysia (LGM) in the latest development on rubber research technology in Malaysia. Strength of the Quality design: The company able to fulfill or able to follow the Quality control of the foreign site company needs such as European and American customers. Top Glove is a company that very strictly in controls their products quality. Before they sell the products into the market, they will make sure that all of the products are match with the ISO 9001. Because of the high quality control of the products, it may help Top Glove to have more competitive power in the market. In those western countries such as Europe and United States, most of the consumers may have high requirement of a product; they are more concern toward the quality of products instead of the price. They are willing to pay higher price that to get a high quality product. Because of the Top Glove is pay more attention on the quality control, therefore, the quality of the products is more consistent and reliability. To maintain the quality of products, Top Glove is using the innovative technology and always improving their system. With the high quality control of the products, the products quality is more consistent and seldom making substandard products; Top Glove is able to fulfill those consumers needs. Those western countries consider as larger markets in the world; by fulfill those consumers needs of the products, it may lead Top Glove to build their reputation in the market. When they have built a better reputation in the market, the consumers may tend to repurchase those high quality products; it may help the company to gain higher market share. Therefore, the company may have higher profitable. Weakness of the Quality design: The company must update their Quality control fulfillment on consistent basis from their Customers wants such as European and American customer. There is higher cost incur for updating the technology for fulfill the foreign site customer. Most of the western consumers are emphasis on the quality of the products when they are purchasing; therefore, to maintain the market share in the western market, fulfill all of the western consumers needs is important. To maintain the profitable of the company, Top Glove should always update their quality control of the products that based on the customers needs and wants. To fulfill those consumers needs, Top Glove has developed a Research Development (RD) department. This department is required to make sure that the company is using the most efficiency and latest technology in production line. To develop a RD department, there is required an extra capital investment. Besides the machines that is required of the department; some professional also needed to hire to assist in the department. When the department had developed the latest technology, Top Glove is needed to update the initial technology to the latest that can fulfill those consumers needs. However, it is costly to the c ompany. Global Forces: Political Forces The Malaysian government was strictly regulating the health and safety conditions in the Top Glove manufacturing workplace. Besides, under the regulation, the company had to follow the minimum wage on their workers. Besides, that every nation and country was conscious about the environmental issue, similarly happen to Malaysia, it was a compulsory recycling law was enforce to the Manufacturers in Malaysia. Due to this recycling law, it is good to Top Glove Corporation as they can recycle and save their cost on raw material. Thus, it significantly affects the operation of the company and there is a need for Top Glove to maintain good relationship with the ministry and government. Economical Forces Top Glove Corporation having taxes heavily as it taxed at rate that are quite high. Besides, approximately 10 percent interest rates prevailing in the Malaysia market that crea

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Pride And Prejudice :: essays research papers

Pride and Prejudice is a story about two married couples who do not respect each other. Mrs. Bennet business is to get her five daughter's to marry the most richest man in England. She is willing to take on any obstacles that get in her way. Mr. Bennet is a very outspoken and sardonic person. If there is anything he dislikes about mrs. Bennet or about what she is doing, he let her know. He love to criticize his wife. "I see no occasion for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party." I chose this quote because it shows how Mr. Bennet criticize his wife. Mr bennet plays around with Miss Bennet not like a husband should. "My dear Mr. Bennet," said his lady to him one day, "have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?" Mr.Bennet replied that he had not, which he has. Mrs. Bennet is a greedy and arrogant woman. Her business is to get all her daughter to marry the most richest man in England, and she is willing to take on any obstancles that stand in her way. "Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!". This quote shows how she believes in marrying for money instead of love. The percipient woman would rather her daughter's to die than not marrying. Quoted: Had she found Jane in any apparent danger, Mrs. Bennet would have been very miserable; but being satisfied on seeing her that her illness was not alarming she had no wish of her recovering immediately, probably remove her from Netherfield. I picked this quot because it shows she is a bad mother, because a mother should care about her daughter. The woman is malcontent until all her daughter's is married. Mr. Bennet and his wife do not talk to each other with respect. Mr. Bennet favor Elizabeth and Mrs. Bennet likes Jane and Lizzy the most. "Lizzy is not a bit better than the others; and I am sure she is not half handsome as Janes, nor half so good humoured as Lydia". But you are always giving her the preference.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Management Essay -- Business Management Leadership

Being a manager takes a great deal of hard work, dedication, and persistence. In order to achieve the goal of becoming a CEO, necessary skills of a manager must be developed and then achieve the skills and confidence to succeed. Since managers are leaders, leadership skills and cross-functional leadership skills must be developed. Lehman Brothers, a global investment bank, emphasizes the importance of â€Å"leadership potential and initiative, as well as problem solving and technical skills.† The management training program will provide a plan of action to strategize and grasp all the necessary skills in a short time to fulfill the goal of becoming the CEO. First and foremost, managers must identify weaknesses, polish up strengths, and learn new ideas and concepts that will improve their leadership qualities. Developing leadership qualities includes perfecting a key set of management skills; conceptual skills, interpersonal skills, technical skills, and political skills. It is important to use interpersonal skills to work with management team members in the program and to listen to ideas and opinions. â€Å"Without strong interpersonal skills, then it is not possible to be a successful manager.† The manager would develop conceptual skills a CEO would encompass to have the vision and determination through the logical thinking process. Also, learning how other people think and accepting the differences that exist would assist in managing them. This would give credibility to the manager as a person who is not afraid to think out of the box and to tread paths that are not always the norm. An amicable environment must be created where people are not afraid to communicate, manage resources and apply ideas and theories to lead ... ...e to the sub-managers whether or not he or she has the technical know-how. The CEO is able to make key decisions for the company that benefits the firm in a macro level and ensures that the decisions are made in the shareholders best interests. The CEO understands Skilos Inc. in a big picture sense, assesses issues, creates good solutions and evaluates results, while keeping a positive morale. The goal would be to work for the betterment of the company while maintaining the mission and vision of the shareholders and company. P. Buhler, Managing in the New Millennium: Interpersonal Skills (article), July 2005 R. Teerlink and L. Ozley, More than a Motorcycle, p. 268 J. Vardallas, How to Keep your Strategic Planning Focused (article), February 2005 L. Stark, Successful Meetings (article), July 2005