Sunday, September 29, 2019

Middle Ages educations

Education is acquiring or imparting new knowledge and also an art of teaching. Middle Ages educations have different experience from Greek education. Education in the Middle Ages most of the people were unable to read and write and showing lack of culture but some of the children who belongs to the upper class were educated. The Monks taught the poor children on how to read and write a little. Grammar schools where built for the middle class boys, and they worked long hours in the grammar school and the boys were beaten with rods or twigs as their form of discipline. Middle age education is unfortunate for the reason that popular educational history books continue to repeat errors and misstatements. During the middle age period monks were the teacher for learning to read and write Latin at the school for boys. Latin is the major language used by the church and bible. Literacy and learning were increasing and by 15th century students began to learn grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. At that time one-third of the population started to learn on how to read and write. During the Middle Ages, which were on the 5th to the 15th century, Christianity particularly Roman Catholic Church operated the parishes, monastery and chapels at the elementary level. Schools in monasteries and cathedrals offered secondary education while much of the teaching in these schools was directed at learning Latin, the old Roman language used by the church in its ceremonies and teachings. The church provided some limited opportunities for the education of women in religious communities of convents (History 2). The Greek Gods were much more down-to-earth and much less awesome than the remote gods of the East. Because they were furnish with human qualities and represented aspects of the physical world, such as the sun, the moon, and the sea (Greek ). In Greek education ancient Greece girls learned skills from their mothers like weaving and only boys went to school at the age of seven. Girls learned athletics and dancing for them to become fit and healthy mothers of more soldiers. And those who belong to a rich family were accompanied by a slave and most of the time if they commit mistakes they were beaten. Discipline was very severe; In Sparta children were treated very harshly. At the age of 7 boys were removed from their families and sent to live in barracks. They were treated severely to turn them into brave soldiers. They were deliberately kept short of food so they would have to steal-teaching them to stealth and cunning. They were whipped for many offenses. ( Lambert). The boys from Sparta became military cadets and learned the arts of war and joined the state militia which is a standing reserve force available for duty in time of emergency in which also they served until they reached the age of sixty. Sparta also provided training for girls who went beyond the domestic arts, they are not forced to leave home like the boys but they have same training that of the boys. During the middle age education they used the classical learning for Christian used. There were two traditions of classical literature and philosophy which separated the classical world and were brought together in union by the church rearranged into another educational method that would be the standard of learning. The union of the literary and scientific world views in Christ was the contribution of Medieval Christianity. Their system which is called as the Trivium, make the foundation of the seven liberal arts program which became universal throughout the Middle Ages. In this period the Hebrew people continued to teach their children the ways of God and rejecting pagan culture. At the end of Middle Ages, natural knowledge became powerful and philosophy being discredited, where the connection between the theology and the sciences were separated. And man started to work out and draw closer to life that is religion independent. At the early 18th century charity schools were built in many towns and called as Blue Coat Schools based on the color of children’s uniforms. Boys from rich families were sent to grammar schools and the girls still went to school but learning embroidery and music were more important for them. Until to the 19th century girls from upper class were taught by a governess. But the punishment in this period were still brutal, they included beatings and only less able pupils were humiliated by being forced to wear a â€Å"dunce’s cap†. In the early period, like those in Europe, consisted of one room where one teacher taught pupils from ages six to thirteen and sometimes older. The free education for all children were successfully implemented, educators focus their attention on how to attain quality education. In particular, significant in shaping new directions has been introduced which involves development of intellectual skills, engaging in new diversity of human communities and global culture.   The teacher-centered to learner-centered education instruction is highly emphasized and its new approaches to teaching and learning. There is a shift of teaching to a learning theoretical framework of instruction which is one process of transformation which is indeed the central point of great change during the contemporary times. The quality of education has been changing and improved. Although applications of techniques and theories where highly been practiced and exposure of students in facing the reality and its capacity to resolve and exercise leadership and responsibility. Organized teaching techniques and theory applications were being practiced and realized. Teaching skills were improved as well as the student’s performance in each field. In contemporary education, learning strategies were given stress and reducing the into which degree of the others. Works Cited â€Å"Tim Lambert.† A Brief History of Education. 1 April 2008 â€Å" Ancient Greek Education.†1 April 2008 â€Å"Hugh Graham Ph.D.† June 1993.Popular Education During the Middle Ages. 1 April 2008—–popular   

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