Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Investigating Foreign Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Investigating Foreign Market - Essay Example In this regard the paper tends to evaluate the potential market for cheese and cheese products in Argentina produced by an Australian firm Nivedo. Political Factors in Argentina The political factors in Argentina have largely improved from the previous periods that have helped bring about a regulatory climate helping in the growth of imported food products market in the region. In fact it is found that the market for the imported products pertaining to dairy commodities like cheese has largely grown up in the region. The tariffs relating to import duty have largely been reduced to help in the expansion of the market for imported cheese products. It is held that in the coming years the region of Argentina would gradually turn out to be a growing market for milk products in comparison to the international market. The markets pertaining to the Latin American countries are held to become potential zones for the products derived from milk as consumption for such is found to have increased by around 15 percent within a span of six years ranging from 2000 to 2006. Thus the political climate of Argentina is held to encourage the rise of import for milk products (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2002, p.95-96). Economic Factors in Argentina Economic factors in Argentina reflected a rapid decline in the production of milk due to the rise of economic recession in the region. The production of milk in the region is found to have reduced by around 4 percent during the 2002 period. Rise of recessionary climate in the region had led to the closure of many small and big firms producing dairy products and thus the demand for the milk products in the Argentinean customers failed to get met. The dairy farming activities suffered a huge setback as it gradually became converted into a subsistence type of economy. The large dairy companies started closing down on account of the rising operational cost pertaining to such. Thus in order to largely meet the needs of the consumers the dairy products like cheese and others had to be largely imported from other countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2002, p.95-96). Thus it is found that the economic factors in the region can be viewed as a trigger that would help in the growth of demand for Australian cheese products. Socio-Cultural Factors in Argentina The socio-cultural factors in Argentina, a Latin American country are viewed to enhance the demand for the dairy products like cheese. With the rise and development in the state of living for the people the population belonging to Argentina started demanding more innovative foods that would help in meeting their appetites and flavors. Moreover the development of farming activities carried out in the region on a large scale also happens to escalate the demand for dairy food products. The people living in Argentina thus tend to largely demand innovative products imported from westernized countries to satisfy their desir es in an increasing manner. Further the people are also attracted by advertisements made in regards to cheese and cheese products through televisions and internet and thereby tend to purchase such products in an increased manner (Roest, 2000, p.257). Legal Factors in Argentina In terms of legal factors the production and marketing of cheese and cheese

Monday, October 28, 2019

Two Thumbs Up for Phantom of the Opera Musical Essay Example for Free

Two Thumbs Up for Phantom of the Opera Musical Essay The musical play Phantom of the Opera is really extraordinary. The Angel of Music is really a catchy song that put viewer’s attention on stage. The actors and actresses managed to do their performances with majestic skills and enthusiasm. The presentation of design and visual arts added an overall impact on the play. Various points that were highlighted in the play were props, musical score, voicing, choreography, the story and the turn of events. Being able to see the musical is a once in a lifetime experience. The major characters are well selected and they are credible enough in playing their roles. Most song performances are acted out with richness and smoothness of their voices as they sing and act in the entire stage. The songs were also well selected and no doubt that it captures the mind and soul of viewers. It feels like they were also in the stage acting out and singing all throughout the show. There are parts of the introductory scenes that were too fast phased. There are some parts where could have been prolonged to provide a clear and deep meaning of what is intended for the whole story. One thing that is notable is the scene of Mega and Christine as they sing the song â€Å"Angel of Music†. The song has both clarity and ambiguity in a sense. The message of Christine while singing the song exhibited clarity. For once, she was able to show that there is an â€Å"unseen stranger† and this is the angel of music who has been teaching her and helping her excel in singing for the people. This made the audience more endowed to the scene and carefully watches the progress of Christine’s story. The characters of Phantom and Christine are really amiable. Though Phantom’s character is monstrous, it still catches sympathy from the audience because of the way the actor played his part. Same with Christine’s character who is really well refined and her expressive eyes are really endearing. Her transition from a simple lady to a wonderful woman in the end proven that she is worthy of all happiness in the end. The antagonists in the play also did a fantastic performance on their part. Overall acting of the characters made viewers a clearer understanding of the whole story. They acted out with elegance and professionalism. The lightning and music sets the mood of the audience. Taking an eye off the stage means losing the chance of seeing more surprising moments for the piece. Costumes are designed with brilliance and freshness to make the audience up to date without loosing the era of British touch. The lights set the mood of the audience along with the music and sound effects to predict future scenes and make them more fasten into their seats. Facial expressions of the actors and actresses made the story more meaningful. It allows audiences to unite with their lamentations and triumphs in the whole musical. Phantom of the Opera has a dramatically and artistically focused story that hinges on a series of conflicts. Christine’s character is redefined by her surroundings as well as the other people around her. The musical theme, motifs and textures really depicted the development of the character, attitude and emotion of characters. The creativity and vividness of the musical made it really memorable. Audience will remain fastened into their seats from the start until the end. It showcased undying effort and enthusiasm of casts and crews. The entire musical was able to put the script into the big picture without sacrificing anything. It revealed the artistry of each person on and off stage. The Phantom of the Opera is truly great. The moving performances will never bore any single audience. It keeps the crowd alive and makes them feel like they belong on each and every scene. This musical is worthy of your time, money and effort. Given the chance to rate this piece, I will not hesitate in rising up two thumbs. The best words to describe it are perfect, brilliant and magnificent. A stage musical to die for.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Schizophrenia And Its Treatments :: Disorder Illness Schizophrenic Medical Essays

Schizophrenia And Its Treatments Schizophrenia is a devastating brain disorder affecting people worldwide of all ages, races, and economic levels. It causes personality disintegration and loss of contact with reality (Sinclair). It is the most common psychosis and it is estimated that one percent of the U.S. population will be diagnosed with it over the course of their lives (Torrey 2). Recognition of this disease dates back to the 1800's when Emil Kraepelin concluded after a comprehensive study of thousands of patients that a "state of dementia was supposed to follow precociously or soon after the onset of the illness." Eugene Bleuler, a famous Swiss psychiatrist, coined the term "schizophrenia," referring to what he called the "splitting of the various psychic functions" (Honig 209-211). Having a "split personality" is often incorrectly associated with schizophrenia. Possessing multiple personalities on different occasions is a form of neurosis vice psychosis (Chapman). Symptoms most commonly associated with schizophrenia include delusions, hallucinations, and thought disorder (Torrey 1). Delusions are irrational ideas, routinely absurd and outlandish. A patient may believe that he or she is possessed of great wealth, intellect, importance or power. Sometimes the patient may think he is George Washington or another great historical person (Chapman). Hallucinations are common, particularly auditory, as voices in the third person or commenting upon the patient's thoughts and actions (Arieti). Persons may also hear music or see nonexistent images (Sinclair). Schizophrenic thought disorder is the diminished ability to think clearly and logically (Torrey 2). Many times, schizophrenics invent new words (called neologisms) with unique meanings (Chapman). Often it is apparent by disconnected and meaningless language that renders the person incapable of participating in conversation and contributing to his alienation from his family, friends, and society (Torrey 2). There appears to be three major subtypes of Schizophrenia: paranoid, hebephrenic, and catatonic. Delusions, often of prosecution, are prominent in the paranoid type (Arieti). Hebephrenic schizophrenia is characterized by thought disorder, chaotic language, silliness, and giggling (Eysenck, Arnold, and Meili 961-962). In the catatonic form, the person may sit, stand, or lie in fixed postures or attitudes for weeks or months on end. The person may also have a symptom known as "waxy flexibility" in which the victim will maintain positions of the body in which he is put for long periods of time, even if they are uncomfortable (Arieti). There have been many theories to explain what causes schizophrenia. Heredity, stress, medical illness, and physical injury to the brain are all thought to be factors but research has not yet pinpointed the specific combination of factors that produce the disease (Sinclair). While schizophrenia can affect anyone at any point in

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Van Gogh :: essays research papers

Insanity of an Artist Vincent William Vah Gogh , currently a world known artist , lead a depressing life and only sold 1 painting during his lifetime . He was born on March 30, 1853 in Groot Zundert, Netherlands. The Van Gogh’s family consist of Theodorus Van Gogh (The father) ,Anna Cornelia Carbentus (The mother) ,Theo Van Gogh (The younger brother) ,Elizabeth Van Gogh (The sister),and finally Vincent Van Gogh (The older brother) .Van Gogh’s birth came one year to the day after his mother gave birth to a first ,stillborn child also named Vincent. From the time when Vincent was ten , until he was twelve , he attended King Willem II Secondary school in Tilburg until he later quit his studies and he was fifth teen. When a Sixteen-year-old Vincent Van Gogh joined the firm Goupil & Cie, a firm of art Dealers in The Hague. Vincent was relatively successful as an art dealer ,he stayed with them for seven more years. He transferred to the London branch of the company when he was 20 ,and he would stay for two year and then transfer to Paris for a year and then came back to London. At 23, Vincent van Gogh had a truly religious transformation . Although raised in a religious family, it wasn't until this time that he seriously began to consider devoting his life to the Church. Within prayer meetings Van Gogh would speak at the parish of Turnham Green. As a Minister Vincent was enthusiastic about his prospects , but lacked a gripping and passionate delivery, also his sermons were somewhat lackluster and lifeless. Vincent decided being a minister wasn't for him and so he chose his final career which was an artist. The artist starts by applying for study at the Ecole Des Beaux-Art in Burssels. Van Gogh was rejected from the Ecole Des beaux-art school. So, after a while, Vincent began to study by himself with art books for samples. Then, a 28 years old , Van Gogh moved back in with his parents while studying. During Van Gogh’s stay with his Parents in Netherlands, he met his cousin Cornelia Adriana Vos-Stricker (her nickname was "Kee"), he fell in love with Kee and he was devastated when she rejected his advances. After a family arugement and conflict with Kee's parent Van Gogh was humiliated when it was over. Vincent Van Gogh met Clasina Maria Hoornik (her Nickname was "Sien") when he was 29, in The Hague and Vincent became very devoted to Sien and her child.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Boyz N the Hood

For my paper on the movie Boyz N the Hood as well as the reading Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, I will find a common theme that is used in both and explain how they used that theme in their work. The common theme that I found that was used in both the movie and the book is how the characters dealt with the oppression that was in their lives. The characters from the movie Boyz N the Hood that I will be referring to are Doughboy, Officer Coffey, and Shalika. The characters that I will be using from the book Black Freedom Fighters in Steel are George Kimbley, Curtis Strong, and Jonathan Comer.They all dealt with oppression differently some used it to their advantage, some people used it to hurt others, some made something of themselves, and some did nothing to make themselves better. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, George Kimbley was the first man that I read about who stuck in my head while the whole time while reading this book. His mother had taught him at a young age by watchi ng and observing how she dealt with the white people. She used trust as a form of power. If you could get the white folks to trust you and hold certain secrets between you, then that would go a long way back in the day.As a young child George did not go that far in school because he always thought he was a bright kid and could easily remember information after reading it one time. George would go up to the eighth grade and start his life as a working man. He would play along with how the white people who treated him bad and make them feel uncomfortable. He would teach them a lesson by embarrassing them in front of their peers. He would show the white people that he was unaffected by their words and would bury those feelings deep down even if it hurt he wouldn’t show them that it was affecting him.Teaching the white people that their words do not affect you is a great way to deal with the oppression. George using trust as a way of dealing with the oppression came when he was w orking the ice wagon. He was working with a guy named Adam’s, and he would walk to the people’s houses and if they had the money he would leave the ice for them but if they did not have the money he would take it and walk to the next house. Well George would watch this and use this to his advantage. George would walk up to those houses that did not have the money and he would bring them the ice.One event took place when he walked into a lady’s house with ice and she said, â€Å"Well, the other man was in here; he wouldn’t leave the ice, because we didn’t have the money. † And I says, â€Å"Well, I can’t take it back. Oh, I know how hot it is and all, and if I let you have this ice and they find out, they’ll fire me and I don’t want to be fired. † â€Å"Oh, I won’t tell anybody and I would leave the ice† (pg. 16-17). He would use this trust to show the white people to not stereotype him or any black p erson just because of their skin.He did this to show them that he is a caring person and is a good person and will help out someone no matter what color their skin is. While working at the mill he fought to get the black man into the union and once that he got them into the union, he did not want them to get any favors. He simply wanted every man working there to earn their way on their own merit. No hand-outs for anybody but for everyone to be brothers. George Kimbley did not want favoritism for African American’s, but give them a chance to prove what they could do and not judge or think down upon them because of the color of their skin.The second man that I read about was Curtis Strong. One word that can describe him is rebel. He was an outspoken man and he did not let any problem go unattended on his watch. Curtis said, â€Å"I often wondered why blacks take so damn much of that before they rebel. I realize, though, that we had been conditioned for untold number of years that you did have a place† (pg. 89). He used his mouth to fight the black man’s fight whether it was against the Klu Klux Klan or a possible labor dispute for the church. Curtis was a very vocal man and was an involved man in anything that had to do with the struggle of the black man.Curtis Strong worked in the coke plant during the war. It was a hot and unsafe area to work in for any human but he chose that job to become a leader in the union. This type of job was where the majority if not all the African American’s worked in. The black workers lead by Strong, formed the Sentinel League in 1943. Later on Curtis would be elected as the Griever and that was the man who would fight for the workers if they felt they were being treated unfairly or if there was a problem in the workplace. Using this job title, Strong would go on to fight for the black workers and more importantly for black people around the world.The way the broke down discrimination in the coke plant was by having wildcats. The coke plant was the heart of the steel company because without the coke you can’t have steel. So if everyone would leave the coke plant which was the black workers, which would cause other parts of the steel mill which was the white workers, to close down also because nobody was in the coke plant to work. Curtis understood power and that it took power to make change. Being able to have that kind of power was quite the advantage for Strong as a Griever.He knew that the coke plant was the key to the steel company and if he felt an injustice towards the black workers he would shut down Gary Works by these wildcats. Jonathan Comer was the final person in the book that I thought dealt with oppression very well. Jonathan got a job at the mill as a chipper. He didn’t like the job as a chipper and wanted to get a raise. He applied as a maintenance worker but he was told that it was not a black man’s job. Him signing that line to get the job m ade everyone angry because a black man had tried to get another job besides the chipper.Management had ways of not allowing the blacks to go further up in the workforce. After being denied the position, Comer talked to the superintendent melter and he told Comer, â€Å"He didn’t want colored on his turn,† Comer said. â€Å"He said, ‘You see, I haven’t been here that long, and I have to make a name for myself, and I don’t want you messing up. Colored people just don’t think keenly enough like white people do in this type of work. Maybe someday they will, but I just don’t want you on my floor’† (pg. 125). After that conversation made him extremely angry, he learned that he could use the grievance procedure to help me fight his battles.Later on he applied for another spot that had opened up and he had gotten. Most of his life he spent as a union activist, spending most of his days battling job segregation. He fought oppressi on though grievances and held the grievers job for thirteen years. From the movie Boyz N the Hood, the first person I will talk about that shows the use of oppression is Doughboy and how he dealt with it. Doughboy was raised by just his mother and she never seemed to want to pay him any mind. He just seemed like an inconvenience to her. Doughboy had a step brother named Ricky and their mother always showed more favoritism towards Ricky.Not having a man around the house and having his mother talk down on him; Doughboy never was able to make anything of himself. He always was getting into trouble and showing nobody respect. You see throughout the movie how he oppresses women and other people. His respect for women is very low and in the movie Doughboy refers to women as â€Å"hoes† or â€Å"bitches†. When he is released from prison, there is a scene where all the guys at the party rushed to grab the food before the women at the party could get a chance to make their plat es first and shoved the women out of the way.Trey sees that and he tries to get Doughboy to catch on that women need to be shown more respect. As soon as Doughboy’s sees what Tre is doing, he says â€Å"Ho's gotta eat too. † Then Shalika says: â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho'. † Doughboy says: â€Å"Oops, I'm sorry, bitch. † Doughboy’s mother then smacks him for the rude remark. That was his first run in with his bad manners towards women. Another incident when you see the respect for women thrown out the window is when doughboy was arguing with Shalika again while they were all sitting in his car on Crenshaw.Shalika says, â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho' and â€Å"Why is it every time you talk about a female you gotta say bitch, ho, or hootchie? Doughboy says, â€Å"Cause that's what you are. † Not having a father around to be a role model like Tre had with Furious shows with how Doughboy interacts with anybody throu ghout the movie. You even see how he talks to women when they walk down the street and he is trying to have sex with them and he shouts disrespectful things towards them. Doughboy in my opinion has accepted the oppression from his mother, that he is nothing but a waste of space and he does nothing to better himself his entire life.Officer Coffey shows how he has dealt with oppression by oppressing others around him like Tre or how he talks about African Americans throughout the movie. He comes in and you think that since he is an African American he will want to be trying to help his own people out and make his community better. But after Furious house was broken into and he shot at him, he calls the police. They take over an hour to get there and when they show up Officer Coffey has a doughnut in his hand and just casually walks up like nothing happened.He uses nigger to describe the kind of people that are walking amongst the streets. Furious doesn’t like it and they exchan ge a couple words about how Furious should have shot him because it would have been one less nigger on the streets. Furious sends Tre back inside and the officer Coffey says, â€Å"Something wrong? † Furious says, â€Å"Something wrong? Yeah. It's just too bad you don't know what it is†¦ Brother. † I think that while growing up Officer Coffey experienced some bad things and he has held that against the black people in the movie.Another part in the movie where Officer Coffey shows off a deeper meaning behind his hate towards the young black folks is when he pulls over Tre and Ricky after the dispute that happened when everyone is on Crenshaw hanging out. When he pulls Tre over and has both of them get out of the car, Tre says, â€Å"I didn't do nothing. † Officer Coffey says, â€Å"You think you tough? † Then pulls a gun on Tre, Officer Coffey says, â€Å"Scared now, ain't you? I like that. That's why I took this job. I hate little motherfuckers like you. Little niggers, you ain't shit!I could blow your head off with this Smith ; Wesson and you couldn't do shit. Think you tough? What set you from? Look like one of them Crenshaw mafia motherfuckers. † When he says that to Tre it showed me that there is a deeper meaning to why he needs that much control over someone. His childhood could have been a troubled one and he is using his new power of being a police officer to take it out on anyone who is in his way. The third person I will talk about is Shalika. Shalika is a black girl that is shown throughout the movie and Doughboy is always talking down to her.She is the only one that ever says anything to Doughboy about saying the demeaning things towards women. As I mentioned early in the Doughboy section, when they are getting ready to eat Doughboy is calling her a ho then when she tells him that she isn’t a ho, he calls her a bitch. She doesn’t take kind to that talk towards her and she tries to defend herself. But like most women being talked to like that, they pretty much just sit back and take it because it has always been like that in their lives. Another incident came when they were in the car on Crenshaw and Doughboy was talking bad about women again.Shalika is trying to stand up for herself throughout the movie but not much changed. In conclusion, oppression is dealt with in many ways. More people from the book seemed like the succeeded through the oppression rather than the movie. The people from the book worked harder for what they had and wanted to achieve. Not many people in the movie wanted to really do much with their lives but Tre and Ricky. Living in an oppressive area is hard and some may not handle it well but I think that the Black Freedom Fighters in Steel showed the best ways on how to deal with oppression. Boyz N the Hood For my paper on the movie Boyz N the Hood as well as the reading Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, I will find a common theme that is used in both and explain how they used that theme in their work. The common theme that I found that was used in both the movie and the book is how the characters dealt with the oppression that was in their lives. The characters from the movie Boyz N the Hood that I will be referring to are Doughboy, Officer Coffey, and Shalika. The characters that I will be using from the book Black Freedom Fighters in Steel are George Kimbley, Curtis Strong, and Jonathan Comer.They all dealt with oppression differently some used it to their advantage, some people used it to hurt others, some made something of themselves, and some did nothing to make themselves better. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, George Kimbley was the first man that I read about who stuck in my head while the whole time while reading this book. His mother had taught him at a young age by watchi ng and observing how she dealt with the white people. She used trust as a form of power. If you could get the white folks to trust you and hold certain secrets between you, then that would go a long way back in the day.As a young child George did not go that far in school because he always thought he was a bright kid and could easily remember information after reading it one time. George would go up to the eighth grade and start his life as a working man. He would play along with how the white people who treated him bad and make them feel uncomfortable. He would teach them a lesson by embarrassing them in front of their peers. He would show the white people that he was unaffected by their words and would bury those feelings deep down even if it hurt he wouldn’t show them that it was affecting him.Teaching the white people that their words do not affect you is a great way to deal with the oppression. George using trust as a way of dealing with the oppression came when he was w orking the ice wagon. He was working with a guy named Adam’s, and he would walk to the people’s houses and if they had the money he would leave the ice for them but if they did not have the money he would take it and walk to the next house. Well George would watch this and use this to his advantage. George would walk up to those houses that did not have the money and he would bring them the ice.One event took place when he walked into a lady’s house with ice and she said, â€Å"Well, the other man was in here; he wouldn’t leave the ice, because we didn’t have the money. † And I says, â€Å"Well, I can’t take it back. Oh, I know how hot it is and all, and if I let you have this ice and they find out, they’ll fire me and I don’t want to be fired. † â€Å"Oh, I won’t tell anybody and I would leave the ice† (pg. 16-17). He would use this trust to show the white people to not stereotype him or any black p erson just because of their skin.He did this to show them that he is a caring person and is a good person and will help out someone no matter what color their skin is. While working at the mill he fought to get the black man into the union and once that he got them into the union, he did not want them to get any favors. He simply wanted every man working there to earn their way on their own merit. No hand-outs for anybody but for everyone to be brothers. George Kimbley did not want favoritism for African American’s, but give them a chance to prove what they could do and not judge or think down upon them because of the color of their skin.The second man that I read about was Curtis Strong. One word that can describe him is rebel. He was an outspoken man and he did not let any problem go unattended on his watch. Curtis said, â€Å"I often wondered why blacks take so damn much of that before they rebel. I realize, though, that we had been conditioned for untold number of years that you did have a place† (pg. 89). He used his mouth to fight the black man’s fight whether it was against the Klu Klux Klan or a possible labor dispute for the church. Curtis was a very vocal man and was an involved man in anything that had to do with the struggle of the black man.Curtis Strong worked in the coke plant during the war. It was a hot and unsafe area to work in for any human but he chose that job to become a leader in the union. This type of job was where the majority if not all the African American’s worked in. The black workers lead by Strong, formed the Sentinel League in 1943. Later on Curtis would be elected as the Griever and that was the man who would fight for the workers if they felt they were being treated unfairly or if there was a problem in the workplace. Using this job title, Strong would go on to fight for the black workers and more importantly for black people around the world.The way the broke down discrimination in the coke plant was by having wildcats. The coke plant was the heart of the steel company because without the coke you can’t have steel. So if everyone would leave the coke plant which was the black workers, which would cause other parts of the steel mill which was the white workers, to close down also because nobody was in the coke plant to work. Curtis understood power and that it took power to make change. Being able to have that kind of power was quite the advantage for Strong as a Griever.He knew that the coke plant was the key to the steel company and if he felt an injustice towards the black workers he would shut down Gary Works by these wildcats. Jonathan Comer was the final person in the book that I thought dealt with oppression very well. Jonathan got a job at the mill as a chipper. He didn’t like the job as a chipper and wanted to get a raise. He applied as a maintenance worker but he was told that it was not a black man’s job. Him signing that line to get the job m ade everyone angry because a black man had tried to get another job besides the chipper.Management had ways of not allowing the blacks to go further up in the workforce. After being denied the position, Comer talked to the superintendent melter and he told Comer, â€Å"He didn’t want colored on his turn,† Comer said. â€Å"He said, ‘You see, I haven’t been here that long, and I have to make a name for myself, and I don’t want you messing up. Colored people just don’t think keenly enough like white people do in this type of work. Maybe someday they will, but I just don’t want you on my floor’† (pg. 125). After that conversation made him extremely angry, he learned that he could use the grievance procedure to help me fight his battles.Later on he applied for another spot that had opened up and he had gotten. Most of his life he spent as a union activist, spending most of his days battling job segregation. He fought oppressi on though grievances and held the grievers job for thirteen years. From the movie Boyz N the Hood, the first person I will talk about that shows the use of oppression is Doughboy and how he dealt with it. Doughboy was raised by just his mother and she never seemed to want to pay him any mind. He just seemed like an inconvenience to her. Doughboy had a step brother named Ricky and their mother always showed more favoritism towards Ricky.Not having a man around the house and having his mother talk down on him; Doughboy never was able to make anything of himself. He always was getting into trouble and showing nobody respect. You see throughout the movie how he oppresses women and other people. His respect for women is very low and in the movie Doughboy refers to women as â€Å"hoes† or â€Å"bitches†. When he is released from prison, there is a scene where all the guys at the party rushed to grab the food before the women at the party could get a chance to make their plat es first and shoved the women out of the way.Trey sees that and he tries to get Doughboy to catch on that women need to be shown more respect. As soon as Doughboy’s sees what Tre is doing, he says â€Å"Ho's gotta eat too. † Then Shalika says: â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho'. † Doughboy says: â€Å"Oops, I'm sorry, bitch. † Doughboy’s mother then smacks him for the rude remark. That was his first run in with his bad manners towards women. Another incident when you see the respect for women thrown out the window is when doughboy was arguing with Shalika again while they were all sitting in his car on Crenshaw.Shalika says, â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho' and â€Å"Why is it every time you talk about a female you gotta say bitch, ho, or hootchie? Doughboy says, â€Å"Cause that's what you are. † Not having a father around to be a role model like Tre had with Furious shows with how Doughboy interacts with anybody throu ghout the movie. You even see how he talks to women when they walk down the street and he is trying to have sex with them and he shouts disrespectful things towards them. Doughboy in my opinion has accepted the oppression from his mother, that he is nothing but a waste of space and he does nothing to better himself his entire life.Officer Coffey shows how he has dealt with oppression by oppressing others around him like Tre or how he talks about African Americans throughout the movie. He comes in and you think that since he is an African American he will want to be trying to help his own people out and make his community better. But after Furious house was broken into and he shot at him, he calls the police. They take over an hour to get there and when they show up Officer Coffey has a doughnut in his hand and just casually walks up like nothing happened.He uses nigger to describe the kind of people that are walking amongst the streets. Furious doesn’t like it and they exchan ge a couple words about how Furious should have shot him because it would have been one less nigger on the streets. Furious sends Tre back inside and the officer Coffey says, â€Å"Something wrong? † Furious says, â€Å"Something wrong? Yeah. It's just too bad you don't know what it is†¦ Brother. † I think that while growing up Officer Coffey experienced some bad things and he has held that against the black people in the movie.Another part in the movie where Officer Coffey shows off a deeper meaning behind his hate towards the young black folks is when he pulls over Tre and Ricky after the dispute that happened when everyone is on Crenshaw hanging out. When he pulls Tre over and has both of them get out of the car, Tre says, â€Å"I didn't do nothing. † Officer Coffey says, â€Å"You think you tough? † Then pulls a gun on Tre, Officer Coffey says, â€Å"Scared now, ain't you? I like that. That's why I took this job. I hate little motherfuckers like you. Little niggers, you ain't shit!I could blow your head off with this Smith ; Wesson and you couldn't do shit. Think you tough? What set you from? Look like one of them Crenshaw mafia motherfuckers. † When he says that to Tre it showed me that there is a deeper meaning to why he needs that much control over someone. His childhood could have been a troubled one and he is using his new power of being a police officer to take it out on anyone who is in his way. The third person I will talk about is Shalika. Shalika is a black girl that is shown throughout the movie and Doughboy is always talking down to her.She is the only one that ever says anything to Doughboy about saying the demeaning things towards women. As I mentioned early in the Doughboy section, when they are getting ready to eat Doughboy is calling her a ho then when she tells him that she isn’t a ho, he calls her a bitch. She doesn’t take kind to that talk towards her and she tries to defend herself. But like most women being talked to like that, they pretty much just sit back and take it because it has always been like that in their lives. Another incident came when they were in the car on Crenshaw and Doughboy was talking bad about women again.Shalika is trying to stand up for herself throughout the movie but not much changed. In conclusion, oppression is dealt with in many ways. More people from the book seemed like the succeeded through the oppression rather than the movie. The people from the book worked harder for what they had and wanted to achieve. Not many people in the movie wanted to really do much with their lives but Tre and Ricky. Living in an oppressive area is hard and some may not handle it well but I think that the Black Freedom Fighters in Steel showed the best ways on how to deal with oppression. Boyz N the Hood For my paper on the movie Boyz N the Hood as well as the reading Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, I will find a common theme that is used in both and explain how they used that theme in their work. The common theme that I found that was used in both the movie and the book is how the characters dealt with the oppression that was in their lives. The characters from the movie Boyz N the Hood that I will be referring to are Doughboy, Officer Coffey, and Shalika. The characters that I will be using from the book Black Freedom Fighters in Steel are George Kimbley, Curtis Strong, and Jonathan Comer.They all dealt with oppression differently some used it to their advantage, some people used it to hurt others, some made something of themselves, and some did nothing to make themselves better. In Black Freedom Fighters in Steel, George Kimbley was the first man that I read about who stuck in my head while the whole time while reading this book. His mother had taught him at a young age by watchi ng and observing how she dealt with the white people. She used trust as a form of power. If you could get the white folks to trust you and hold certain secrets between you, then that would go a long way back in the day.As a young child George did not go that far in school because he always thought he was a bright kid and could easily remember information after reading it one time. George would go up to the eighth grade and start his life as a working man. He would play along with how the white people who treated him bad and make them feel uncomfortable. He would teach them a lesson by embarrassing them in front of their peers. He would show the white people that he was unaffected by their words and would bury those feelings deep down even if it hurt he wouldn’t show them that it was affecting him.Teaching the white people that their words do not affect you is a great way to deal with the oppression. George using trust as a way of dealing with the oppression came when he was w orking the ice wagon. He was working with a guy named Adam’s, and he would walk to the people’s houses and if they had the money he would leave the ice for them but if they did not have the money he would take it and walk to the next house. Well George would watch this and use this to his advantage. George would walk up to those houses that did not have the money and he would bring them the ice.One event took place when he walked into a lady’s house with ice and she said, â€Å"Well, the other man was in here; he wouldn’t leave the ice, because we didn’t have the money. † And I says, â€Å"Well, I can’t take it back. Oh, I know how hot it is and all, and if I let you have this ice and they find out, they’ll fire me and I don’t want to be fired. † â€Å"Oh, I won’t tell anybody and I would leave the ice† (pg. 16-17). He would use this trust to show the white people to not stereotype him or any black p erson just because of their skin.He did this to show them that he is a caring person and is a good person and will help out someone no matter what color their skin is. While working at the mill he fought to get the black man into the union and once that he got them into the union, he did not want them to get any favors. He simply wanted every man working there to earn their way on their own merit. No hand-outs for anybody but for everyone to be brothers. George Kimbley did not want favoritism for African American’s, but give them a chance to prove what they could do and not judge or think down upon them because of the color of their skin.The second man that I read about was Curtis Strong. One word that can describe him is rebel. He was an outspoken man and he did not let any problem go unattended on his watch. Curtis said, â€Å"I often wondered why blacks take so damn much of that before they rebel. I realize, though, that we had been conditioned for untold number of years that you did have a place† (pg. 89). He used his mouth to fight the black man’s fight whether it was against the Klu Klux Klan or a possible labor dispute for the church. Curtis was a very vocal man and was an involved man in anything that had to do with the struggle of the black man.Curtis Strong worked in the coke plant during the war. It was a hot and unsafe area to work in for any human but he chose that job to become a leader in the union. This type of job was where the majority if not all the African American’s worked in. The black workers lead by Strong, formed the Sentinel League in 1943. Later on Curtis would be elected as the Griever and that was the man who would fight for the workers if they felt they were being treated unfairly or if there was a problem in the workplace. Using this job title, Strong would go on to fight for the black workers and more importantly for black people around the world.The way the broke down discrimination in the coke plant was by having wildcats. The coke plant was the heart of the steel company because without the coke you can’t have steel. So if everyone would leave the coke plant which was the black workers, which would cause other parts of the steel mill which was the white workers, to close down also because nobody was in the coke plant to work. Curtis understood power and that it took power to make change. Being able to have that kind of power was quite the advantage for Strong as a Griever.He knew that the coke plant was the key to the steel company and if he felt an injustice towards the black workers he would shut down Gary Works by these wildcats. Jonathan Comer was the final person in the book that I thought dealt with oppression very well. Jonathan got a job at the mill as a chipper. He didn’t like the job as a chipper and wanted to get a raise. He applied as a maintenance worker but he was told that it was not a black man’s job. Him signing that line to get the job m ade everyone angry because a black man had tried to get another job besides the chipper.Management had ways of not allowing the blacks to go further up in the workforce. After being denied the position, Comer talked to the superintendent melter and he told Comer, â€Å"He didn’t want colored on his turn,† Comer said. â€Å"He said, ‘You see, I haven’t been here that long, and I have to make a name for myself, and I don’t want you messing up. Colored people just don’t think keenly enough like white people do in this type of work. Maybe someday they will, but I just don’t want you on my floor’† (pg. 125). After that conversation made him extremely angry, he learned that he could use the grievance procedure to help me fight his battles.Later on he applied for another spot that had opened up and he had gotten. Most of his life he spent as a union activist, spending most of his days battling job segregation. He fought oppressi on though grievances and held the grievers job for thirteen years. From the movie Boyz N the Hood, the first person I will talk about that shows the use of oppression is Doughboy and how he dealt with it. Doughboy was raised by just his mother and she never seemed to want to pay him any mind. He just seemed like an inconvenience to her. Doughboy had a step brother named Ricky and their mother always showed more favoritism towards Ricky.Not having a man around the house and having his mother talk down on him; Doughboy never was able to make anything of himself. He always was getting into trouble and showing nobody respect. You see throughout the movie how he oppresses women and other people. His respect for women is very low and in the movie Doughboy refers to women as â€Å"hoes† or â€Å"bitches†. When he is released from prison, there is a scene where all the guys at the party rushed to grab the food before the women at the party could get a chance to make their plat es first and shoved the women out of the way.Trey sees that and he tries to get Doughboy to catch on that women need to be shown more respect. As soon as Doughboy’s sees what Tre is doing, he says â€Å"Ho's gotta eat too. † Then Shalika says: â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho'. † Doughboy says: â€Å"Oops, I'm sorry, bitch. † Doughboy’s mother then smacks him for the rude remark. That was his first run in with his bad manners towards women. Another incident when you see the respect for women thrown out the window is when doughboy was arguing with Shalika again while they were all sitting in his car on Crenshaw.Shalika says, â€Å"Who you callin' a ho', I ain't no ho' and â€Å"Why is it every time you talk about a female you gotta say bitch, ho, or hootchie? Doughboy says, â€Å"Cause that's what you are. † Not having a father around to be a role model like Tre had with Furious shows with how Doughboy interacts with anybody throu ghout the movie. You even see how he talks to women when they walk down the street and he is trying to have sex with them and he shouts disrespectful things towards them. Doughboy in my opinion has accepted the oppression from his mother, that he is nothing but a waste of space and he does nothing to better himself his entire life.Officer Coffey shows how he has dealt with oppression by oppressing others around him like Tre or how he talks about African Americans throughout the movie. He comes in and you think that since he is an African American he will want to be trying to help his own people out and make his community better. But after Furious house was broken into and he shot at him, he calls the police. They take over an hour to get there and when they show up Officer Coffey has a doughnut in his hand and just casually walks up like nothing happened.He uses nigger to describe the kind of people that are walking amongst the streets. Furious doesn’t like it and they exchan ge a couple words about how Furious should have shot him because it would have been one less nigger on the streets. Furious sends Tre back inside and the officer Coffey says, â€Å"Something wrong? † Furious says, â€Å"Something wrong? Yeah. It's just too bad you don't know what it is†¦ Brother. † I think that while growing up Officer Coffey experienced some bad things and he has held that against the black people in the movie.Another part in the movie where Officer Coffey shows off a deeper meaning behind his hate towards the young black folks is when he pulls over Tre and Ricky after the dispute that happened when everyone is on Crenshaw hanging out. When he pulls Tre over and has both of them get out of the car, Tre says, â€Å"I didn't do nothing. † Officer Coffey says, â€Å"You think you tough? † Then pulls a gun on Tre, Officer Coffey says, â€Å"Scared now, ain't you? I like that. That's why I took this job. I hate little motherfuckers like you. Little niggers, you ain't shit!I could blow your head off with this Smith ; Wesson and you couldn't do shit. Think you tough? What set you from? Look like one of them Crenshaw mafia motherfuckers. † When he says that to Tre it showed me that there is a deeper meaning to why he needs that much control over someone. His childhood could have been a troubled one and he is using his new power of being a police officer to take it out on anyone who is in his way. The third person I will talk about is Shalika. Shalika is a black girl that is shown throughout the movie and Doughboy is always talking down to her.She is the only one that ever says anything to Doughboy about saying the demeaning things towards women. As I mentioned early in the Doughboy section, when they are getting ready to eat Doughboy is calling her a ho then when she tells him that she isn’t a ho, he calls her a bitch. She doesn’t take kind to that talk towards her and she tries to defend herself. But like most women being talked to like that, they pretty much just sit back and take it because it has always been like that in their lives. Another incident came when they were in the car on Crenshaw and Doughboy was talking bad about women again.Shalika is trying to stand up for herself throughout the movie but not much changed. In conclusion, oppression is dealt with in many ways. More people from the book seemed like the succeeded through the oppression rather than the movie. The people from the book worked harder for what they had and wanted to achieve. Not many people in the movie wanted to really do much with their lives but Tre and Ricky. Living in an oppressive area is hard and some may not handle it well but I think that the Black Freedom Fighters in Steel showed the best ways on how to deal with oppression.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Young Goodman Brown Essays - Abrahamic Mythology, Satan, Free Essays

Young Goodman Brown Essays - Abrahamic Mythology, Satan, Free Essays Young Goodman Brown "Young Goodman Brown", by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story that is thick with allegory. "Young Goodman Brown" is a moral story which is told through the perversion of a religious leader. In "Young Goodman Brown", Goodman Brown is a Puritan minister who lets his excessive pride in himself interfere with his relations with the community after he meets with the devil, and causes him to live the life of an exile in his own community. "Young Goodman Brown" begins when Faith, Brown's wife, asks him not to go on an "errand". Goodman Brown says to his "love and (my) Faith" that "this one night I must tarry away from thee." When he says his "love" and his "Faith", he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his "faith" to God. He is venturing into the woods to meet with the Devil, and by doing so, he leaves his unquestionable faith in God with his wife. He resolves that he will "cling to her skirts and follow her to Heaven." This is an example of the excessive pride because he feels that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. There is a tremendous irony to this promise because when Goodman Brown comes back at dawn; he can no longer look at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Goodman Brown finally meets with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because "Faith kept me back awhile." This statement has a double meaning because his wife physically prevented him from being on time for his meeting with the devil, but his faith to God psychologically delayed his meeting with the devil. The Devil had with him a staff that "bore the likeness of a great black snake". The staff which looked like a snake is a reference to the snake in the story of Adam and Eve. The snake led Adam and Eve to their destruction by leading them to the Tree of Knowledge. The Adam and Eve story is similar to Goodman Brown in that they are both seeking unfathomable amounts of knowledge. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge they were expelled from their paradise. The Devil's staff eventually leads Goodman Brown to the Devil's ceremony which destroys Goodman Brown's faith in his fellow man, therefore expelling him from his utopia. Goodman Brown almost immediately declares that he kept his meeting with the Devil and no longer wishes to continue on his errand with the Devil. He says that he comes from a "race of honest men and good Christians" and that his father had never gone on this errand and nor will he. The Devil is quick to point out however that he was with his father and grandfather when they were flogging a woman or burning an Indian village, respectively. These acts are ironic in that they were bad deeds done in the name of good, and it shows that he does not come from "good Christians." When Goodman Brown's first excuse not to carry on with the errand proves to be unconvincing, he says he can't go because of his wife, "Faith". And because of her, he can not carry out the errand any further. At this point the Devil agrees with him and tells him to turn back to prevent that "Faith should come to any harm" like the old woman in front of them on the path. Ironically, Goodman Brown's faith is harmed because the woman on the path is the woman who "taught him his catechism in youth, and was still his moral and spiritual adviser." The Devil and the woman talk and afterward, Brown continues to walk on with the Devil in the disbelief of what he had just witnessed. Ironically, he blames the woman for consorting with the Devil but his own pride stops him from realizing that his faults are the same as the woman's. Brown again decides that he will no longer to continue on his errand and rationalizes that just because his teacher was not going to heaven, why should he "quit my dear Faith, and go after her".

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pretend You Dont See Her essays

Pretend You Dont See Her essays Title: Pretend You Dont See Her Pretend You Dont See Her is one of my favorite murder mysteries that I have ever read. My favorite part of this novel is that the ending is very unpredictable. This story started out when a real estate agent in New York, Lacy Farrell, who was assigned to a new client, Isabelle Waring. Isabelle's daughter, Heather Landi, had died in the previous year and it was Heather's apartment she decided to put on the market. Isabelle would have never sold it, but her ex-husband, Jimmy Landi, said that it was time for them to move on. Ever since Heather's death in a car accident Isabelle knew that it wasn't an accident. When she was going through Heather's things so they could get the apartment ready to sell she came across her journal. The night before Lacy was supposed to show a potential buyer the apartment Isabelle called her sounding concerned and said that she had proof that her daughter's death wasn't an accident. Lacy didn't want to rush over to the apartment at that late hour, so she told Isabelle that she would talk to her in the morning. The morning came and Lacy went over to show the apartment to Curtis Caldwell, the man who was an interested buyer. Later on that evening Lacy decided to go over to the apartment and see what Isabelle was talking about on the phone. When she got there she was frightened by a scream and hid in a downstairs closet. She had the door opened a crack and saw Curtis Caldwell exiting through the front door with Heathers journal in his hands. She ran upstairs and found Isabelle bloody on a bed and she was holding some of the pages of Heathers journal. Her last words were, Lacy, give Heathers journal to her father. Only to him.....swear that....only to him. Lacy didnt know what to do so she hid the journal pages in her briefcase and called the police. The police men came over and asked her everything that she knew and they got a...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Submitting Quality Business School Admissions Essays

Submitting Quality Business School Admissions Essays As with any other kind of statement of purpose for college admission, business school admissions essays need to be creative. If you are thinking about applying to business school, you are in for some stiff competition. That is why it is so important to work extremely diligently to compose an exemplary and distinctive business school admissions essay. In order to succeed in business, one must possess an entrepreneurial spirit. Similarly, in order to be accepted into business school, one must submit an ingenious admissions essay. If you are thinking about applying to business school, you had better be prepared to compose one heck of an admissions essay. Given that more than 200,000 MBA hopefuls apply to business school each year, you must find away to distinguish yourself. In my opinion, the best way to make your business school admissions essay stand out is to include an original business plan. With hundred of thousands of banal responses to questions such as: Why do you want an MBA? and What matters to you most and why? staring up at them from the pile of essays, admissions council members would love nothing more than to find a truly inspired admissions essay. With a failsafe business plan and written presentation illustrating your passion and knack for the world of business, your application submission will render exemplary responses from business schools nationwide. If you would like further ideas for writing business school admissions essays, then I encourage you to seek the assistance of a professional admissions essay editor. Professional admissions essay editors are well versed in the business school admissions process, and can offer excellent advice. In the meanwhile, if you have questions about college admissions essays and/or MBA essays, please dont hesitate to contact me.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Career Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Career Development - Assignment Example Self-efficacy refers to one’s belief in his own abilities. Extensive research has been conducted in order to evaluate the impact of predominant belief in academic performance and overall personality of a person. A usually observation indicates that those students who believe that they would not be able to perform better on tests, often times fail in doing so. However, those having potent belief over their skills and abilities usually outperform others. The reason is because self-efficacy is deeply linked with cognitive development of a person (Bandura, 1977). A large number of researches have proven that there is a substantial positive relationship between the academic performance and self-efficacy beliefs of students. Self-efficacy impacts the activities that students perform, as well as their persistence and extent of efforts. Persistence and putting more effort is difficult task or difficult times are what sets the successful students apart (Bryon, 2011). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to improve own self-efficacy skills. In order to do so, certain strategies and activities have been designed. Results must be evaluated after a period of time so as to compare the past and the current performance. According to Bandura, and Adams, (1977) people possessing low self-esteem tend to shun tasks whereas those who have high self-efficacy not just attempt the task but also remain persistence and competent towards that task (Bandura and Adams, 1977). Figure 1 mentioned above is an example of personal development plan that has been prepared in order to develop and furnish own self-efficacy skills. It must be borne in mind that self-efficacy primarily constitutes of three major areas that include self-confidence, academic performance, and employability skills. However, a lot of effort is required in the beginning. For improving in each area, certain activities are needed to be performed. For example,

Friday, October 18, 2019

African American Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

African American - Assignment Example huge steps in the lives of African Americans but transitioning from slavery to freedom required some assistance hence creation of the Freedman’s Bureau. The Freedman’s Bureau sought to assist African Americans to access education, food, and health services. Moreover, the Freedman’s Bureau presided over conflicts between African Americans and whites and also negotiated labor terms between white and blacks. With freedom, there came tremendous positive results mainly for African Americans. For instance, African Americans were allowed to own property and commensurate pay for work. For the first time, African Americans were allowed to seek for jobs in white color industry. Moreover, African Americans were allowed to access educational facilities and advance their education. This later saw establishment on black schools and colleges, some which were taught by African American teachers. Ownership of property such as land and access to education was facilitated by the Freedman’s Bureau. Moreover, freedom brought sexual harassment of African American women to an end. Ending slavery also made it possible for the African Americans to move freely to all desired locations. It is also important to note that after abolition of slavery increased production significantly hence boosting the American economy. However, end of slavery also brought new challenges for the American community. For instance, some of the whites experienced land displacement as one of the civil war aftermath. The aging white community found change of lifestyle challenging hence reducing life expectancy significantly. There were also instances of violence due to efforts to oppose slavery end while in some instances African American would express hostility towards the white men. As Americans experience the rule by Barrack Obama, it is a sweet reckon for African Americans as they fathom the challenging path from slavery to modern

Approaches of the Balance of Payment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Approaches of the Balance of Payment - Essay Example Balance of payment is an important section of the national economy of a country. It constitutes a major part. The report will primarily highlight the importance and relevance of balance of payment. Further it will emphasize on one of its approaches and will depict the importance of that approach in the present business environment. However in this respect, the elasticities approach will be highlighted. Similarly its relevance in the present business environment will be discussed. Nevertheless before getting into the discussion a brief overview of balance of payment is presented below:- The Balance of payment (BOP) can be referred to as one of the economic indicators which are mainly used to determine the political and economical stability of a country (Nayak 172). It takes into account the trade balance, financial transactions with the other countries for a specific period of time. Apart from this balance of payment distinguishes all the exports and imports, which embraces all the financial transactions, and it also differentiates monetary differences of the economic transactions. Now in the context of a country, if it has a positive BOP, then it signifies that a country has more funds coming in from the international trade than going out. While negative BOP illustrates that, a country has more funds flowing out than coming in. Elasticities approach is an approach of BOP that tries to predict the outcome after the impact of policy changes on BOP. In order to cite an example, elasticities approach primarily shed light on the impact of exchange rate on the balance. Furthermore, if the balance of payment is in equilibrium state, the elasticities approach assumes that the devaluation can certainly enhance BO (Gagnon, â€Å"Long-run supply effects and the elasticities approach to trade†). However devaluation to perform successfully, price elasticities of foreign demand of import and domestic demand has to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Competent Leadership in Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Competent Leadership in Human Resources - Essay Example It is the capability of efficient leaders to put efforts to get a factual outcome, setting objectives harmoniously in order to accomplish a mission and setting priorities right as well as maintaining principles, which cannot be compromised in the endeavors to achieve a certain goal. Prudent leaders view their position as a responsibility to achieve the desired goal. This essay is a critical evaluation of competent leadership in human services. The strengths that are needed in order for leaders to be competent in this field have been discussed. Some weaknesses that may hamper effective leadership have been highlighted. Â  There are several factors that a leader should put in to practice in order to improve his strength. The ability to balance various interests, adaptability and the ability to innovate are some of the strengths that enhance competence in offering effective human services. Being trustworthy is a very important attribute of leadership. This is because others depend on the leader in order to be triumphant in their endeavors. Without trust, people cannot believe in leadership and therefore do not follow the wishes of their leader. Kelly et al (2006, p. 182-183) further argue that acquisition by leaders of essential data concerning a range of backgrounds enables leaders to design the best organizational plan. This would serve to enhance planning to offer human services especially in situations that need a balanced allocation of resources.

Contract Performance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Contract Performance - Research Paper Example Two bids were received, one by the Alabama Laundry and Linen supply and the other by Tennessee Valley Laundry and dry cleaners; however, the Tennessee bid was cheaper. Alabama Laundry management filed a protest, which alleged that Tennessee Laundry was inexperienced, and therefore it should have been declared non-responsible. The law concerning performance contracts required that a bid be given to a responsible contractor; who should have achieved a satisfactory performance in his previous contracts. Alabama Laundry further alleged that Tennessee Laundry’s past performance was unsatisfactory; therefore, the contract should have been terminated. Thirdly, Tennessee Laundry was accused of violating the law by not inspecting the site of performance. Therefore, the protestor argued that the award granted to Tennessee should be granted to Alabama Laundry. However, these allegations were found baseless without evidence; Tennessee Laundry was therefore given a go ahead in their contra ct and the protest was dismissed, since Tennessee Laundry was found to be responsible. Regulatory provisions (FAR) pertaining to contract performance in general The federal acquisition regulation (FAR) provides the requirements pertaining to contract performance; bidders have the right to compete for the contract equally. This is referred to as sealed bidding acquisition, whereby, the lowest bidder and responsive bidder get the award. FAR law prohibits any restrictions that limit the number of bidders. Once the bids are read, those that do not meet the requirements are rejected; nevertheless, FAR requires the contractor to have sufficient resources to perform the contract. Secondly, the contractor must be capable of complying with the performance schedule. Thirdly, the company should have a history of satisfactory performance from its previous jobs. Business Ethics are also considered an important factor. Further, FAR requires the contractor to have quality and effective skills. The refore, if the bidder meets all the above requirements, he is at an advantage of receiving an award (Vacketta, 1999 Para 4). In addition, apart from sealed bidding, a contract may be awarded through negotiation, allowing flexibility to determining the winning bidder. Here, the contracting officer conducts negotiations with offerors, therefore evaluating the best bidder for the contract. This process ensures that the best is obtained from a pool of bidders. However, the law prohibits the contracting officer from conducting favors on some bidders. FAR 52.249-2 indicates that, termination for convenience permits the government to terminate a contract at any time, without a reason, but only when in the government’s best interest (Vacketta, 1999). In addition, FAR 15.304 (c) (3) (i) require the evaluation of past performance on the contractors, however, in the lowest price factor, evaluation of past performance is not necessary (Naval air welfare centre, 2009). The selection of a bidder may be beyond responsiveness and responsibility; nevertheless, price is a very important factor in choosing the right bidder. Cite and explain the regulatory provisions (FAR) that relate to the particular contract performance issue of the report you chose. The protest on bidder’s responsibility and contact performance involves an appeal by one contractor in protest of the selected bidder’s award. Vacketta (1999) explains that an appeal to the United States court by a contractor should

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Competent Leadership in Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Competent Leadership in Human Resources - Essay Example It is the capability of efficient leaders to put efforts to get a factual outcome, setting objectives harmoniously in order to accomplish a mission and setting priorities right as well as maintaining principles, which cannot be compromised in the endeavors to achieve a certain goal. Prudent leaders view their position as a responsibility to achieve the desired goal. This essay is a critical evaluation of competent leadership in human services. The strengths that are needed in order for leaders to be competent in this field have been discussed. Some weaknesses that may hamper effective leadership have been highlighted. Â  There are several factors that a leader should put in to practice in order to improve his strength. The ability to balance various interests, adaptability and the ability to innovate are some of the strengths that enhance competence in offering effective human services. Being trustworthy is a very important attribute of leadership. This is because others depend on the leader in order to be triumphant in their endeavors. Without trust, people cannot believe in leadership and therefore do not follow the wishes of their leader. Kelly et al (2006, p. 182-183) further argue that acquisition by leaders of essential data concerning a range of backgrounds enables leaders to design the best organizational plan. This would serve to enhance planning to offer human services especially in situations that need a balanced allocation of resources.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Program Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Program Evaluation - Research Paper Example eir programs strengths and weaknesses, provide recommendation for improvement and opportunities to excel in providing an excellent, safe and healthy environment for all. Their quality of doing business and quality of providing a safe and healthy environment for their workers and their customer alike would be evaluated in this report. Keywords: Procter & Gamble – P&G, Occupational Safety and Health Association – OSHA, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health – NIOSH, Health, Safety & Environmental – HS&E, Fast moving consumer goods – FMCG, policies, employee safety, product safety. Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a globally recognized name of a multinational FMCG company. Fortune Magazine has given it a ranking of No. 6 amongst the â€Å"Global Most Admired Companies†, further it ranks No. 2 among â€Å"Top Companies for Leaders†. Bloomberg Businessweek has ranked P&G as No. 12 amongst the â€Å"World’s Most Innovative Companies†. When it comes to sustainability it is amongst the top ranks from 2000 to 2010 consecutively at the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes and in 2011 it ranked No. 13 as the â€Å"Most Sustainable Corporations in the World† (, 2011). P&G takes pride in it diverse workforce which lay standards for its unique culture and has been a source of its recognition and success. P&G seeks to be the best consumer products and services company in the world. P&G’s current Safety and Health policy includes having safe and healthy operations around the world, protecting the life and health of its employees and surrounding communities, protecting its assets, ensuring business continuity and engenders public trust (P&G, 2009). P&G’s Environmental Quality Policy states that they strive to improve the environmental quality of their products, packaging and operations globally. As per their Environmental Quality Policy P&G has always strive to achieve clean, safe and incident free operations at all of its globally spread

Use Of Literary Devices In Julius Caesar Essay Example for Free

Use Of Literary Devices In Julius Caesar Essay Authors use literary devices in their works for a variety of reasons. The same holds true in Shakespeares Julius Caesar. The use of these devices has an effect on the plots development. Several literary devices can be seen in Julius Caesar, and they all have an effect on the plot. Foreshadowing is a key literary device in the play. We see foreshadowing from the beginning of the play, when the Soothsayer tells Caesar to Beware the Ides of March in Act I, Scene I, which happens to be the day that Caesar is killed. Calpurnia later dreams of Caesars death, but he does not heed her warning. this not only tells us what is going to happen, but it also shows us how Caesars status and ego are getting to his head. Foreshadowing gives us a hint of what is to come, and can also reflect upon a character or characters. A second literary device used in the play is the use of puns. A pun is another element noted early on in Julius Caesar. When Marullus addresses the Cobbler, the pun begins. Cobbler is meant to have two meanings in this dialog: 1 a shoemaker and 2 a bungler. The Cobbler refers to himself as a mender of bad soles, playing with the word soles. Marullus interprets the Cobbler as a mender of souls. The usage of puns adds some light humor to the play as well as reflecting on the characters of the play. This also shows that the so-called upper class can still be fooled by the commoners. The usage of puns adds to the story of Julius Caesar. During Antonys funeral speech, which is the climax of the play, several literary devices are used, including rhetorical questioning, sarcasm, and repetition. Antony frequently uses the question of Brutuss honor in killing Caesar to win over the people of Rome. His repetition of But Brutus is an honorable man is used to persuade the people that Brutus has done wrong. His entire speech makes the people think: Has Brutus really done a good deed? It is this use of literary elements which earns Antony the respect and loyalty of the people. This, in turn, shapes the plot later in the play. This is one of the best examples of how literary devices have an effect on the plot of a piece of literature. It is easy to see that literary devices not only make a story more interesting and colorful, but also have a direct effect on the plot of the piece. Shakespeare, like any writer, uses these devices in his works. The use of literary devices in literature is a necessity, and it is clear that Julius Caesar. is an excellent example of these techniques being used.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Investigating the role of regionalism towards globalisation

Investigating the role of regionalism towards globalisation Is regionalism best interpreted as contradictory to the logic of globalisation, or as an integral part of globalisation  ? Since 1990, end of the Cold War, the world is an ideological cease-fire, but it is still in search of paradigms to shape the new international order. We all tend to think in industrialized countries as well as in poor countries that further integrations of economies through increased interconnection and integration of markets would be ideal. Indeed, globalization is a phenomenon that calls to break boundaries and interdependence among peoples. Regarding the regional integration, it refers to a process of gathering together several distinct elements, in principle, but generally have common aspects with a view to strengthening their individual strengths. The question is either Regionalism poses a serious challenge to Globalisation or would Regionalism builds on Globalisation. The latter is a process that also announces the integration of the world in a new era of thought and actions, and as such, regional integration both in its objectives and forms, participates in this process. Thus regionalism is a decisive step to include in the globalization. We can distinguish two types of regionalism: one tries to resolve any issue amicably, to show consideration for individual needs, they agree on some basic rules to make life easier in overall, but they are also attached to their privacy. In terms of economic cooperation, this type of regionalism is essentially the removal of barriers. From that view, members remain free to pursue their own path of development, cooperating only on issues where they share the same perspective. The other is united by the desire of its members to share their lives, based on common values and views. States share the same political will to build a community and pooling their sovereignty. This type of regionalism tends to lead to the integration of different policies including the establishment of a common market, harmonizing standards and regulations. The first argument is that regional integration covers a wide range of economic and political agreements between nations. These agreements may be formal or informal, bilateral or multilateral, but with specific objectives and phases which are intended to prepare the States to globalization. Specific goals of integration are precisely to ensure access to a wider market, also improve international competitiveness through more efficient use of resources and the removal of structural barriers, promote political cooperation to reduce tensions, increase the bargaining power of the group and thus its members. Face to the competition required by globalization, particularly in dealing with inequalities in development between the countries of the world, integration is a lifeline for developing countries which cannot go to globalisation at risk to suffer from harmful consequences. As such, integration does not offer the same benefits as it applies to a developing countries or an industrialized country. Which brings us to recognize that integration is an additional asset to globalisation. This one is presented as a jungle, where the most powerful economic entities hold sway. Regional integration as a grouping of countries that are geographically close is a way for them to prepare for globalization. The second argument is that regional integration is a factor of industrialization and international trade development. Measures to foster regional integration have an impact on the economies of the region and intra-regional trade. These are mainly the reduction of the tariffs, the effect of expanding demand and the effect of common external tariff. The reduction of tariff barriers leads to greater development of community trade. Regional integration, when it well manages allows to corporate of the community to be more organized in order to compete internationally in their own regions and in the international environment. A study has demonstrated that MERCOSUR has served as a training ground for insertion in the global market economies in this group,especially those that are more powerful as Brazil and Argentina. The European Union and NAFTA, under their respective constitutive documents, are implemented free trade zones. The enlargement of the European Union expands eastwards to the European market of seventy five million consumers. European companies thus have a huge market and can use the European space to go to the conquest of the international market. Countries within a region can use regional integration to promote their presence in international markets and benefit from their comparative advantages in the world trade. The third argument is that borders are no longer a division and opposition between the states. They become factors of cooperation. The best example is found in the European Union with the Schengen zone which has institutionalized the free movement of persons within the area. Regional integration has the same objectives as the globalisation: the abolition of borders. While a feature of globalisation is the free movement of financial flows, regional integration through the creation of large areas of free trade more easily attracts investment and encourages capital accumulation. For example, following its accession to the European Union, foreign direct investment have been in some economic sectors of the UK to benefit from huge market offered by the community. The European Union, with its economies increasingly integrated and market power play a significant role in international negotiations held in the context of globalisation. It can better defend its interests within the WTO. Through regional integration, Africa can speak in a loud voice on the international scene and better defend its interests . However globalisation which refers originally to an integration of different political units that build up the world, finally directly produces its opposite: the fragmentation of the world. It seems that the fragmentation causes the consequence whereby the primary role is to resist to the globalisation. Some apply the quota system to limit quantity of goods to enter their area, others prefer to allocate subventions to local and subregional businesses. Thus integration in this sense means inequality which is paradoxical to globalisation. Therefore we should remember that this simplistic view that tends to make integration an asset for insertion into globalisation must be taken with caution. The integration that has been illustrated is sometimes a factor of disintegration, but beyond that, we must admit that gathering within a region can achieve a real integration into globalisation. If regionalism is a real factor to globalisation then we can wonder what should be done to ensure that imbalance is observed in developing countries especially in Africa can be restored ? African should accept to join themselves to face to the international competition, as if the economy is bad it will also apply to its policy. It must be admitted that a lot of things remain to be done for the integration. It is the search for greater economic security that motivates developing countries to look into developed countries and to seek new forms of partnership with them, others advocate more of a neighborhood regionalism between developing countries, less disruptive and closer to their needs. But the general idea is that North-South agreements provide a lot more advantages than disadvantages. For developed countries they are eager to promote such partnerships, particularly to stimulate development and reduce the problems of insecurity. Finally it allows people to better enjoy the benefit s of globalisation and to spread in the common interest. Besides regionalism allows flexible agreements, indeed increasing economic interdependence in regions does not systematically mean formal agreements. The establishment of the EU, NAFTA or MERCOSUR has involved increased intra-area trade, but it was not the case for ASEAN. The intra-regional trade are much denser at the entire Asian Eastern region (ASEAN but also China, Japan and Korea) although there are no formal structures of integration. East Asia perfectly illustrates the coexistence of regional global dynamics. In this part of the world, deepening regional interdependence is partly due to an opening outside and a search for competitiveness in global markets. Conversely, areas that least involved actively in globalisation are also those that are poorly integrated regionally. This is particularly the case of economies in the Middle East. Finally globalisation has a number of risks, especially related to the financial sphere and acceleration of capital movements. In these circumstances, regional integration can be a way to be protected from disruptions caused by globalisation. The debate on globalisation and regionalism has long been focused only on trade policy issues. To conclude, regionalism is both a component of globalisation and a response to this process.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Meditation :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My Personal Meditation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I was very skeptical and cautious about the lesson on meditation. A few years back I had taken a course on relaxation, which I had found to be only somewhat helpful. I was hoping to find another alternative to calm myself and release the stress. Although I became disbelieving of meditation-I was proved wrong.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After you told us to close our eyes, I had a hard time falling into the meditation. At first I felt uncomfortable and distressed. Thoughts kept revolving in my head and I could not get myself to let free. I wondered whether or not the never-ending gibberish you kept repeating was annoying anyone else. I was astonished at how long you kept repeating yourself without tiring.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After a while I found my own method and it had worked for me. Instead of listening to your words (which I became annoyed with) I blocked out every noise, word, racket the surrounded the room. I completely tuned out from reality and fell into the meditation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I did not realize that I had fallen into the meditation until after I came out of it. I felt like I had detached from my body and floated away. My mind was completely relaxed and blank. Nothing like I pictured it to be. I just felt NOTHING! No noise, no thoughts, I felt at peace with myself. It was hard for me to come out from the meditation because I had forced myself to block everything out and did not hear when you told us to open our eyes. Overall, it was a great experience and I found that it had relaxed me a great deal. However, I did not gain energy as you had so explained to us. I became very sleepy and peaceful. The only problem was that I had to go to work right after class. I work at a law firm, and being so relaxed did not help me at work.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Life and Death of Ernest Hemingway :: Biography Biographies Essays

The Life and Death of Hemingway In novels or other literary works many authors write about things they dream about. Many write about what stories they have heard from fellow companions. None have written about such vivid, yet traumatic experiences as the twentieth century writer, Ernest Hemingway. That is why Hemingway's tend to concur to his real life experiences. To start, consider that he was raised in an extremely strict household. He was born and raised in Oak Park, Illinois. He had an equitably happy, upper middle class childhood. As he grew older he started having feelings of bitterness towards his parents, mainly his mother who was seen as selfish and magisterial by Hemingway. When he was in his teens he became interested in literature. He wrote stories for his high school newspaper and subscribed poems and stories to the school magazine. When he graduated in 1917 he took a junior reporter position on the "Kansas City Star", writing feature stories. In his journalism he began to show interest in powerful yet objective writings of violence, despair, and emotional disturbance, which dominated his writings. He also participated in World War I, which greatly impacted his writing, as a Red Cross ambulance driver in Italy. He was wounded in both legs by a shrapnel explosion. He fell in love with the nurse that was caring for him, who left him not long after for an older man. He returned to Oak Park, and also upper Michigan to write about his childhood, teenage, and wartime years. In 1921 he married Hadley Richardson, divorced March 10, 1927, he moved to Paris to further his writing career. Here he quit journalism as a result of his maturing as a distinguished writer. From the maturity he had accomplished he was able to write over twenty-five books. He eventually returned to journalism to support himself. He was recognized as a major force in literature when he wrote A Farewell to Arms, One of the first novels in Hemingway's literary career. His first publication was Three Stories and Ten Poems, which didn't turn out to be a big success. But his most acclaimed novella, The Old Man and the Sea, which won him the Pulitzer Prize, tends to stand out overall.

Explain the Role of the First World War in the Decline and Fall of the Romanov Dynasty

Explain the role of the First World War in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty The role of the first world in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty has been contended debated. Russia’s lack of resources and preparation can be seen to attribute to the fall of the dynasty as lack of items such as bread and coal ked to contention amongst Russia’s people. Also contributing was Tsar Nicholas II’s lack of military experience and ability to use military force to crush the civilian protests that were occurring in Petrograd, Russia’s capital city. The generals of the military along with the Duma used the protests to their advantage to force the abdication of the Tsar and strengthen Russia’s’ war effort. However, Russia’s turbulent past of political and social turmoil also contributed to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. The lack of preparation on Russia’s behalf before the First World War began was an integral factor leading to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. For a war on a large scale, that being the First World War Russia’s lack of preparation severely crippled its efforts in the war with as many of 1 million of its soldiers departing for the eastern front without necessities such as Rifles or boots. In the circumstances when soldiers were equipped with weapons they were often stuck without the necessary ammunition to fire them, this would foreshadow the humiliating losses Russia would suffer in the months to come with battles such as Tannenburg costing the Russian army as many as 230,000 dead soldiers and many more captured by the forces of the Kaiser. Russia’s second army under the command of General Rennenkampf executed a retreat after the demise of the other half of Russian forces and whilst this was skilful 1. million men met death on the eastern front, if not from the enemy then the crippling lack of food and starvation that faced most soldiers of the Russian army. The news of these defeats did not fall on deaf ears back in the cities of Russia causing great discontent amongst the proletariat and intelligentsia alike, Russia already had a poor war records with a humiliation during the Crimean war at the hands of the Turkish and the recent Russo-Japanese war in 1905 b oth disgraceful defeats on Russia’s behalf. With news now that these losses were being bettered on the eastern front it caused a questioning of Russia’s autocracy, the Dynasty of the Romanov family. The liberal school of thought on the fall of the Romanovs greatly highlights the significance of the First World War on the fall of the autocracy and believe if the war was averted so to would be the fall of the Romanovs. Therefore it can be safely asserted that the liberal school of thought elucidates that the lack of preparation by Russia in response to the First World War contributed greatly to the eclectic nature of the Romanov Dynasty and its eventual decline and fall. The lack of military experience by Tsar Nicholas II as well as the disobedience of the Russian military is more or less of significant importance to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. From an early age Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov was not groomed to be a traditional Tsar, his father Alexander III saw his son as a weak link to the Dynasty and unfit to rule because of his weak personality and mind, those of the liberal school of thought agree entirely with this stating â€Å"the weakness in the character of Nicholas†¦ ontributing to the fall of the Romanov Dynasty. † With little to no training in being the supreme autocrat of Russia it is a wonder that Tsar Nicholas thought it wise to personally take the role of the commader in chief with no military experience as well, for the Russian people this was a risky move seeing as how the last war Nicholas had spear-headed led to a loss of hundreds of kilometres of trans-siberian railway and the colony of Korea in the R usso-Japanese war. Thus upon the start of the First World War despite a surge of patriotism from the Russian people when the Russian Army performed consistently badly Tsar Nicholas was seen to be the cause. Already being investigated as a potential spy due to his marriage to the tsarina who hailed from Germany , the poor performance of Russia during the World War which was under Tsar Nicholas’ command is seen by the Liberal School as crippling to the intergrity and upkeep of Russias’ Autocracy and the Dynasty of the Romanov Family. Worse still was Nicholas’ leadership of Russia during the time of the war, being unable to disband civilian riots in the capital of Petrograd and by refusing offers from the Duma at first during the February/March revolution secured his abdication which was forced upon him by the military and the Duma cementing the lack of loyalty Nicholas’ cabinet had to him as a result of his poor leadership and military inexperience, which can be attributed to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. Furthermore the civilian protests in Russia as a reaction to the catalyst of the First World War were yet another reason as to the fall of the Romanov Family and their dynasty. Russias history of disgruntled peasants and proletariat provides a bleak foreshadow to the reaction the general public had towards the poor performance Russia turned in during the First World War and the lack of necessities such as food and coal that they had to fore-go due to poor preparation. It cannot be denied the crucial role that civilian riots had in the fall of the Romanov Dynasty, these riots can be traced to the 23rd of February 1917 as an English woman named Sybil Grey described the riots start as â€Å"a poor woman entered a bread shop†¦ and asked for bread. She was told there was none. On leaving the shop, seeing bread in the window she broke the window and took it. This simple act of taking bread was the turning point in civilian protests and the birth itself of the Russian Revolution, soon the streets of Petrograd were littered with protestors and the Duma refused the Tsar’s orders to disband the protests via the military, many of whom defected to the protestors to avoid being sent to the Eastern front. The food supplies in most cities were dire and the Russian economy was inflated to the point that most farmers refused to sell their wares in exchange for money. Prominent Russian industry such as the Pulitov Steelworks also closed due to a lack of finance and raw materials meaning 90,000 proletariat now had no jobs and no direction in society, which inevitably leads to protesting. Therefore it can be easily drawn that the protests that occurred with the civilians in Russia played an integral role in the decline and fall of teh Romanov Dynasty. Moreover Russia’s parliament, the Duma in conjunction with the Russian military officials many of whom were related to Tsar Nicholas himself used the First World War as a medium to force the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and attempt to govern Russia as a democracy. After the events of bloody Sunday in 1905 Tsar Nicholas II faced a dilemma, millions of Russians crying for change and challenging his power and the power of the autocracy. It was in these circumstances the ‘October Manifesto’ was issued to the people in hopes of tying down threats of insurrection amongst the people, the manifesto granted Russia a parliament that was so closely linked with the Tsar it had no purpose essentially. However, during the failures that followed Nicholas in the First World War the Duma was essentially in power in the capital city of Petrograd with the Tsar stranded at a military base in Tsarkoe Selo, finally reaching the peak of insurrection the Duma with the support of the Tsar’s trusted generals established a provisional government that attempted to repair the damage the war and Nicholas had caused. To the tsar this was an ct of insubordination and military force was demanded to shut the Duma down, this was not the case. The military had lost faith in Nicholas, fearing he was disadvantaging Russia in their efforts against germany, it was then clear what must be done; under desperation from the war and the people the Duma and the military requested Tsar Nicholas abdicate his power from the throne, in its stead would be a government running on elections in replica of England. Another role the Duma played was their facilitation in the civilian riots occurring with some Cossacks, guards supposedly loyal to the tsar assuring protestors â€Å"don’t worry we won’t shoot you† and the guard of the royal family abandoning their posts. The quintessential role then of the Duma and Military as a result of the first world war in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty cannot be denied. However, when studying the decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty other schools of thought have differing opinions as to the significance of the War in the fall of the Romanovs. The revisionist school argues that the pre-existing and unresolved issues of Russia’s past greatly contributed to the decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty. Historian Sheila Fitzpatrick believes that even prior to the war Russia was in an unstable place, both socially and politically as she states â€Å"The autocracy’s situation was precarious on the eve of the First World War. Issues such as the massacre of bloody Sunday were still contemporary issues for the Tsar and the autocracy, with labels such as ‘Bloody Nicholas’ becoming household names, the activities of various revolutionary groups such as Vladimir Lenin’s Bolshevik party and the opposing Mensheviks of Leon Trotsky whilst fore-runners for change in Russian society both set a precarious scene during 20th century Russia, often trying to ignite crowds or events into protests or revolutions. These often took the form of Assassinations with targets including Prime Minister Petr Stolypin often upsetting the established order and descending society into complete chaos. It can be seen then that the revisionists make a strong argument as to why the Romanovs would have fallen even in the absence of the First World War. The contention does not rest there though, the living conditions of a vast majority of Russian society was also believed to be a contributing factor as to the decline and fall of the Romanovs, during the industrial revolution the conditions faced by the new class; ‘the proletariat’ or workers were seen to be inhumane, they were cramped into mall living areas, malnourished, exposed to dangerous work, shot at and payed incredibly poor amounts of money to ensure this cycle continued, they also made up over 90% of Russia’s population. It is easy to see then that a large amount of society exposed to these conditions for the betterment of others would eventually lead to a revolution en mass which is what revisionists, amongst other things believe would have been equally if not more significant than the First World War in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. All in all despite contention the role of the First World War in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty can be seen as pivotal to some as Russia’s lack of preparation, poor leadership, riots and leaders were all influenced by the great war but is debated amongst others due to other factors such as; conditions faced by the working class, the autcracys weakened position and revolutionary groups.