Saturday, October 19, 2019

Career Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Career Development - Assignment Example Self-efficacy refers to one’s belief in his own abilities. Extensive research has been conducted in order to evaluate the impact of predominant belief in academic performance and overall personality of a person. A usually observation indicates that those students who believe that they would not be able to perform better on tests, often times fail in doing so. However, those having potent belief over their skills and abilities usually outperform others. The reason is because self-efficacy is deeply linked with cognitive development of a person (Bandura, 1977). A large number of researches have proven that there is a substantial positive relationship between the academic performance and self-efficacy beliefs of students. Self-efficacy impacts the activities that students perform, as well as their persistence and extent of efforts. Persistence and putting more effort is difficult task or difficult times are what sets the successful students apart (Bryon, 2011). Therefore, the aim of this paper is to improve own self-efficacy skills. In order to do so, certain strategies and activities have been designed. Results must be evaluated after a period of time so as to compare the past and the current performance. According to Bandura, and Adams, (1977) people possessing low self-esteem tend to shun tasks whereas those who have high self-efficacy not just attempt the task but also remain persistence and competent towards that task (Bandura and Adams, 1977). Figure 1 mentioned above is an example of personal development plan that has been prepared in order to develop and furnish own self-efficacy skills. It must be borne in mind that self-efficacy primarily constitutes of three major areas that include self-confidence, academic performance, and employability skills. However, a lot of effort is required in the beginning. For improving in each area, certain activities are needed to be performed. For example,

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