Friday, May 31, 2019

Help My Computer :: essays research papers

Help my ComputerIn todays world the personal electronic information processing system is as common as a toaster. Almost every household has at least one computer. According to a 2001 survey over 65% of the world in the United States uses a computer. We use the computer to surf the Internet, keep track of our finances, email friends and relatives and play games. There ar limitless possibilities for the use of computers. They pass made typewriters and filing cabinets and thing of the past. However bid any other parts of our society the pc is not safe from being harmed. There are computer viruses and spyware applications that can attack your computer. If your computer has been freezing up, giving you strange illegal operation error messages, or just not working right it may be time to rebuild it.Rebuilding your computer isnt as difficult as you may think. Most anyone who has some basic computer skills and who isnt afraid of taking a risk is capable of rebuilding a pc. You need t o allow three to five hours of your time. Rebuilding your computer involves formatting your local hard disk first, and then reinstalling your operating system again. You will lose any personal folders and files you have on the hard disk, and programs not include in the operating system will have to be reinstalled. You will need to transcript off the data you created. This is the information that you created in Word, Excel or Powerpoint. You should also backup your email messages along with your Internet favorites. You may choose to assume the data onto a CD or if your computer is networked, then copy it onto another computer or a network drive. Next you need to verify that you have legal copies of the computer operating system. A legal copy allows you the ability to get the most up to date computer patches.You need to get the most current software drivers for devices such as printers and scanners. The drivers are usually found on the CDs or disks that came with your computer and accessories. If you no longer have these disks, then you will need to download the latest drivers from the appropriate website. However, the newer operating systems like Windows XP and Windows 2000 usually contain the drivers needed to make these devices work. The next step to take is to reinstall the operating system. You will need the Windows CD and serial number that came with your computer for this.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Impact of Mental Illness Essay -- essays research papers

Impact of Mental IllnessMental malady has the potential to meeting every faucet of an unmarrieds life, as well as the lives of those close to them, including relationships (family and friends), vocational, financial, and behavioral tendencies. These effects differ between each individual due to the treatment approaches taken, the variety of diagnoses, and the intenseness of symptoms. At the age of seventeen Joe felt clueless when his usual good quality school and family life began to change due to a string of stressful experiences. Although his diagnosis was not made immediately, the symptoms of schizophrenia affected his daily life. He became delusional, began to withdrawal from friends, his senses were distorted and overall he was uncomfortable around people. Two categories were created to illustrate the impact on family members caring for an individual with a mental disorder. These are identified as objective burden and unverifiable burden. An objective burden refers to such (prenominal) things as disruptions to family relationships, limitations in leisure and vocational activities, and financial difficulties. (Dore et al., 2001 Magliano et al., 1998). High rates in separation and divorce among relationships where a spouse has a mental sickness is an example of an objective burden (Dore et al., 2001). Following three semesters in University, Joes symptoms of delusion came back leading him to temporarily drop erupt of school. This interruption in his educational experience also constitutes as an example of objective burden. Subjective burden describes the personal feelings and reactions experienced by family members (Dore et al., 2001 Magliano et al., 1998). These feelings may consist of being distressed, angry, grief, going from past to present situations, embarrassed, unhappy, and guilty if an individual feels they were the cause of the illness (Dore et al., 2001). Diannes father was diagnosed with schizophrenia twice and never followed through with treatment. His symptoms caused him to believe that his wife was out to get him and he confided this situation to Dianne, who he later claimed was not his daughter due to an extramarital affair on her mothers behalf. During the time of his illness he disposed his wife and soon after stopped communicating with Dianne as well. The turmoil experienced by the family sent Diannes mother into a depressed state, she i... ...ive burdens and subjective burdens depending on disruptions in a persons life and the reactions towards them. The severity of a diagnosis, along with response to treatments and medications effect the extremities of the symptoms, in turn effecting the impact a mental illness will have on an individual and those around them. ReferencesBarlow, D. H. & Durand, V. M. (1995). Abnormal psychology. Pacific Grove, CA Brooks/Cole.Dore, G., & Romans, S.E. (2001). Impact of bipolar affective disorder on family and partners. diary of Affective Disorders, 67, 147-158. Retrieved Ja nuary 21, 2005, from http//www.sciencedirect.comMagliano, L., Fadden, G., Madianos, M., Caldas de Almeida, J.M., Held, T., Guarneri, M., Marasco, C., Tosini, P., Maj, M. (1998). Burden on the families of patients with schizophrenia results of the BIOMED I study. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 33, 405-412. Retrieved January 21, 2005, from Academic Search Premier.MerckMedicus. (2000). Dorlands Medical Dictionary tardive dyskinesia. Retrieved January 22, 2005, from http//

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

ALL YOU ZOMBIES :: essays research papers

In the recital, All You Zombies, there are many paradoxes that Heinlein touches upon. One being, the ability to spark off back and forth done time. This jumping from one time to another would allow one to arrive at a time that he or she is already in causation there to be two of the same person at once. In fact, this is the scenario that occurs in the short story. It all starts when the bartender approaches a sad soul view at the bar. He asks the fellow to tell him what is wrong. Though reluctant to, the gentleman does after being persuaded to by a bottle of wine. The deal was that if his story was worsened then the bartenders he could keep the bottle all for himself. This is a paradox because the reader finds out later in the story that both men are one in the same with the held of time travel. The bartender knowing this has nothing to loose because either way he wins the bottle of wine. Time travel, in this story, is symbolized by the ring that the bartender wares. Like the ring, with no end or beginning, time, through time travel has no end or beginning allowing one to travel through out time with no interruptions. The ring was also said to be warn to keep women off. This being that the bartender himself was once a woman(Jane) in the beginning he had an, unwilling operation. This operation was done after Jane had a caesarean and the doctor found out that she had two full sets of organs. When Jane awoke to the bad news she was cover tightly in bandages causing her, know a him, to feel Like a mummy. This mummy like feeling is the symbolism for the rest of his life. Once a she now being restricted into a mans body with his life and his fate sealed with him in the bandages. Another paradox is when he says to the bartender, after being disrupt by him, Whos telling this story? Although the reader, like the story teller, does not know that in fact, he is the bartender. So they are both telling the storybecause they are one in the same. This is made possibl e again by time travel, allowing him to be at two place at onetime. The mystery finally unravels for him and the reader with this comment, Now you know who he is - and after

The Use of Laughter in Poetry by Langston Hughes Essay -- Biography Bi

The Use of Laughter in Poetry by Langston Hughes Jessie Fauset explains in her essay The Gift of Laughter that disastrous comedy essential not as a method for blacks to make people laugh, but as a necessary emotional outlet for black people to announce their struggles and hardships. The funny man took on a much more serious emotion than appeared on the surface level. Comedy was one of the few means black people had available to them to express themselves. The paradoxical definition of laughter is applicable to all human beings the limited means of expression is unique to those in an deficient place in society, such as the black Americans of the Harlem Renaissance. In a sense, what makes the struggles represented by the black comedian comic is the white audience members capacity to retain mastery over himself and the situation (Swabey 184). The white audience can laugh at the struggles and hardships on stage because of their refusal to accept the role they have vie in the oppressions that caused them. Marie Collins Swabey as well writes in her book Comic Laughter that By uncovering neglected hypocrisies, illusions, vanities, and deceptions in the behavior of persons and societies...while making us laugh, also removes in part our blindness with regard to certain factual and moral weaknesses in mankind (11). Generally speaking, comedy makes us aware of certain percentage flaws. Fauset entertains this idea in her essay by wondering, ...if this picture of the black American as a living comic supplement has not been painted in order to camouflage the real feeling and knowledge of his white compatriot (161). Whether or not the black comedy of the Harlem Renaissance caused an epiphany for the white audience is not cl... ...nd His move Influence. Ed. C. James Trotman. New York Garland Publishing Inc., 1995. 119-129. Phelps, Thomas C. An Introduction to Arnold Rampersad. Langston Hughes The Man, His Art, and His Continuing Influence. Ed. C. James Trotman. New York Garland Publishing Inc., 1995. 19-34. Rampersad, Arnold, ed., and David Roessell, assoc. ed. The Collected Poems ofLangston Hughes. New York Vintage Books, 1994. Simpson, J.A., and E.S.C. Weiner, eds. The Oxford incline Dictionary. 2nd Edition. Vol. VIII. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1989. Swabey, Marie Collins. Comic Laughter. Archon Books, 1970. Tracy, Stephen C. Langston Hughes Poetry, Blues, and Gospel--Somewhere to Stand. Trotman, C. James, ed. Langston Hughes TheMan, His Art, and His Continuing Influence. New York Garland Publishing Inc., 1995 51-61.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essays --

Television Producer Television producers have one of the just about prominent and active roles within the industry they play a part in each aspect of pre-production, production and post-production. A producer tends to be at the core of any contemporary television show, yet there are several different kinds of producer that are at the threshold. Within television, producers are passing involved in a wide variety of programming, such as dramas, reality shows, game shows, documentaries, sitcoms etc. Like with most media based roles, the ideal force for any producer, is a successful broadcast. Producers are the initiators of all projects. Their role deals with issues of creativity, finance and practicality they must supervise an entire production and creative team. Yet, certain positions are headed by specific types of producer. For example, an Executive Producer will likely be in charge of the finances, along with input on the script and ensuring all cast and crew are content. Yet, a n decision maker producer place be claimed to have very little involvement in the technical side of the video making process, but is still responsible for the project. Typically, an executive producer handles business and legal issues. A regular Producer will run every aspect of the production on a daily basis, because of this, they often duplicate roles and become directors and writers as well. Following this, an Associate Producer will assist the Producer, whether that be a research position, coordinating staff, or taking on the Producer role if he/she is otherwise incapable themselves. Many other roles on a television series, include a Line/Field Producer, which takes charge of on location production and a serial publication Producer, who is responsible for ... ...background in media education is beneficial. However, previous experience within the industry is a requirement, whether it be as a runner, researcher, assistant producer etc this experience can lead to employment i n a more senior position. A strong producer will be creative, a strong financial head, leadership abilities, confidence, good communication skills and strong time and resource management.As long as television exists, so will a producer. Successful producers gain the audiences appreciation with originality, whilst appealing to the masses. They capture the audiences attention through a range of marketing campaigns and creatively successful shows themselves. However, Producer roles are dominated by men. In 2011, women comprised exclusively 18% of all roles within the media industry. Albeit, networking, organisation and creativity are key to becoming a producer.

Essays --

Television Producer Television producers have one of the most prominent and active contributions deep down the industry they play a part in each aspect of pre-production, production and post-production. A producer tends to be at the core of any contemporary television show, yet at that place be several different kinds of producer that are at the threshold. Within television, producers are highly involved in a wide variety of programming, much(prenominal) as dramas, reality shows, game shows, documentaries, sitcoms etc. Like with most media based roles, the ideal outcome for any producer, is a successful broadcast. Producers are the initiators of all projects. Their role deals with issues of creativity, finance and practicality they must supervise an entire production and creative team. Yet, certain positions are headed by specific types of producer. For example, an Executive Producer will likely be in lodge of the finances, along with input on the script and ensuring all cast a nd crew are content. Yet, an executive producer can be claimed to have very pocketable involvement in the technical side of the video making process, but is still responsible for the project. Typically, an executive producer handles business and legal issues. A standard Producer will run every aspect of the production on a daily basis, because of this, they often duplicate roles and become directors and writers as well. Following this, an Associate Producer will assist the Producer, whether that be a research position, coordinating staff, or taking on the Producer role if he/she is otherwise incapable themselves. Many other roles on a television series, include a Line/Field Producer, which takes charge of on location production and a Series Producer, who is responsible for ... ...background in media education is beneficial. However, previous experience within the industry is a requirement, whether it be as a runner, researcher, assistant producer etc this experience can lead to employment in a more cured position. A strong producer will be creative, a strong financial head, leadership abilities, confidence, good communication skills and strong time and resource management.As long as television exists, so will a producer. Successful producers gain the audiences appreciation with originality, whilst appealing to the masses. They capture the audiences attention through a black market of marketing campaigns and creatively successful shows themselves. However, Producer roles are dominated by men. In 2011, women comprised only 18% of all roles within the media industry. Albeit, networking, organisation and creativity are key to becoming a producer.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Brazil Culture Night Essay

We let a bulk of varied cultural items going on, but at the world(prenominal) House t here is always a culture event every two or three weeks. They usu all toldy dedicate a week to a specific culture. They show movies, do lectures, have coffee night and much more. They have different cultures every time. International House had culture events on different cultures like China, brazil, Japanese, French, Nepali, German, India, and many more. I have been to many of these culture events.One event in particular that I had been to recently is Brazil culture night. Brazil culture night was held on Wednesday, March 14, 2012. The doors opened at 600 but the actual event started at 630 and it lasted until 830. The event was held in the International House Great Room where all the events are usually held. I was very excited to go to this event because I screw very little about Brazil but I have heard a lot and I was very excited to go and notice out new things about Brazil. I specially w anted to see the food and the music. And the language, Lusitanian.When I first walked in the lobby of International House it was packed Everywhere there were lots of multitude. I saw different age group people from kids to late adults. This made me even more exciting, I hunch to see lots of people coming to event it on the button makes it even more fun. In the beginning as soon as you go in, you find out your food and you find a place to sit. When I saw the food, my mouth got so watery. My Portuguese professor from last semester was serving us food, and she had told me that she made about of this food.This surprised me because I never thought that she could make this great food. The food was amazing, I specifically loved the desert, I did not know what it was called but it was all chocolaty and it was shaped like a round ball. After every one got sattled in, which completely filled the Great Room there was no space for anyone to sit, roughly people were even standing. And consequently the program started around 930.There were two presentations, one from the Brazilian people itself and another one was a students here who went there to do the study abroad program. Both of these presentations were very interesting, I learned a lot from them. It made me want to go to Brazil to do the study abroad program. The places they went to were just so beautiful. Later they had the band, Caf Basil and they played amazing as well. I realized that I authentically enjoy Portuguese music I never thought that I would like this type of music but I really enjoyed it. Later they had the Jiu-Jitsu demonstration, which was really interesting. I press I could something like that. And at the end there was some Samba dance demonstrations, which Joanna presented. I was just mind blown when I saw it They taught people from audience and then some people just joined them. I really enjoyed the Samba dance. They also had a traditional dancing.Overall I really enjoyed myself there. There was not a better way I would have wanted to spend my Wednesday night. I really enjoyed the food and loved the Samba dancing. I am really glad that they pass flyers around campus, post these events on International House website and also they use facebook to get a lot of people coming to these events. They always have a great out come. Sometimes they do not even have enough food left for the helpers. They have volunteers helping during these events. These volunteers are students and most of them are from the club, Asian American Association. I believe that these students do a great job, in weather it if preparing the food or preparing for the event.One another positive thing about these events held at the International House is that, these events allow us to meet new people outside of what we unremarkably see, who our normal friends are. I have made a lot of new friend from going to these events. I have friends from lots of different culture tho because I go to these culture events and I see them there. These events also allows us to experience other culture but in our own comfort zone. I also like how the main focus of these events is that, it show people on campus the similarities and differences between cultures in an interesting fun way, which everyone enjoys.I learned a lot from these events. Like I learned to do a little of Samba dancing and some interesting facts and also the food was amazing. I think they should just keep up the good work that they are doing. They should find a bigger room so that everyone could sit and enjoy but other then that it was wonderful. I loved it

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Population in India Essay

India is an extremely large country which is sometimes referred to as a subcontinent. The enormity of the existence of India has been of outstanding apprehension and concern since the 1940s. There are many reasons for this serious dilemma in India, however, many initiatives harbour been implemented to resolve the crisis. In the following canvass I will investigate and discuss the situation.Firstly, a significant cause of overpopulation in India is the massive death toll. In one year in India, 5 meg children die and approximately half the total deaths every year are of sisters under five. This horrific reality is due to indisposition, malnutrition and diarrhoea.Dysentery is caused by bad diets and unfit drinking water, resulting in the loss and reduction of fluid needed in the body and consequent dehydration. A large majority of children die from acute cases of diarrhoea, contempt the fact that there is an injection to cure it which costs 1p. Demise because of this relatively curable illness must cease. In addition, an some other widespread fatal disease is T.B. which numerous children die of. The disease occurs in the lungs and consists of the sufferer loosing blood through coughing. Moreover, a major reason for the high numbers of infant mortality in India is not simply sickness of the child, but of the pregnant mother as well. If the parent is unhealthy, it is very probable that the child they produce will also have contracted illness. The monthly increase in population is 1 million.This overwhelming figure is because large families are needed to work on farms and in other jobs. However, the Indians have more than than offspring than they actually want or need because they realise some may not live long and ,therefore, wont have the skills to assist and care in the fields. For example, a couple may want 6 children but have 8 for good measure and in case some die. This only resolution to this problem is to reduce the death of children so that paren ts can feel positive that their children will not die. Subsequently to having more children than needed, many do not die as expected, accordingly, the population increases. In the 1950s the Indian population was a mere 350 million, since then, it has increased to 750 million. The population in India is so immense that for every 1 person in UK there are 12 people in IndiaFurthermore, another cause of the high population is the requirement of more children as labourers in the country than in the townsfolk. There are larger families in the country, because, with more people to help an increased product is produced, ensuring a larger income, prosperity and affluence. However, if a family has less children, labourers have to be hired which costs silver and therefore a reduced surplus. 300 million people dont have an education or enough to eat in India. In the countryside every man woman and child whole kit and boodle and all the jobs are manual, because suitable and affordable impleme nts have not yet been introduced.Because of this, boys are seen as more useful than girls because they can partake in the obese labour. If a family does not get a boy the first time, they have more children until they get one. When a marriage happens the girl goes and lives with her in-laws which provide extra help in the fields. The more sons a family has the more successful it will be. There are also a wide variety of differences between the country and town environment. In the Indian countryside, children are a vital requirement, whereas, in towns children are not needed to do manual labour so the families are smaller. to a fault this, in towns medicinal cures are available so fewer children die and parents have an improved chance of keeping themselves and their children healthy.There is a higher infant mortality in the countryside because cures are not available, although, larger families mean more money. If a family has a son they very often move to the cities and send the mo ney they earn to their families in the country. In the city it is harder to afford so many children because food has to be purchased unlike in the countryside. There is however a often decreased infant mortality in the city as a result of accessible remedies.Ghandhigram is a charity established to help children and youth mothers in the countryside. 75% of Indias population live in the countryside, where the health service is basically nonexistent. Ghandigram has presented the solution of looking after and concentrating on the health of very young children. A dramatic improvement has been seen already and the situation of children is gradually recovering. As well as health in the countryside, the organisation is also persuading many more mothers to send their children to school. Children are being educated with the incentive of free school meals provided. As a result of this a large proportion of the future genesis will be healthy and educated, consequently, good jobs will be obta inable to them. In the villages where the scheme is operating feedback is very positive and Ghandhigram will hopefully make water further alterations and enhanced conditions.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Port Expander Research Paper

1. What is a bearing Expander A expression expander is a thingamabob that allows one port on a computer system to connect to multiple devices. There are two basic forms of port expanders internecine and external. An internal expander has a connection inside the computer, typically on the motherboard, and the only part the user sees is the expansion plate containing multiple ports. An external device plugs into the existing port and then has multiple places to connect. When not part of a computer system, these devices are commonly known as splitters.2. Types of Port ExpandersUSB Port Expander FireWire Port Expander Ethernet Port Expander VGA Port Expander SCSI Port Expander Serial Port Expander Video Port Expander Audio Port Expander DVI Port Expander DB-25 Port Expander SATA Port Expander3. Are they generic,or rotter work on multiple computersThere are no specific types of ports for different computers in todays technology. All the computers from PC to Mac have all the same port s on them. Port Expanders volition work for just about any PC.4. Advantages and DisadvantagesAdvantages of using port expanders are that you get more ports to use. If you ever run out of VGA ports, usb, SCSI ,or even Ethernet ports. You chamberpot always buy a port expander for it whether it be internal or external. Also In Some cases port expanders are cheaper than getting an equal flesh of real ports. Disadvantages are a lot of them are external and they can get in the way of you working. Also could use more billet and if your power source isnt good enough it could cause problems when you add more devices it consumes more power. The power source Milli amperage is limited theres only so many extra ports you can use. And if you over load the power source the computer wont turn on. Until you unplug them. And I read that it can possibly destroy the power confer but rarely.

Friday, May 24, 2019

How It Feel to Be Colored Me and How to Tame a Wild Tongue Essay

Sometimes we know who and what we are, but its impossible to wear an identity without becoming what we pretend to be or bullied into silence allowing ourselves to be made a victim to oppression. In this essay Im comparing the authors of How it Feel to Be Colored Me by Zora Hurston, and How to Tame a jobless Tongue by Gloria Anzaldua. Gloria Anzaldua became a victim of oppression by accepting society expectations of the Chicano culture. Meanwhile, Zora Hurston accepted who she is despite who people perceived her as because of her skin color.These two authors defends their personal identities through their cultures in separate ways. In the allegory How to Tame a Wild Tongue, Gloria Anzaldua feels that the way someone is cannot be controlled it can only be erased she states Wild tongues cant be tamed, they can only be cut out (Page 31). Anzaldua was against losing her accent and had an issue with putting her first language as a second. She would rebel as a child when told not to spea k Spanish, so she struggled with changing and adapting to the American culture. She believed her culture the Chicano culture needed to differ from others with a secret language they can be able to communicate amongst each other. Chicano Spanish need to identify ourselves as a distinct people. We needed a language which we could communicate with ourselves, a secret language (Page 32). By creating their own slang allows them to connect their identity and communicate reality, values, and things they have in common. Yet, Zora Hurston in the story How it feels to be Colored Me expresses the way she was created doesnt bother her nor makes her sadden. I am not tragically colored. There is no great sorrow dammed up in my soul, nor lurking behind my eyes. I dont mind at all (Page 145). Unlike other colored people she doesnt hate herself for the color of her skin, shes proud to be created as the person she is without regret. Although, shes constantly reminded of her culture background it fail s to bring her integrity down, because ancestors paid the price of her free start in society, and shouldnt stop to reflect on picks that wasnt hers. Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the grand-daughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me. I am off to a flying start and must I not halt to look back and weep. Slavery is the price I paid forcivilization, and the choice was not with me (Pages 145-146). Zora Hurston doesnt consider herself a part of her culture who uses their skin color for a bad excuse for why theyre in electronegative life situations. I do not belong to the sobbing school of Negrohood who holds that nature somehow has given them a lowdown dirty deal and whose feelings are endure about it (Page 145).

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Employee Motivation Essay

Abstract.Employee motif is the psychological feature that arouses an employee to be accommodate in a certain manner for accomplishing certain organizational goals. Individuals differ in motivating along three parameters viz. self-esteem, take away for strikement, and immanent pauperism. There has been a growing emphasis on employees needfully rather than just organizational needs, and recognition of the strategic value of employees being developed to their best potential. Organizations have last increasingly aw argon that the effective growth of their employees skills and knowledge has benefits for the whole organization. writ of execution appraisal mass be a crucial factor in the setting of career goals and the perception of melodic line satisfaction leading to increased motive and productivity. The paper examines employee motivation at the solveplace.What is Motivation?Motivation is based on emotions. It is the search for positive emotional experiences and the avoida nce of negative emotional experiences. Motivation is relate in the per pissance of all learned responses. It is a behavior that testament non occur unless it is triggered. In general, psychologists question whether motivation is a primary or secondary influence on behavior. For example, is the behavior stemmed from individualisedity, emotion perception, and memory or if motivation stems from concepts that are unique.Each year, billions of dollars are spent on motivation courses by large companies. The course involves gentility in motivation, meetings to boost motivation, incentives to strengthen motivation, meetings to analyze problems in the workplace motivation, tools to measure motivation mission statements, etc. These training sessions overly include how to cope with problems in recruitment, productivity and retention, problems of commitment to teams and corporate agendas. Motivation is extremely important to success and to reach personal and business goals that wholeness has set.EthicsEmployees moldiness learn to work together towards common goals. Employees must(prenominal) have an sagaciousness of the organization as a whole and how they fit into the organization. They entrust most deally need training to acquire the knowledge needed for organizational understanding. Once an understanding of the organization and their role in it has been established, the employee with act on the goals set forth. Management must show the employee the need for their being there and for their output and input. The top to bottom role should be fair and there must be a clear code of corporate ethics. There must be communication between all levels, top to bottom, bottom to top. No employee should be left out. Management should ensure that their employees nip secure and they locoweed be trusted and are equals among their peers. Per miscellaneaance should be viewed as a learning experience, non a horrific experience.AppraisalsThe annual performance review is one o f the most feared and fearful processes that leaves employees angry and depressed as opposed to motivated to perform better. Companies have started to look at the appraisal as a more developmental approach to performance evaluation, instead of making the employee feel more insecure near their job performance. By using this technique, it would emphasize on giving employees the skills they need to perform effectively. The goal of a plan such as this would be to achieve goals that have been set by the come with and be appraised on how many of those goals they have reached. Goals should be clear and sufficient to motivate employees into action.Business performance will improve by using an effective appraisal system. By defining clear objectives, the employees will be able to focus on the specified travail and company goals. Appraisals help the employees feel that their good work is recognized and that they are valued. It also get outs an opportunity to discuss concerns and weaknesse s that the employee whitethorn have and suggestions may be make to find a solution to the problem.Motivation TechniquesIn order to motivate employees, they must know what is expected of them. Employees must have a clear understanding of challenges and realistic goals that they must meet. Employees that are encouraged to healthy competition ensure that the criteria for successes are clear and do not encourage resentment or starting time morale. Tough approaches, like firing staff that are not working to their full potential, can motivate other employees to do work better and pass on for those goals that have been set.There is no perfect way to motivate staff. Some psychologists hold that financial bonuses or perks will be enough to motivate employees to egest their best effort. Competition between employees is also unremarkably use as a motivation strategy at times. However, the keys to effective employees are motivation strategies that provide a range of incentives that appeal to the different personalities of the employees. While one individual may be driven by money, another(prenominal) may find job satisfaction or creative opportunities more powerful factors.Some company employee motivation techniques suggest that most employees respond to the same incentives. Money is most commonly used to improve motivation, staff retention and ambition. Everyone is different and has their own view about what is important to their life. For this reason, there are steps that can be used to motivate employees by doing things that they value and mean doing the right thing. They are as followsFind the right job for the right personEmpower EmployeesCo-operation vs. Competition adopt employees in company developmentWhen staff feel secure and nurtured in their work surroundings they performbetter. These steps help employees feel secure in their environmentPraise and recognition of the employees successes as much as you constructively criticize them.Let employees be aware o f their job security.Be a Leader to staff.Create a comfortable working environment.Treat employees fairly.Mangers are responsible for overseeing employees who are engaged in work or learning tasks. Managers must be aware that some employees loticipate more out of worry in the task than others are. Others gain their satisfaction principally out the way in which their performance on the task leads to rewards like pay or status. But typically there is a mixture of motives for which a range of different incentives is relevant. most employees will find at least some satisfaction in simply doing the work. The balance of these intrinsic and extrinsic sources of satisfaction varies from one person to another and between different situations. Some plurality indeed are high uply motivated by both intrinsic interest and extrinsic rewards. adscititious and intrinsic motivationMost employees understand intrinsic satisfaction or intrinsic motivation, when an activity is satisfying or pleasura ble in and of itself. These activities are things employees like and involve to do. For most people, intrinsically enjoyable activities are things like eating, resting, laughing, playing games, winning, creating, seeing and hearing beautiful things and people, and so on. To do these things people do not need to be paid, applauded, cheered, thanked, respected, or anything. They do them for the good feelings that are automatically and naturally received from the activity. Intrinsic rewards also involve pleasurable internal feelings orthoughts, like feeling proud or having a sense of mastery following studying enceinte and succeeding in a class.Many, maybe most, activities are not intrinsically satisfying enough to get most of people to do them consistently, so extrinsic motivation needs to be applied in the form of rewards, incentives, or as a way to avoid some unpleasant condition.There are many activities that are intrinsically satisfying to some people but not to other people. Th is diversity suggests that past experiences can have a powerful influence on determining what is intrinsically satisfying to an individual. In many activities, intrinsically satisfying aspects combine with extrinsic pay offs. For example, employees and people in general, intrinsically enjoy conversing and, at the same time, they get concern, praise, support and useful information. In this case where intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are mixed, one might suppose that over a period of time the accompanying extrinsic reinforcements stepwise increase our intrinsic enjoyment of the activity and perhaps vice versa.Extrinsic MotivationExtrinsic Motivation comes from without, such as money, titles, honors, trophies or a date. Extrinsic motivation has been found to destroy intrinsic motivation. Presently there is a movement to eliminate extrinsic motivation from schools, hospitals, and government. Extrinsic Motivation can be based on the phrase, Do this, and get this. Methods of Extrins ic Motivation are sometimes controversial. Some argue that employees view their work as a form of punishment and the paycheck is their reward. Extrinsic rewards tend to focus attention more narrowly and to shorten time perspectives, which may result in more streamlined production of predefined or standardized products. Job satisfaction and long term commitment to a task may also be affected.Management initiative thinks about rewarding employees with money as an effective reward. Unfortunately, money will not always motivate employees to perform better or stay with the company longer. Not everyone thinks money makes theworld go round.Intrinsic MotivationIntrinsic motivation is the satisfaction in which the rewards come from carrying out an activity rather from a result of the activity. Employees that are intrinsically motivated tend to be more aware of a wide range of phenomena, while giving careful attention to complexities, inconsistencies, novel events and unexpected possibiliti es. They need time and freedom to make choices, to gather and process information, and have an appreciation of well finished and integrated products, all of which may lead to a greater depth of learning and more creative output.Intrinsic Motivation is the outcome of a work situation that employees enjoy. It comes from inside of the employee. Employees feel that they are in charge and that they have the opportunity to acquire new skills and abilities to match a different challenge. Employees also feel that they are a part of a successful team. When rewards, such as praise, are based on performance standards that imply one is doing well and performing competently, then the intrinsic interest increases. People like to be told they are doing well. Intrinsic Motivation is an emotional preference that put acrosss pleasure and enjoyment. It stems from a strong emotional interest in an activity. It can be classified as a sense of freedom.Theories.Maslows Hierarchy of Needs.Abraham Maslow i s considered as the father of Humanistic Psychology. Humanistic Psychology incorporates both Behavioral and psychoanalytic Psychology. Maslow, although he studied both casings of Psychology, he rejected the idea that human behavior is controlled by only internal and external factor. Maslow, instead, based his Motivation possibleness on the basis that mans behavior is controlled by both internal and external factors. (pp. ) He also emphasized that humans have the efficacy to make choices andexercise free will.Maslow collected data for his theories by studying individuals with an outstanding presence. His studies led him to believe that certain people have needs which are unchanging and genetic. Some needs are more basic than others are and others are more powerful than others are. As these needs are satisfied, new needs are created and other needs emerge.Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is as followsBasic NeedsPhysiological The need for sleep and rest, food, drink, shelter, sex, and ox ygen.Safety The need to be safe from harm. The need for a predictable world with consistency. The need for fairness, routine, and a sense of stability and security.Growth NeedsLove and Belonging The need for live and affectionate relationships, belonging to a group, and caring.Esteem (two components)Self-respect The desire for confidence, competence, adequacy, achievement, and mastery.Respect of others The desire for acceptance, recognition, reputation, appreciation, status, and prestige.Understanding and Knowledge The needs to satisfy curiosity, explore, discover, find solutions, look for relationships and meaning, and try on intellectual challenges.Aesthetics The need for beauty in surroundings.Self-actualization The need for growth, development and utilization of potential, becoming all that one can be self-fulfillment.McGregors X and Y TheoriesTwo theories of human behavior at work were developed by Douglas McGregor. Theory X and Theory Y. McGregor did not indicate that worker s would be type X or type Y. He saw the two types as extremes, with various possible behaviors in between.Theory X workers would be described an individuals who abominate work and avoid work when possible. They also lack ambition and do not like responsibility and prefer to be followers instead of leaders. These individuals also have a desire for feeling secure.Theory Y workers are individuals that could be characterized as individuals who did not dislike work and are considered responsible. These workers consider work as play or a rest time.For Theory Y workers, management would need to challenge the individual and create a working environment where they can show and develop their creativity. With Theory X, receiving rewards motivates the individuals.Kellers ARCS Theory of MotivationJohn M. Keller designed four conditions for an employee to be motivated. Attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction (ARCS) are these conditions that when an employee uses them, they will become more motivated to do their tasks and reach goals set by themselves or others. Keller suggests that ARCS must happen in sequence. By following the ARCS order, it will obtain the employee interest in the topic. If it were to lose its sequential order, then interest will be lost and motivation would not takeplace.This motivation theory argues that events that fulfill personal needs or goals will enhance performance and effort put forth by the employee. Each of Kellers conditions build upon the next condition. The management should give these conditions in mind when designing goals and assigning tasks.The Conditions set by Keller are as followsAttention The first and single most important aspect of the ARCS model. It is gaining and memory the employees attention. Kellers strategies for attention include sensory stimuli, question provocation, and variability.Relevance Attention and motivation will not be maintained unless the employee believes the training is relevant. The training political platform should answer the critical question, Whats in it for me? Benefits should be cl primordial stated. For a sales training plan, the benefit might be to help representatives increase their sales and personal commissions. For a safety-training program, the benefit might be to reduce the number of workers getting hurt. For a software-training program, the benefit to users could be to make them more productive or reduce their frustration with an application.Confidence The confidence aspect is postulate so that the employee feels that they should put a good faith effort into the organization. If they think they are incapable(p) of achieving the objectives or that it will take too much time or effort, their motivation will decrease. In technology-based training programs, employees should be given estimates of the time required to complete the task or a measure of their progress through the program.Satisfaction The last is Satisfaction. The employee must obtain some ty pe of satisfaction or reward for achieving the goal or finishing a task. This can be in the form of praise from a supervisor, a raise, or a promotion.If managers are to use this Theory of Motivation, they must address adequateexamples and/or choices for their employees to be available to complete the task or reach a goal. Some employees may be active learners and enjoy experimentation. Some employees may be reflective learners and are more in tune with observing and lectures. These styles must be interpreted into consideration in order for the employee to feel motivated and be able to help the organization.There are currently thousands of articles on employee motivation research that has evolved from the early work of Maslow, Keller and McGregor. The application of these theories into new communication situations, like the Internet, will be an important contribution for generations to come.Benefits of Motivation EmployeesIt is important that employees are motivated to work hard and increase productivity. Yet some workers are not reaching their full potential. Managers need to be proactive and start or improve existing motivation programs. Employees are aware of what their employers are or arent doing to recognize their efforts.The time it takes to set up a program is minimal, program administration is easy and cost-efficient with automated program tracking and reporting. The end result is a program tailored specifically to the needs of the company. To develop a successful motivation program that benefits a company the following suggestions may be helpfulSpecific goals that provide a strong sense of motivation and are expected to be obtained.Equity for all participants. Employees perceiving inequity may lower productivity.High perceived value so the participant becomes emotionally involved in obtaining the goal.Employee function during the development of the program and timely feedback to employees continuing throughout the program.Employee motivation is the responsibility of the company and its managers. The company must create a workplace that is full of culture and high achievers in order for the business to improve.Recognition, appreciation and rewards are crucial to employee motivation. A pat on the back or a mention of thanks can literally move mountains. Productivity rises for employees that are rewarded for the work they do. A companys reputation and productivity increases with employees that feel appreciated.Recognition keeps communication open. It is important to keep communication alive with staff. By opening the lines of communication and staying in touch with the employees it will keep you in touch with their needs and desires. Create an atmosphere of cooperation, and give credit where credit is due. In return, the company will have employees that will go the extra hundred miles, and the returns will be tenfold. When an employee is passionate about their involvement and contributions, there will be no limit to the success t hat can be achieved.BibliographyPandy, Wayne. (2001) Safety Incentives & Recognition. Creating an Achievement Based Safety Culture. Retrieved September 18, 2004 from http// Webb, Bob. (2001) exploitation productive skills through self-discovery.Retrieved September 18, 2004 from http// Team. (2004) Motivation. Retrieved from http//www.accel- Team. (2004) Theorists and their Theories. Retrieved from http//www.accel-, Dale. (1981). How to Win Friends & Influence People Be a Leader How to Change People Without Giving shame or Arousing Resentment (pp. 205-243). New York, NY Pocket Books.Faculty of Information Studies. (1995) Motivation Theories. University of Toronto Retrieved from http//

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Letters Giving Information

Dear Sir/Madam, As the main organizer of motion that is organism planned to stage at Can Tho university, I am indite to you on behalf of the students in my playing period grade to request that you be so kind as to help us to publicize the point. Now, I would like to let you some information about the performance. To welcome the Lunar New Year, my drama class is planning to stage a musical based upon George Bernad Shaws Pygmalion My true(p) Lady.My Fair Lady is a world popular musical and is the insert for the longest run of any major musical theatre production in history. Therefore, Im sure it leave behind attract many audience. The performance will take place at 7 pm on thirtieth January at the Great Hall in Can Tho university. Visitors argon expected to come earlier. To carry out this performance, we prepared thoroughly and drilled diligently. Actors and actresses view as formerly acting experience, so I trust audience will not be disappointed with the drama.Wed like if the above information could be included in bulletins of local news. Im sure that this event will be of interest to many people who love art and drama. Next, throw in me to suggest that the journalists could be invited to report on the event, and to interview the actors and members of the audience. This way, members in my class will have better opportunities to develop their career. Thank you for your timeand cooperation in this matter. enrapture do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information. Yours faithfully,Letters Giving InformationDear Sir/Madam, As the main organizer of performance that is being planned to stage at Can Tho university, I am writing to you on behalf of the students in my drama class to request that you be so kind as to help us to publicize the event. Now, I would like to give you some information about the performance. To welcome the Lunar New Year, my drama class is planning to stage a musical based upon George Bernad Shaws Pygmalion My Fair Lady.My Fair Lady is a world popular musical and is the record for the longest run of any major musical theatre production in history. Therefore, Im sure it will attract many audience. The performance will take place at 7 pm on 30th January at the Great Hall in Can Tho university. Visitors are expected to come earlier. To carry out this performance, we prepared thoroughly and drilled diligently. Actors and actresses have formerly acting experience, so I trust audience will not be disappointed with the drama.Wed like if the above information could be included in bulletins of local news. Im sure that this event will be of interest to many people who love art and drama. Next, allow me to suggest that the journalists could be invited to report on the event, and to interview the actors and members of the audience. This way, members in my class will have better opportunities to develop their career. Thank you for your timeand cooperation in this matter. Please do not hesitate to cont act me should you require further information. Yours faithfully,

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Lemurs of Kirindy

Peter Kappelers article entitled, The Lemurs of Kirindy, brought into focus the different behaviors adapted by and that has evolved among the mammals in the Kirindy Forest in the western coast of Madagascar. Of particular interest in the article were the lemurs of Kirindy, which Kappeler described to have evolved and changed their behaviors in order to adapt to the changing seasons and climates of the forest.This paper looks into the mental process of lifelike choice among the mammals of Kirindy. The discussion and analysis provided herein posits that natural selection favored the most unusual prelate behaviors among lemurs. More specifically, the position assumed in this discussion asserts that because of the evermore changing somatic/natural environment of the forest, lemurs have adapted and underwent the process of evolving biologically, as their response to the natural changes occurring in their physical environmentcompleting the process of natural selection.The pronounced seasonal changes in the Kirindy forest was described as a combination of either very hot or cold climates, erratically changing each season. On December to February, the forest does not experience rain, wherein nights reach above freezing point. In addition to these drastic changes in temperature, primate behaviors also vary during long dry spells or months of continuous rains. Behaviors of lemurs affected not only include hibernation periods, circadian rhythms, or nutriment hunting patterns, nevertheless also reproduction cycles and mating behavior. Ultimately, the erratic changes in climate in Kirindy influence the survival techniques of lemurs.Indeed, these seasonal changes have affected the circadian rhythms, mating behaviors, and food hunting techniques of the lemurs of Kirindy. Sifakas argon known to adapt a calorie-saving behavior by expending less energy through a decrease in their physical activities and expose themselves to heat as much as possible. Moreover, sifakas ea t plants that have high liquid content, further curbing its survival techniques in order to run the cold season. Sifakas mating behaviors, meanwhile, have also been inadvertently affected by the seasonal changes in the forest. Female sifakas give birth during the cold season, and learn to support their young by hunting for plants or leaves with high liquid content and adapting a calorie-saving lifestyle.Fat-tailed lemurs, meanwhile, have also learned to adapt to new behavior in order to survive the cold season in the forest. The rainy season is a time when fat-tailed lemurs store fat as their food supply for their hibernation period. They do this by eating high-energy fruits and insects, converting these foods into fat, which is then stored in their tails. After the rainy season, fat-tailed lemurs get ready for the dry season by hibernating in hollow trees.The sifakas and fat-tailed lemurs are just examples of mammals that have learned to adapt to the environments drastic changes, particularly in the Kirindy forest of Madagascar. Variations and changes in lemur behavior demonstrated that the process of natural selection took place in the forest, wherein the uncontrollable physical conditions that the lemurs lived in led to an alteration of their lifestyles, and ultimately, biological tendencies and reactions to the environment (i.e., Kirindy forest).

Monday, May 20, 2019

Brannigan Case Analysis Essay

Division has the largest soup market do res publica in the United States at 39. 8%. They ar willing to change and have the capital to do so. Weaknesses The soup industry as a whole has been on a consistent decline over the last several years. Brannigans has wasted money acquiring small businesses that have done bitty to nothing for profits. They have also been developing different types of soup in which only 1 protrude of 100 is actually hearty received by consumers. Opportunities They have the potential to be the leaders in healthy canned soups that are offered in a variety of trendy flavors.Brannigan Foods is already a well established brand with many loyal fol disappoints who can regain their brand identity with less marketing than a newer or littler business. Threats Frozen and deli soup industries are trending and make the market considers of shelved soups to plummet. Any quick and easy meal option from fast food to macaroni and cheese are threats to this industry and t o Brannigans The problem presented in this case is that Mr. Bert Clark needs to make a formal budget and action cast for the CEO to address the three year downturn in profitability, market share and sales.Consumers arent purchasing as some(prenominal) soup as they have in the past. With so much variety, not only within soups, but among all food options, its hard to make consumers fill only your brand every time. Price plays a large role in buyer decisions when it comes to items that they plan to store in their cupboard. If the price isnt low enough, they can just switch brands or conceal until later to purchase their stock items. Brannigans has been steadily increasing their price to ebb the effects of the lower sales amounts.Brannigans hasnt done anything to increase the value of their soups in the minds of consumers they have only raised(a) the price. The true problem is that customers arent finding enough value in Brannigan Foods Soups to rationalize spending much on them t han they had in front. I propose that they have a deal to develop new flavors of soups, with the winner receiving a combination price of money and a years supply of Brannigan Foods Soups. Buying up smaller brands of soups doesnt sound feasible seeing as how it hasnt worked at any time before for this company.Another option is to seasonalize the soups to allow for new flavor varieties to be introduced in spurts. Heartier (potato, noodle and cream) soups are in demand(p) in the winter, where as a gazpacho is in a higher demand in the summer. Allow consumers to subscribe to surveys to receive coupons for your products and ask them what they want in a soup. The contest concept can do wonders for creating a buzz about your product and is the best alternative. Even more importantly, you are gaining insight into exactly what the consumers want. This nation has been so overly advertised to that people tend to tailor ads all together.What they dont ignore is the chance to win something with no risk. Lays Do Us a Flavor contest has been a great success over traditional marketing strategies. Why you ask? The answer is dewy-eyed consumers dont trust traditional marketing strategies anymore, and businesses are getting creative, using consumer-generated marketingdirectly involving the customer in the marketing and development of productsto succeed.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

5 Points of Oedipus Rex Essay

Five Important Points of On Misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex Oedipus Rex attempt to justify the ways of God to pityingity by 1. Proving that we get what we deserve. An example is how Oedipus treated Creon badly, so the gods punished him. 2. Oedipus Rex is a tragedy of destiny, the hoyden proves that man has no freewill and is controlled by gods. 3. Sophocles was a pure artist, so he is not interested in justifying the gods, and Oedipus Rex was merely an exciting play. Oedipus did horrible things unknowingly, if they did it knowingly, readers wont feel pity. The tragic gunman must have a big moral flaw. A significant difference between Sophocles and Aeschylus is that Sophocles thinks that bunch is unconditional, and can not be avoided. Oedipus tries to avoid the visionary given about him that he will quietude with his mother and polish his father, but in the end, it still happens. Aeschylus thinking is that fate could be avoided. According to him, the oracle given to Laius wa s avoidable Do not beget a child for if you do, that child will kill you. Oedipus blinded himself to cut himself off from contact with humanity. If he suicides, he would meet his parents in the next world. He blinded himself because he could not face the living or the dead. Oedipus Rex is a play about human greatness. Oedipus fell from his high position to the lowest of the low, and he still has the strength to accept and endure it. His upcountry strength is virtuous, because he pursues truth at whatever personal cost.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd

BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICAL connection LTD Here is the management report, which you asked me to prep atomic number 18.. In the process of formulating this project report I selected a PHARMACEUTICAL comp each,BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICALS which gains gentleman human body live saving medicines in our country. I gained knowledge about managing the product & the structure from online articles and reports.along with it, I employed the management concepts cooked throughout the course to construct an effective management project to read the mentioned firms entire management strategies in Bangladesh. This plan is formulated with the idea of managing the all managerial activities of a large firm like BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED. A limited note of acknowledgement is to our course teacher Mr Shahid Hossain for letting me do this project on Beximco pharmaceutics .He was genuinely generous and productive toward mewhile conducting the course and he was the someone who has guided methroughout pr eparing the report. The way he taught was really interesting and effective. All of these activities bedevil been conducted within a very short time and we think it became possible only forhis dynamism. Taking the course with him was a great muckle for me. Finally, I would like to thank myr family and friends whose support I needed to complete my project. TABLE OF CONTENTSCONTENTS PAGE NO Mission Statement 1 executive Summary 2-3 Organogram 4 Organizational Chart 5 post Analysis 6-16 Swot Analysis 17-20 Matrix of Swot Analysis 21 Objectives 22 Management Issues 23 Conclusion 24 Appendix 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Company Website http//www. beximcopharmaceutics. com 2. Books Kotler Philip (2010), Principles of Marketing (12th edition). Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. * Kritner Robert (2009). Management (11th edition). Houghton Mifflin Harcount issue Company. (Boston New York). * H. Donelly (2008), Fundamental Management (10th edition). Mcgraw, Hill Irwin * William J. Nickels (2009) U nderstanding Business (9th edition) Mcgraw, Hill Irwin. 3. Newspaper * The Ittefaq * The Independent. * Finanacial Express 4. individualised Interview Mr. Hashem Awal Chowdhury, Senior Executive Officer,Planning 5. ANNUAL REPORT OF BPL 2011 Ltd, BPL Annual Report 2011 6. Advertisement Shantinagar hoarding DOHS, Mohakhali billboard 7. Magazines Indian Times Magazine MISSION STATEMENTBeximco pharmaceutics Ltd (BPL) is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in Bangladesh. With decades of contract manufacturing arrest with planetary MNCs, skilled manpower and proven formulation capabilities, the keep company has been twist a visible and growing presence across the continents offering high quality generics at the more than or less affordable cost. The company is committed to enhancing human health and well- macrocosm by providing contemporary and affordable medicines, construct in full complaisance with global standa rds. The company continually strive to improve their core capabilities modify research and spring upment capabilities, creating partnerships and building presence across the globe.To summariseress the unmet medical needs of patients and to deliver not bad(p) results for our sh areholders. Our vision is to be one of the most trusted, admired and successful pharmaceutical companies in the region with a focus on. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. belongs to Beximco Group, the largest private sector business conglomerate in Bangladesh. It was in corporeald in the late 70s, Beximco Pharma began as a distributor, importing products from global MNCs like Bayer, Germany and Upjohn Inc. , USA and selling them in the local market, which were later make and distributed under licensing arrangements. The Company introduced its rush along branded generic products in 1983.Since then, the trip continued, and today, Beximco Pharma is a leading manufacturer and exporter of pharm aceuticals in the country, winning National Export Trophy (Gold), a record four times. Beximco Pharmas manufacturing facilities lay down been accredited by major Global regulatory bodies and it has grow its geographic footprint across four continents. Having a broad portfolio of more than 500 products and a dedicated team of around 2,700 employees, Beximco Pharma is committed to provide access to medicines which are affordable and manufactured in strict compliance with global standards. During the year 2011 we have successfully registered 48 products in afield markets.In 2011, we introduced 40 natural generics in 55 presentations, five of which were launched for the first time in Bangladesh. The 55 impertinently products include the sectors attached be low-spirited * Analgesic * Anti-effective * Cardiovascular * CNS * Endocrine & Met Disorders * GI System * IV Fluid * Muscular Skeletal * Ophthalmic * Respiratory * Skin * Vitamins and Minerals * Others We maintained our record of uninterrupted growth, achieving a 21. 6% increase in gross gross revenue to Tk. 7,890. 24 one thousand thousand (2010 Tk. 6,490. 85 million). In 2011 we signifi minttly deepen our prescription share in gross revenue of the formulation products and maintained, as expected, growth in all our rudimentary therapeutic segments. Sales of our Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) besides recorded a significant 37. % growth to irritate Tk. 486. 91 million (2010 Tk. 355. 24 million). However, its uphold on the overall gain groundability of the company is currently low because of a low gross beach predominantly due to the high cost of import of median(a) materials to manufacture these APIs. In 2011 export sales grew by 18. 1% to Tk. 390. 32 million (2010 Tk. 330. 54 million). Along with sales growth, Beximco Pharma in like manner achieved a marked growth in profit in 2011. Our pre-tax profit increased 23. 2% to Tk. 1,677. 85 million (2010 Tk. 1,361. 53 million). Gross margin as pctage of sales however, slightly declined to 48% as against 48. 9% for the prior period.As the company continue to evolve into a stronger company, their schema for growth is to build a strong and diverse product portfolio to expand our geographic reach and to develop and leverage our generic do drugs capabilities. All these depart have them to build a future for our employees, to bring about value for shareholders and to focus on the reason for being in this business to enhance the health and eudaimonia of people. They are confident that their Company will continue to deliver strong financial results and achieve carry on growth in the coming days. Organogram Organisational Chart * Members name * Designation BOARD of DIRECTORS A S F Rahman Chairman Salman F Rahman Vice Chairman Nazmul Hassan MP MD Iqbal Ahmed managing director Md. Abul Qasem film director Osman Kaiser Chowdhury Director A B Siddiqur Rahman Director Ad. Ahsanul Karim Director Dr. Abdul Alam Khan Indepen dent Director Management delegacy Nazmul Hassan MP MD Osman Kaiser Chowdhury Director Rabbur Reza Chief direct officer Ali Newaz Chief financial officer Afsar uddin Ahmed Director, commercial-grade Lutfur Rahman Director, manufacturing Zakaria Seraj Chowdhury Director, international marketing A R M Zahidur Rahman Executive Director, production Shamim Momtaz Executive Director, manufacturing Md.Tahir Siddiqui Executive Director, case Jamal Ahmed Chowdhury Executive Director, Finance and Accounting Executive Committee Osman Kaiser Chowdhury Director Nazmul Hassan MP MD Rabbur Reza Chief Operating officer Ali Nawaz Chief financial officer Afsar Uddin Ahmed Director, commercial SITUATION ANALYSIS Situation analysis is a method managers use to analyze both the internal and external environments of an organization in order to apprehend the firms own capabilities, customers and business environment. INTERNAL FACTORS Refers to the environment inside the organization within which a manager works. LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT Strategic trainThe Board of Directors A S F Rahman Chairman Salman F Rahman Vice Chairman Nazmul Hassan MP Managing Director Iqbal Ahme Director Mohammad Abul Qasem Director Osman Kaiser Chowdhury Director Abu Bakar Siddiqur Rahman Director Advocate Ahsanul Karim Director Dr. Abdul Alim Khan Independent Director The strategic aim essential make sure the technical level operates within the bounds of the society.Thus the strategic level determines the long range objectives and directions for the organization- in unseasoned(prenominal) words, how the organization interacts with its environment. (Textbook) expert level Middle floor managers, Branch Managers, Factory Managers work like a connector and works in the middle. At this level, the managerial task is twofold 1. Managing the operations functions. 1. Serving as a participation between those who bring up the product or utility and those who use output. In other words, for the operatio ns level to do its work, managers at the technical level must make sure they have the correct materials and gibe that the output gets used or sold. (Textbook) Operational levelRabbur Reza Chief Operating Officer Ali Nawaz Chief monetary Officer Afsar Uddin Ahmed Director, Commercial Lutfur Rahman Director, Manufacturing Zakaria Seraj Chowdhury Director, International Marketing A R M Zahidur Rahman Executive Director, Production Shamim Momtaz Executive Director, Manufacturing Mohd. Tahir Siddique Executive Director, Quality Jamal Ahmed Choudhury Executive Director, Accounts & Finance. In any organisations, the operations level focuses on effectively perform whatever the organization produces or does.In Beximco pharmaceuticals, the operations fuction is at the core of their business. The managerial task here is to develop the trump out allocation of resources that produces the desired output. (Textbook). Research & organic evolution R&D is the key to success for any pharmaceutica l company. We have given it top priority and have made substantial investment in upgrading our generic drug capabilities as we firmly believe R&D plays the most important mathematical function in spurring innovation and helps a company go up the value chain. Our research and development activities are intimatelyly focused on market needs and driven by technological mount up in order to create product differentiation.Our team comp uprising top class formulation scientists with extensive experience of working in leading pharmaceutical companies in the introduction continuously strives to integrate the advanced technological changes to create competitive edge and match international standards. There has been a series of positive developments in the year and our team successfully introduced 40 new generic formulations in 55 different presentations and expanded our dosage delivery portfolio with technology driven products like prefilled syringes, essence parenteral nutrition, dry p owder inhalers, and so on Beximco Pharmas well de picturesqued organizational structure, policy guidelines and internal keep in lines ensure efficiency of operations, and compliance with applicable regulations. The Company continuously upgrades these systems in line with the best practices in the industry.Other initiatives to keep our team updated with the late(a) advances in analytical methodology, platform technology, and regulatory affairs include frequent in-house and overseas workshops and readiness platforms. The benefits we generalise as a result of these initiatives will only increase in the coming years. Beximco Pharmas R&D team works meticulously towards creating generic formulations that are comparable to innovators formulations. Their dedication can be witnessed in their successful development of challenging formulations such as multi-layer tablets, sustained release formulations, dispersible tablets, melt-in communicate tablets, and chewable vitamins to name just a few.To add to that, Beximco Pharma was the pioneering local generic company to produce anti-retroviral drugs and to proactively launch CFCfree metered dose inhaler formulation. In addition, we are as well developing a number of APIs to ensure availability of raw materials across the range of therapeutic classes. Our capability to produce hi-tech, specialized niche products as well as drug delivery systems has been our core strength to diversify BPL into an innovation-driven generic drug company. Human Resource We recognize it is our peoples unwavering values that mold us into who we are today. It is their tireless contributions that have propelled us to greater heights over the years. They are and then our greatest assets in the way they create meaningful difference.Every product, every experience, and every breakthrough we ever presented for the advancement of human health and well-being have been made possible by our people. We are prouder than ever of the incorporated int entions and determination we have witnessed time and time again. The shared vision and values, reflected in our leadership and execution, help us attract the very best. Currently, the Company employs almost 2,700 people including around 400 white-collar professionals such as Pharmacists, MBAs, Doctors, Chemists, Engineers, Microbiologists etc. In 2011, we welcomed into the Beximco Pharma family highly experienced expatriates in key positions to deliver a caller take on strategic direction as we steadily progress towards our aspirations of becoming a global pharmaceutical company.We are strong advocates of the notion that learning never really ends simply with the completion of evening gown education. One of the best perks of being a part of the Beximco Pharma family is that the people undergo continuous training and development programs to further develop their skills. In 2011 alone, over 30 such workshops and training, covering assorted departments, were conducted. deep down Be ximco Pharma, we support employees interested in reaching out to others. In 2011, we launched our very own internal knowledge Center as a platform for continuous learning and interconnectivity an initiative that is stills quite a brisk concept in Bangladesh.However, we know that competence alone is not enough it is them intricate threads of connectivity, covert us as one family, which makes our organizational culture truly coveted and one of a kind. We have also undertaken a major corporate branding initiative as a reflection of our rejuvenated drive and aspirations. Financial Position We maintained our record of uninterrupted growth, achieving a 21. 6% increase in sales to Tk. 7,890. 24 million (2010 Tk. 6,490. 85 million). In 2011 we significantly enhanced our prescription share in sales of the formulation products and maintained, as expected, growth in all our key therapeutic segments. Sales of our Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) also recorded a significant 37. % grow th to reach Tk. 486. 91 million (2010 Tk. 355. 24 million). However, its impact on the overall profitability of the company is currently low because of a low gross margin predominantly due to the high cost of import of intermediate materials to manufacture these APIs. In 2011 export sales grew by 18. 1% to Tk. 390. 32 million (2010 Tk. 330. 54 million). Along with sales growth, Beximco Pharma also achieved a marked growth in profit in 2011. Our pre-tax profit increased 23. 2% to Tk. 1,677. 85 million (2010 Tk. 1,361. 53 million). Gross margin as percentage of sales however, slightly declined to 48% as against 48. 9% for the prior period.This was due principally to depreciation in the value of the Taka against the Dollar and the high level of internal inflation. However, with our constant drive to contain costs and effective profit optimization strategies, the negative impact of rising cost on profit has been kept to the practicable minimum. The Board of Directors has recommended 21 % stock dividend for approval of the shareholders for the year ended 31 December, 2011. Technological Advancement Beximco Pharma has always been a pioneer in adopting innovative technologies. This brings both sophistication and the potential to sustain growth to our business. Over the past couple of years we have made considerable nvestments in facilities and processes to improve productivity, drive growth and achieve excellence in operations. placed near Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, our manufacturing site extends over an area of 23 acres. The site houses manufacturing facilities for producing various drug formulae in different strengths and delivery systems such as capsules, tablets, intravenous fluids, metered dose inhalers, ophthalmic drops, injectables and nebulizer solutions. The site has its own utility infrastructure to ensure adequate generation and distribution of electricity with an installed capacity of 10 MW, in addition to water purifying and liquid nitrogen generation facilities.The bulk drug unit for producing paracetamol is also located within this site. The Companys penicillin API and formulation units are situated at Kaliakoir, a few kms from the main site. The company has diversified into innovative delivery systems such as dry powder inhalers, total parenteral nutrition, prefilled syringes and lyophilized products. * Oral Solid Dosage * Metered Dose Inhaler * Intravenous Fluid * fall by the wayside able, Ophthalmic and Nebulizer * Liquid, Cream and Ointment Val EXTERNAL FACTORS These are the forces that act on the organization from outside. DIRECT FORCESThese are the forces that have direct and immediate influence on the organization. CUSTOMERSWe offer our customers a comprehensive and high-quality product portfolio embrace all major therapeutic categories, on tap(predicate) in various dosage forms including tablets, capsules, syrup, suspension, sterile eye drops, injectables, haggard sprays, planes, ointments, suppositories , IV fluids, metered dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers, prefilled syringes etc. Over the years, we have nurtured and developed a special bondage with the medical community. We stand by healthcare providers and appreciate their valiant services to the community at large. COMPETITOTORS Square Pharma Reneta GlaxoSmith Klein ACI Limited Eskayef Bangladesh Limited The ACME Laboratories Limited EDCL Aristropharma Limited Orion Pharmaceuticals limited confirmative Forces * Political Analysis Political analysis creates a great impact on business growth.The Beximco Pharmaceuticals is an establish company, it gets many positive support of Bangladesh government, which enables it to advance its product. In addition it suffers many political unexpected conditions, like- political instability, and high risk investment, high rate of tax, high barriers of rules and regulation and so on. Because of strikes, obstruction and any other political issues, it noses a lot. But now they adopt with rules of exporting, producing, importing and so on. They use BCP (Business Continuation Plan) to play off against any critical political issues. Documentary,Newspaper * Economic Analysis In economy, the biggest threat for Beximco Pharmaceuticals would be economic recession.During the recession, the Beximcos growth will be adversely affected. Because of the high interest rate, inflation rate and economic downturn its growth is not just affected by the local economy but also in the international economy. * * Social AnalysisBeximco Pharmaceuticals has performed many social activities, to improve the company image. To reach the goal, the collection implements the local job creation program as well as health and education program Corporate Social Responsibility Our vision is to make significant contribution to humanity by up(a) health. This vision guides our Companys operations, including its commitment to corporate responsibility.We work together with non-profit organizations who work to improve peoples lives through research, information, and advocacy. As the Company writes its success story as an emerging leader in the pharmaceutical industry, we also realize that responsibility towards all our stakeholders increases in tandem. We remain committed to being a good corporate citizen. Prevention is the best cure and the first step is to create awareness. Every year, we launch campaigns touching on different forms of heath impediments ranging from asthma, diabetes, hypertension and many more. Campaign activities include rallies in addition to organizing and sponsoring scientific seminars and conferences for various associations and societies in medical disciplines. ANNUAL REPORT CultureCulture is a very complex environmental influence, encompassing knowledge, beliefs, values, laws, morals, tradition and other habits and capabilities an individual acquires as a member of society. As BEXIMCO is a global MNC, management must adapt its managerial practices to the spec ific and unique aspects of culture. nearly of the time they follow formal ways to control the employees, and get their full potentiality. They also follow the profit oriented by doing more customer service and social responsibilities. SWOT ANALYSIS Strength Diversification The strength of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. lies in its diversified products and dosage forms.BPL has been producing good products like tablets and capsules and liquid products like syrup, suspension and solution, as well as semisolid products like cream and ointment. It is the pioneer company to manufacture and market nasal sprays, inhalation aerosols and suppositories in Bangladesh. In 2001, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. stepped into a new pathbringing SmallVolume Parenteral(SVP) or injectable dosage form. Arixon is its first small volume injectable product It is a preparation of Ceftriaxone, which is considered as a breakthrough antibiotic in the history of medicine, . In 2002, Arixon is predicted to be one o f our leading brands interms of sales revenue.The company has lot of diversified products like, Napa Neoceptin R Neofloxin Tycil Aristovit M etc. Achivement of National Export Trophy First export market operation with finished pharmaceutical products1994-95 Achievement of National Export Trophy (Gold) as the first pharmaceutical company of the country. R D B P L is a company that is continuously searching for the next treatment advancements. BPLs portfolio features a range of high-quality, effective products. This product portfolio, combined with the steady stream of promising new products in development, is one of the many reasons BPL is among the nations leading pharmaceutical companies. We have introduced 26 new products in 2001.Around 70 new products are in our development pipeline. They will obviously enrich our portfolio to employment of the employees so that they can eff with the rapidly changing business environment. Innovation is a major priority that we want to promote . Accordingly, training programs are regularly undertaken for the staff to seek opportunities for skills improvement. Weakness Too many departments There are too many departments under the supervision of the gm which can cause low productivity due to large orthodontic braces of supervision. Diseconomy of scale If the company exceeds the optimum size there would be diseconomies of sale. Availability of substitutes Availability of very close substitute goods.For example medicine produced by other pharmaceutical companies Opportunities Adding new products BPL always tried to add new products of different therapeutic classes in its portfolio and these products are highly appreciated by the health professionals. Most important of them are Triocim, Arixon, Prosan, Recox, Atova etc. Introduction of these new products enriched its product portfolio and is contributing to enhance its sales. Apart from all these, we have intensified and consolidated our marketing efforts another overseas mar kets, like Myanmar, Kenya, Yemen and Vietnam. To take advantage immense opportunities in these overseas markets, we are bringing in more new and exciting brands in these markets.Last year, BP donated one Medical Information K i o s k to the Myanmar Medical tie of Mandalay which gained enormous attention and acceptance in the minds of the medical community of Mayanmar. In Kenya, number of salespeople has been increased to best exploit its huge market potentials. All these efforts are already bringing in desired results. entering into new horizons and establishing new overseas markets will remain our top most priority in 2002 also. Russia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Nepal will be on the list. We are confident that our process of globalization will continue with a more and more accelerated speed in the coming days. TechnologyTechnology carries the promise of tomorrow. The benefits of technology belong to all of us benefits that create new opportunities and open doors toa better li fe. For example, the new inhaler coif of BPL has been design in a way to ensure highest-possible quality at every stage of manufacturing and quality control. World-class facilities are being employed in each and every step including mixing, filling, testing, labeling, batch printing and other procedures to ensure manufacturing of world class products. Threats Supply cost effective materiaals BPL has a commitment to the society to supply world class Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).Therefore, BPL is not only engaged in formulations but also in fine chemicals business with a view to supplying cost effective quality materials to other local companies as well as for captive consumption. Competition Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has been preparing itself for the post-WTO open market competition. It has all the courage to compete with world leaders in pharmaceuticals business when the tariff and non-tariff barriers will be withdrawn The new USFDA standard plant is planned to be op erational in early 2003. Once completed, this will be one of the finest facilities available anywhere in the globe. OBJECTIVES Increase rate of purchase by existing customers by 10 percent by the year end. Strategy Such a system may involve devising a marketing plan to encourage customers to purchase more of a product.Tactics used to carry out the strategy could include price reductions, advertising stressing the many benefits of the product, packaging the product in different sized packages or making the product available at more locations. Design additional features into product that will induce new uses by existing buyers Strategy This strategy include much more than simply acquire the product to the new market. Before considering sales techniques such as packaging and promotion. Company often invent they must establish a foothold. MANAGEMENT ISSUES Centralization Centralization refers to the location of ratiocination making allowance in the hierarchy of the organization.The upper level managers in the organization make all the significant decision and managers at all levels can command their subordinates to undertake legitimate work related activities. The idea of centralisation can be difficult to grasp in a particular organization for several reasons. slew in the in an organization can have different decision making potence. Moreover, all decisions are not of equal importance in organization. Thus subjectively they do not have authority but objectively they have authority. Matrix Organization The matrix organization structure attempts to maximize the strengths and besmirch the weakness of both functional and product bases.Matrix organization structure achieved the desired balance by superimposing or overlaying a horizontal structure of authority, influence and communication on the vertical structure. Matrix organization facilitates the drill of highly specialized staff and equipment. CONCLUSION This is Beximco Pharmaceuticals firm as a whole. I h ave discussed the mission, executive summary, organizational structure, situation analysis, swot analysis, objectives and management issues of the company. I have also given some important data regarding this company. I hope you can have the clear picture of Beximco Pharmaceuticals company at a glance. APPENDIX Appendix are given after this page

Friday, May 17, 2019

Straight Edge

bang-up march on parents curio whats wrong with their children. quite a little wonder what these kids have to hide in that location must be nearthing wrong with them why? because they look more scarey than other y emergehs? no because they are more violent than others? no because they praise a weird, modern genial of god? no precisely what is the reason the reason simply is they live the peachy inch. but what is dead on target border exactly? the basic definition was created in the early 1980s in a hardcore-punk song of the washington d. c. and minor brat whose singer ian mackaye wrote a song about maintenance a life without drugs the song which included the six legendary words dont drink, dont smoke, dont fuck it was a song predicted straight raciness a song that gave a name to a new movement amongst the youth of wherefore and preserved its fascination and attitude up to the new millennium. to explain the history of the term straight edge even a bit more prec isely the words became the meaning for after the drummer of minor threat saw the symbol of a straight edge on a poster and thought further god knows why it would be the perfect symbol for this new modus vivendi. asic totallyy it was a thing about change onenessself. in the late 1970s and early 1980s there was a big frustration in the punk characterisation worldwide. it was pretty much all about sex and drugs and rocknroll and whoever wanted to be a real punk got drunk or stoned every(prenominal) time there was an opportunity. the difficulty was that the political backgrounds of punk became more and more unimportant, and people didnt even have the strength to be active anymore. the poison took their power. o some kids especially in new york rethought this whole punk-idea and decided for themselves not to get into in this organized chaos anymore to resist against the peer pressure. to get clean and save their power for the fight to reach their ideals. the important thin g which gave those kids the platform and power to start out their mission around the world was the music. fast punk. it was the new kind of punk. today we call it old-school hardcore. bands equal minor threat, ssd and the teen idols were plainly some of the first straight edge bands. thousands of others followed their office. he music was the basis but what was the background butt end this dont drink, dont smoke, dont fuck ? was it expert a frustrated group of kids who wanted to get attention by living like askets? not at all the part about the drinking and smoking is easy to understand. it agency concentrate your power on the important things in life but what about the sex? why should people not be allowed to make love according to this lifestyle? well, thats not quite what it was supposed(p) to mean and dummy up is it is supposed to mean, that one shouldnt have promiscuous sex sleeping around every time one gets the chance. o pretending of love just to get sex. the rea son for that is to show take note to others. not to see them as things. this is probably one of the most discussed about points of this whole definition. during the years some things changed. political engagement became en vogue which is just too logic because the movement actually was natural as an idea to streng wherefore the political power of each individual. respect of life also implies zoology rights. thats the reason for vegetarism and veganism being very wide spread in the scene. lot of the straight edge people are active in human and/or animal rights groups and support direct action. but then there is the bad side of the movement in public straight edge is often regarded to be narrow-minded and egotistical. but it is quite the opposite. the bad image occurred because some groups split off and gave the whole scene a really bad name there was on the one hand a new important part for some groups religion which was completely against the basic idea and straight edge. to q uestion norms and to stick its own way of living. specially the big religious scene in the mormon area table salt lake city / new mexico caused a lot of negative publicity. people supposedly even got killed there out of twisted and misunderstood straight-edge reasons. the problem there is the big connection between religion and straight edge there. the whole lifestyle isnt against the norm there at all mormons get raised there that way anyway but the motives are completely different. so kids are much more likely to call themselves straight edge even though the basic idea is not going along with their backgrounds at all. nother huge negative movement out of the straight edge scene is shown by so-called sturdy-straight edgers. mostly they are involved in the religion of islam (dont ask about the reasons it is totally incomprehensibly ) and fight against anything adulterate and unnatural like abortion most of them are real hardline pro-lifers or homosexuality. there were also tendencies amongst right-wing groups who tried to adapt straight edge for their means. but they all just didnt understand what straight edge is about but straight edge is about tolerance, respect and activism. nyone who gets in touch willing discover, that the letter or sign x has an important meaning. it dates back to the 1980s in new york when like it was and is common in the united states on concerts and shows underage kids got marked with a big x on the back of their men so that they wouldnt get alcohol to drink at the bar. older kids solidarized with them and marked their hands themselves to show the dont even want to drink. today a lot of people use the x in their label like xsidx for example wear it on shirts or as tattoos. lso the abbreviation sxe for straight edge is really popular and common. unfortunately a lot of kids see it as a cliquish and placid hing to be straight edge but they wont stay like that. they will live on their lives just like a lot of their nev er-been-straight-edge-fellows. it is important to develop ones own definition and style of straight edge. one has to live it. then it is the right decision and the appropriate lifestyle. then it is the true till death lifestyle in contrast to true till college which characterizes the stylish kids mentioned before. he music changed a lot too. there is still a bunch of old-school bands but especially during the 1990s there emerged many sxe-bands that played all different styles of hardcore like the heavy-metal like hardcore or the softer emo-core. it is impossible to still find names for the style of every band the variety is just too big. important are still the hardcore shows were kids from all over meet, trade records, and just hang out. the scene is pretty much selfly-sufficient too. heres kids who publish (mostly still vinyl) records for young bands others who have little mail orders and distributions to sell and trade tapes, records and cds, some kids organize shows for bands (even from overseas), and others who even secure vegan food you cannot get here abroad and sell it to the kids. all do-it-yourself (= diy). all anti-capitalist. straight edge is nothing suspicious. straight edge is personal choice. straight edge is the decision to find ones own norms. straight edge is support for weak and disadvantaged beings. straight edge is the attempt to make the world a better place

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Performance Criteria for Cavity Wall and Pitched Roof

feat standards for distinguish breakwater and pitched coverReport ContentssIntroductionCavity WallBlock detachmentBrickWall NecktiesPlasterboardMortarElementss for a pit groinU-ValuesDecisionPitched detonatorTypes of Roof CoveringsThere are cardinal basic traditional suits of pitched capitalThe benefits of Trussed RaftersDecisionMentionsIntroductionThis appellative aims to explicate the troubles of public entry standards for an external pit wall and a pitched roof of a domestic home. This assignment focal point on the information provided from the sanctioned document Conservation of discharge and power in red-hot dwellings L1AThe chief signs of wallsCavity Wall / Cavity walls lose less commoveing than solid walls, and are lots easier to insulate.Solid Wall / constructed from one tegument of masonry built from brick/blockwork in this type of walls touchy to accomplish high criterions of thermic withdrawal.Cavity WallThe pit wall is the external wall of a family lin e constructed of 2 parallel walls ( two teguments ) , with a quad of at least 50mm between them and filled with insularity by m whatever different methods. The outer tegument, built from brick or blockwork. The interior tegument is normally of blockwork and joins the two walls unneurotic by metal tie resistants. The weathering is put in at conform to topographic points to expect the consequence of a prostration.The chief map of this external pit wall is to cut down light up loss by make generousing the pit with gouge that would halt heat transportation and as such well cut downing warming approachs and condensation. Inside the house pit wall insularity regulates the heat indoors, so it lead gives warming in winter and chilling in summer, protecting against damp and mould growing and minimising sound transportation.A levelheaded pit wall entirely does non forestall the labor of moistness to to the full proof a house a good thermal dielectric is also recommended. This does nil for the outside of the be desireings so there are some suggestions below to assist with the opening moveBlockThe blockwork is do from natural minerals obtained from clay and natural stuffs, which gives the support and stableness for the edifice. Blocks are built foremost when repulse downing to construct a pit wall. The benefit of utilizing blocks is that it provides a higher degree of thermic mass. When it is good insulated it gives as efficient energy as lumber. There are many different types of blocks barricade type Thermalite Hi-Strength 7 Blocks with a measuring of 100mm has the U-Value of precisely 0.28 W/m2K for the external wall and has been chosen for those grounds.InsulationThe determination was made to utilize mineral wool insularity to carry by means of a 75mm pit wall dimension. This adds first-class public presentation in relation to heat loss. Mineral wool has high tint candy and comparatively light weight. This leave behind intend easiness of hand ling, cutting and installing. Mineral wool insularity is cost efficient which is 50 % lower than standard froth insularity. The efficient insularity go forth be measurable for zero heat loss and it can be done by curtailing the line of credit motion through and through the spread between the intern and outer walls. For a zero heat loss accomplishment the pit exit necessitate to be to the full filled. An added benefit to this is the sound decrease belongingss of the merchandise. The limitation of air through the pit exit besides impact on the sound ways seeking to pervade the walls.BrickThe infinite between the bricks should be filled with howitzer to forestall any escape or structural troubles. The tautological should so be removed via cleansing to forestall added wet.As I have mentioned above, the brickwork is made from organic minerals gettable from clay and natural stuffs. This has the versatility of shadiness, coloring poppycock and texture. Brick is an astonishing stuff to construct with it provides a delighting esthetical to the house with a customizable coloring material. The natural stuffs in brick are chemically inserted so it does non lend to any air pollution in your channelize. Brick is besides suggest opposition while being a stuff that is reclaimable and insulating. This allows for money to be saved by take downing heat addition and heat loss. For the usage of the bricks a measuring of 103mm brick will be considered for a pit wall of 75mm dimension. A to the full filled pit wall will cut down the heat loss in the edifice. The type of brick work selected will be stretcher bond because of the easiness of cutting that this stuff provides.Wall NecktiesNeckties when right fitted should deflect downward from inner to outer wall. This helps to forestall rain down and other conditions related affair to traverse the pit. This will add another facet of wet protection for the interior of the house.For the 75mm pit wall 200mm wall ties were sel ected to be topographic points between the blocks and the bricks. The horizontal articulations will besides be attached to palisade ties, to give the wall more stableness. This will forestall the likeliness of impetus between the walls. The stuff will besides be made from unstained steel so as to forestall corrosion of the metal.PlasterboardLightweight Plaster ( Inner check )MortarThe determination was made to include a thin bed of howitzer to the brick/block work. This willThe earn clip will be reduced because of the easiness they are constructed. Construction clip can be less than 60 proceedingss until the stuff is considered dry and ready for component installing.The stuff increases the thermic public presentation of the edifice and in so making will cut down the U-Values.The thin Mortar will better building qualityElementss for a pit wallThe undermentioned stuffs were chosen for the creative activity of a suited pit wall103mm brick Stretcher bond75mm pit wall fully-filled with insularity100mm block Thermalite Hi-Strength 7200mm wall tiesThin Mortar bedLightweight Plaster for inner coatingU-ValuesThe jutting heat loss will be calculated depending on the U-Values. The lower the value the better the stuff as is shown in L1A certification. This paper provides that if the U-Value is less than 0.2 W/m2K so grounds is needed to corroborate that the edifice design is feasible.DecisionExternal walls are considered to be thermic component. That being considered the chief intent of insularity is to conserve fuel and power in late home. It prevents the incursion of conditions to the internal surface of the wall. The added benefit of cut downing the proprietors carbon footmark by bettering the energy-efficiency of the place means that this is of great importance. This creates the advantage of dramatically cut downing the sum of heat needed for the conduct infinite.This means that unless heat is already generated by a heat pump the likeliness is that the place will necessitate gas, oil, coal or gas to bring forth heat. These all have their impact on the surround so decrease of usage is needed.The external wall is non merely for the inter benefit as a good external wall can add great beauty to the visual perspective of the edifice.Pitched RoofPitched roof is a type of the ceilings which consists of two surfaces slotted together from the terminal top of the walls to meet together in the top such as a corner ( jointly called roof ) required by the nature of the design and the type of building. The usage of such roofs is popular in countries of high rates of rain or snow and the chief intent of a pitched roof is to protect the house from the air current ( upwind opposition ) , rain and redirect H2O and snow every bit much as possible to conserve heat inside the house.Types of Roof CoveringsAsphalt Shingles, the asphalt herpes zosters soothe standard because they are economical, used on most roofs in many colorss, and may last for long clip.Met al, such as Steel, aluminum and Cu characterized solidness and low care.Wood Herpes zosters and Shakes, as friend of environment and is a popular pick for placesConcrete or Plain Tiles, tile is easier to utilize than concrete and roofing tiles are fire-retardant and easy to repair itSlate, it is really expensive but beautiful and resists fire and mold.There are two basic traditional types of pitched roofPurlin pitched roof ( cut roof ) / Cut roof lumbers are made on invest and edifice up the roof utilizing balks, ridge boards, joists and purlins where they are situated in the locationRafter pitched roof ( truss roof ) / they are designed in the mill so delivered to put ready and complete and merely erected. Furthermore each type could be warm take aback or cold deck.Trussed Rafters this type of roof is largely used for lodging and is presently designed by specializers in the industrial companies by utilizing computing machine design. After the completion of the design, the roof i s moved to the site and easy installed in the specified topographic point.Trussed Rafters are fast and easy to sit and barely can be designed so adding more suites in the roof is possible, called Attic trusses. So the pass would be to utilize Attic Truss ( room in the roof ) type of tied balks because it is fast and easy to sit on site, roll uping in the mill as a fit quality for Attic trusses, specially designed to transport all extra weight.Roof truss exposuresThe benefits of Trussed Rafters adequate for many types of the roof constructionsFast building and on clip bringing which is cheaper than other due to the ready constituentsEasier repairing so non as much workSimple industry process cut down the emanations and pollutionThermal dielectric is better than others and more tractile than many other methods of roof buildingDecisionThe Pitched Roof is a really of import subdivision of the house so it must be built good, strong, stable and lasting. This means that the house will be saved from the outer clime factors such as the Sun, the air, the rain and snow. This besides will intend that the the spread of fire from house to house is reduced as the insularity will maintain the heat inside the house. This will back up warmth every bit much as possible because it is the chief area from the house where heat loss may go on. Pitched Roofs are able to back up tonss ( weights ) , the incline of the roof has a chief consequence on the aesthetics and the right coloring material is selected it will give the place a beautiful form.MentionsL1A Conservation of fuel and power in new homeshypertext point communications protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // & amp utm_medium=domain-referral & amp utm_campaign=301-redirecthypertext transfer protocol // 6750aa-5b5d-4e15-94e2-9cf896a23b73/Bricks-For-Living-Brochure.aspx/hypertext transfer protocol // gclid=CPKMrd7A-cECFRMatAod0DsAjAhypertext transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // id=30hyp ertext transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol // transfer protocol //, R Alison, C ( 2014 ) .Construction Technology 1 House Construction. third erectile dysfunction. Hampshire PALGRAVE MACMILLAN. 276-294.Numan Samha 1420688