Friday, May 17, 2019

Straight Edge

bang-up march on parents curio whats wrong with their children. quite a little wonder what these kids have to hide in that location must be nearthing wrong with them why? because they look more scarey than other y emergehs? no because they are more violent than others? no because they praise a weird, modern genial of god? no precisely what is the reason the reason simply is they live the peachy inch. but what is dead on target border exactly? the basic definition was created in the early 1980s in a hardcore-punk song of the washington d. c. and minor brat whose singer ian mackaye wrote a song about maintenance a life without drugs the song which included the six legendary words dont drink, dont smoke, dont fuck it was a song predicted straight raciness a song that gave a name to a new movement amongst the youth of wherefore and preserved its fascination and attitude up to the new millennium. to explain the history of the term straight edge even a bit more prec isely the words became the meaning for after the drummer of minor threat saw the symbol of a straight edge on a poster and thought further god knows why it would be the perfect symbol for this new modus vivendi. asic totallyy it was a thing about change onenessself. in the late 1970s and early 1980s there was a big frustration in the punk characterisation worldwide. it was pretty much all about sex and drugs and rocknroll and whoever wanted to be a real punk got drunk or stoned every(prenominal) time there was an opportunity. the difficulty was that the political backgrounds of punk became more and more unimportant, and people didnt even have the strength to be active anymore. the poison took their power. o some kids especially in new york rethought this whole punk-idea and decided for themselves not to get into in this organized chaos anymore to resist against the peer pressure. to get clean and save their power for the fight to reach their ideals. the important thin g which gave those kids the platform and power to start out their mission around the world was the music. fast punk. it was the new kind of punk. today we call it old-school hardcore. bands equal minor threat, ssd and the teen idols were plainly some of the first straight edge bands. thousands of others followed their office. he music was the basis but what was the background butt end this dont drink, dont smoke, dont fuck ? was it expert a frustrated group of kids who wanted to get attention by living like askets? not at all the part about the drinking and smoking is easy to understand. it agency concentrate your power on the important things in life but what about the sex? why should people not be allowed to make love according to this lifestyle? well, thats not quite what it was supposed(p) to mean and dummy up is it is supposed to mean, that one shouldnt have promiscuous sex sleeping around every time one gets the chance. o pretending of love just to get sex. the rea son for that is to show take note to others. not to see them as things. this is probably one of the most discussed about points of this whole definition. during the years some things changed. political engagement became en vogue which is just too logic because the movement actually was natural as an idea to streng wherefore the political power of each individual. respect of life also implies zoology rights. thats the reason for vegetarism and veganism being very wide spread in the scene. lot of the straight edge people are active in human and/or animal rights groups and support direct action. but then there is the bad side of the movement in public straight edge is often regarded to be narrow-minded and egotistical. but it is quite the opposite. the bad image occurred because some groups split off and gave the whole scene a really bad name there was on the one hand a new important part for some groups religion which was completely against the basic idea and straight edge. to q uestion norms and to stick its own way of living. specially the big religious scene in the mormon area table salt lake city / new mexico caused a lot of negative publicity. people supposedly even got killed there out of twisted and misunderstood straight-edge reasons. the problem there is the big connection between religion and straight edge there. the whole lifestyle isnt against the norm there at all mormons get raised there that way anyway but the motives are completely different. so kids are much more likely to call themselves straight edge even though the basic idea is not going along with their backgrounds at all. nother huge negative movement out of the straight edge scene is shown by so-called sturdy-straight edgers. mostly they are involved in the religion of islam (dont ask about the reasons it is totally incomprehensibly ) and fight against anything adulterate and unnatural like abortion most of them are real hardline pro-lifers or homosexuality. there were also tendencies amongst right-wing groups who tried to adapt straight edge for their means. but they all just didnt understand what straight edge is about but straight edge is about tolerance, respect and activism. nyone who gets in touch willing discover, that the letter or sign x has an important meaning. it dates back to the 1980s in new york when like it was and is common in the united states on concerts and shows underage kids got marked with a big x on the back of their men so that they wouldnt get alcohol to drink at the bar. older kids solidarized with them and marked their hands themselves to show the dont even want to drink. today a lot of people use the x in their label like xsidx for example wear it on shirts or as tattoos. lso the abbreviation sxe for straight edge is really popular and common. unfortunately a lot of kids see it as a cliquish and placid hing to be straight edge but they wont stay like that. they will live on their lives just like a lot of their nev er-been-straight-edge-fellows. it is important to develop ones own definition and style of straight edge. one has to live it. then it is the right decision and the appropriate lifestyle. then it is the true till death lifestyle in contrast to true till college which characterizes the stylish kids mentioned before. he music changed a lot too. there is still a bunch of old-school bands but especially during the 1990s there emerged many sxe-bands that played all different styles of hardcore like the heavy-metal like hardcore or the softer emo-core. it is impossible to still find names for the style of every band the variety is just too big. important are still the hardcore shows were kids from all over meet, trade records, and just hang out. the scene is pretty much selfly-sufficient too. heres kids who publish (mostly still vinyl) records for young bands others who have little mail orders and distributions to sell and trade tapes, records and cds, some kids organize shows for bands (even from overseas), and others who even secure vegan food you cannot get here abroad and sell it to the kids. all do-it-yourself (= diy). all anti-capitalist. straight edge is nothing suspicious. straight edge is personal choice. straight edge is the decision to find ones own norms. straight edge is support for weak and disadvantaged beings. straight edge is the attempt to make the world a better place

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