Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Auto Trade Agreements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Auto Trade Agreements - canvass ExampleThe type of the investiture strategy that the Nissan Company is using in Mexico is unlike organize coronation (FDI) strategy which has enabled this conjunction to invest its assets in the country. A company can decide to invest at present in a certain nation in allege to enjoy the benefits of Foreign Direct investiture strategy. However this strategy has its own shortcomings depending on the economic and the political conditions of the host country. 1a). Foreign Direct investment funds as a strategy in investment has various advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages of Foreign Direct Investment is that a company is able to expand its market therefore making the company argue with other firms at a global level. New customers go forth be attracted and thus the company will be able to make more profits. FDI has improved the level of competition between various firms in that a company will strive at producing the best quali ty production in order to attract the customers and keep the business in operation. For the Nissan company to prosper in the competitive market it must(prenominal) be able to make good quality cars that can easily attract customers. Through this investment strategy, the Nissan Company is able to integrate the use of the new technology that is available in Mexico. The new technology can help the Nissan Company to produce automobiles which are of improved quality as well as being unique in the market (Siddharthan and Lakhera, 2005). Foreign Direct Investment has enabled economic growth in Mexico as the host country. This is be suffice investment in a country enables a nation to get monetary resource or government income through the collection of taxes thus boosting the economic growth of the nation. The finances can as well be collected through the foreign exchange concepts. Through the FDI there is technology spreading as well as knowledge transfer. In this context, the Nissan C ompany can benefit from the knowledge of the passel of Mexico as well as integrating the technology of the Mexican people in the Automobile industry. Foreign Direct Investment also helps in the creation of job opportunities since the parent company will be willing to employ new people in the host country who will help in steering the company to success. The employment of skilled workers in the host country is also beneficial to the company in that these people understand the culture of their country thus it will be easy for these employees to interact effectively with the potential customers. Direct Foreign Investment has a negative impact on the domesticated firms that are available in the host country in the Nissan Company might phase kayoed many firms in Mexico which are not competitive in the market. The introduction of sophisticated technology in the Mexican market might threaten small firms thus making them to close down their businesses. The macrocosm of too many firms th at expand through the Foreign Direct Investment strategy might cause an increase in the inflation rates of Mexico as the host country which will consequently give to the rise in prices of good. The end result is that the Nissan Company will have to re-adjust its prices thus making losings in the long run. This strategy used by the Nissan Company enables it to gain the competitive advantage in the global market since the integration of new technology enables the company to produce high quality product that can compete at the global market

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