Friday, June 7, 2019

Article Critique Essay Example for Free

Article Critique EssayThe author of this article is a Canadian who has raised the alarm on the increasing number destitution stricken volume hence springing up of ghettos in big cities. The author rhetorically is asking a question whether there are ghettos in Canadian cities. The author is coming up with many ghetto synonyms but yet they are of non the same meaning. The name like enclave sound more(prenominal) ethnical and it has been described as a grouping of people from the same ethnic group vivification in a low income earning or a poor neighbourhood. The article pinpoints that in the year 2001 families residing in high poverty levels doubled the year 1981. The mental object in the article is directed to the authorities in these cities to get warned of a looming crisis and look for ways to alter the trend. The message is not has to any group that it mentions that is the people from the enclaves and the ghettos. The article has outlined many causes of ghettos in Canadian cities. Poverty has been rated as the number one cause and this article gives figures from the interrogation to substantiate its claim.The exact quantify is given when immigration policy of Canada was changed and the change swung Canada into a cultural and social crisis or socio cultural crisis. According to the authorities and the research that has been carried out immigration puts Canadian cities on spotlight of having many poor neighbourhoods. The author also makes a comparison between Canadian and American cities whereby Canadian cities are going more enclave than ghettos in America.In American cities the traditional definition of a ghetto is a residential district that concentrates racial Enclave tends to collect people of the same ethnic desktop together while ghettos collect poor people from various ethnic backgrounds. In both cases, people involved are affected by poverty and low income level. From one of the researches that have been done, the article reveals that an al arm was raised about the growth of neighbourhood poverty in Canada. The article pinpoints groups of people who make up the population who end up to the ghettos.Their background is partly covered by poverty and the article further expose that these are immigrants from Asia, Africa, West Indies and Latin America. The research that was conducted showed that between 1971 and 2001 is the period when the majority of the Canadian population was born in the back mentioned countries. Nevertheless, some cities like London there are no ghettos and this is collectible to the efforts of the councils. However, I take the article head to mention that it does not clearly outline and show the consequences of the increasing population in ghettos and mushrooming of ghettos and enclaves.In many a times these nighbourhoods have been associated with crime and drugs. Does is it mean the researches that were conducted didnt capture these common phenomenon that is associated with ghettos? Furthermore, the article does not highlight any ways that have been adopted to bit the expanding ghettos and enclaves without necessarily disrupting the social cultural set of these people in the ghettos.ReferenceWalks, A. R. Bourney, L. S. (2006). The Canadian Geographer Publication

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