Monday, June 3, 2019

The Skills And Qualities Of An Entrepreneur Business Essay

The Skills And Qualities Of An Entrepreneur Business EssayIt power be easier to think roughly the new sen convictionnts and might in any case be easier to develop a blood line based on the ideas. But it is not easy to take action solar day in day place continuously when the results were not going in your way. stock-still its proven that often successful entrepreneur displays high level of persistence and commitment. Its what count.Goal pointEntrepreneurs love to set goals and leave alone be satisfied once they reach it. Normal human beings form tendency to find satisfaction in their accomplishments. However they write down the goals and check them daily and review them regularly until they achieve their goals.Decision MakingAbility to ask a correct decisiveness is a core skill of an Entrepreneur if they want to be a successful. They make sound decisions where they want to go in to from the experience they acquit. Decisions include how to proceed with marketing, funding, crossway production , vendor selection and bunch of other decisions to be make. The key is to be critical and learn from the mistakes rather than avoiding taking decisions.People skillsNo return what kind of stock they are in, they are in people business. Even they are in Hair dressing business its the people who decide to uptake ones services over the competitors. So they should be ready deal with the people. This is the skill every successful entrepreneur has. In business world dealing with dealers, vendors, customers, investors, the compaction or the employees will make difference between success and failure.Ethics and moralsEthics and morals are the foundation for very good qualities of entrepreneur. any entrepreneur must decide what their business stands for and should not stray from their path. Some entrepreneur will shut their doors because money outshines their morals and what they stand for and it will bring to pass a bad name for their business.Time ManagementEvery minute is valuable. This behindnot be emphasized enough. This is essential for an entrepreneur to do effective business. Every operable should be utilized effectively by learning new skills rather than wasting it.SalesAs an entrepreneur they should figure out what kind of gross sales they prefer and what product services they offer. If the entrepreneur worked before in retail sales or advertising they have the edge over the others. All entrepreneur will benefit from sales seminar and motivational programs.Introduction about the entrepreneur that I interviewedMr.Vasan founder of VDMIE Pvt.Ltd. Graduated as a Computer Engineer from IIT Madras in the year 2006. Like any other people he doesnt want to work for a party, he wanted to do something different from normal. He wanted to make a change in the society by helping people in the form of providing job for them. so he divergeed his own company. His runner business was creating Smileys and Emoticons for different websites. He n amed it as Humecons (http// He did this business as part time. He knew this business will eventu all(prenominal)y wont give such(prenominal) of a profit. Soon he started his second venture business called practical(prenominal) makeover.This business is all about virtually dressing you up through online and you can see yourself whether that particular dress or hair style or even gold ornaments and sun glasses too is suitable is to you or not(http// The idea is very simple and the toughest part is making that idea in to reality. He did this with ease. runner he started writing codes for different companies who wants too put up their products online for virtual makeup for the end user.As the time went by and also due to the sudden rise of Apple and Android based smart phones made his business more profitable than ever before, reaching more and more users every day. The expected revenue for the year 2011 -2012 is 200,000 USD which i s phenomenal for the 3 year old business.His skills and qualities effortHis first business wasnt profitable but he didnt give up easily, he did hang in there thinking new ideas, tweaking his thinking process. Hence he came up with the new business ideas which were an instant success. He attained the outcome for the hard work that he put in during difficult times. He persisted with commitment.Goal OrientedHe set goals for the future, and he knows what he wants to do for the next 5 years. According to that he hired new people for his organization. referable to this quality of his he attained results in terms of profit. If there is no goal he couldnt have achieved this success easily.Decision makingHe made lot of decisions which was the difference between success and the failure. He decided to go for cost effective method rather than expensive method. His organization is small with 16 employees but the work they are doing is very big process and they cover huge customer base through d ifferent platforms. So due to his decision making skills they are making good profits.People skillsIn his line of business the difference between success and failure is how you deal with different people. He is doing strong in terms of people skills, because he managed to experience the contract with the mobile giants like Google and Apple and different other private vendors. This was made realizable because of the quality of his product and usability across different kind of people in different geographical locations.Ethics and moralsHe stood for the quality of product rather than any product which gives him the money. For him money comes second, he stood by his morals and ethics till now which was the good sign for a successful entrepreneur. He wants to do good service and product offering rather than false promise. He maintained to do that part well.Time managementTime management is of the essence(p) for any kind of business. There are lot of people depend upon the product of yours, if the product is not delivered in time business will get affected. He planned everything in such a way that there wont be a delay in his product completion and distribution. This is also one of his qualities which were crucial for his business.Calculated risk takerHe is not a gambler but then he did take lot of risks but it was well thought and calculated rather than reckless which helped throughout his business career. He went in to software programming business which was well occupied at that time he entered in this business, but he was so sure his product will be preferred among the competitors.Cautiotly optimisticEvery entrepreneur dont have cast out frame of mind. He always expected the unexpected and waiting optimistically for his time and he did manage to do well and he got the results after the thread of failure. It is not easy to compete in a market where competition is fierce. His quality of being optimistic made the difference for him.FinanceOne of the big par ts of business is financing it. He financed his business by doing part time high end consulting job for companies in America. He didnt depend upon investors and bankers for the line of descent of money. Hence he is free from any debts.What did I learn from this interview?I learnt few things from this interview which will come in handy in future when I start my own business. They areHow to start a businessHow to sustain the businessHow to start a business?I learnt that result to these questions cannot be explained in a single word. Its a lifelong process and you need commitment and patience and also should be ready for a warmth break.Should know what am I doingAm I going to start a new business or start a business which is already existing, shall I buy into a business or join multi-level marketing or I could go with something I love or something which will make money. There are so numerous options out there and it is not easy to decide which way to go. But I feel I should do a bu siness which I love because it will give self-satisfaction.2. What are the things that I need to start businessAfter deciding what business to go in one has to find out do I have necessary skills, say if one wants to do catering service one should have a good cook, if I want to start a online business I should know basic HTML. I should make a list about what business needs and what I need to achieve success. Then I have to check do I have knowledge and skills if not have to find a way to get it.3. Financial constraintsThis is the basic question where every entrepreneur will ask themselves when they start a business. This will mend a business at start. Say for example if I want to start a restaurant business but I have except 2000$ and couldnt find investors or cant get a bank loan then I have to rethink my entrepreneurship ambitions until financial situation improves. To find out about how much money needed to start a business one has to do complete and honest market research befo re they start a business and also come up with strong business plan.4. How much money will I make?The revenue depends upon so many factors and it is really hard to find. Because the estimation often varies and I can ever know until I try it. But having some kind of idea will motivate me to work. So it is recommended to have a high estimate to achieve greatness.5. Exit StrategyHaving a exit strategy doesnt mean that giving up. It is all about planning and one should know when to say good bye. Exit strategy should tie with objective of the business. One has to decide between selling the company for a sizeable sum or start a new business. Those who dont have exit strategy will struggle to meet the goals that they set for their business. A realistic exit strategy is crucial part of the business plan.How to sustain the businessBy maintaining the positive cash flowThis can be make through various safety measures and proper budgeting and also finding out only necessary resources rather bu ying resources and wasting it.By having a private-enterprise(a) advantageThis can be done by introducing new technology in the business rather using the old time consuming process.First mover advantageTo sustain the business one has to diversify their business by moving to new location and gaining advantage there.Proper Advertising and merchandisingAdvertising is one of the important piece of sustainable strategy, without that existence of the company wont reach the people. Hence proper care should be taken to plug enough money is been divided for marketing and advertising alone.I conclude by saying that the person I interviewed is indeed an entrepreneur and doing legitimate business in Chennai, India. In the process I personally learned a lot about what business is all about and the part of an entrepreneur in it.

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