Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Youth Homelessness in Hawaii Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Youth Homelessness in Hawaii - Essay spokespersonThis paper has addressed rooflessness amongst the juvenility in Hawaii, from various angles. The paper starts with an introduction to the issue, then tone eat the historical perspective of homelessness in the United States. This is then followed by a narrowed down nestle to homelessness among early dayss in Hawaii. The causes and the impacts as well as the demographics of the issue turn out been discussed. The paper ends with an insight into the social trend in which this issue can be approached. In this regard, the arenas of social policies have been visited, that is macro, mezzo and micro methods into interact homelessness. Introduction fit to the United Nations and the Conference for European Statisticians (CES) (2009), homelessness can be categorized broadly into ii categories Primary homelessness this is also referred to as rooflessness. This refers to the group of people who live in the streets without any shelter th at would transmute for a living quarter (United Nations, 2009). Secondary homelessness these are people who have no normal dwelling house are usually hopping between various types of accommodation that would cater for them such as homeless institutions. The folk also includes those who are in various private aboard but cannot quote a usual address during census (United Nations, 2009). Homelessness, can thus, according to the above two approaches, be defined as the aim of lacking a regular dwelling. Legal definitions of this term are very broad and vary from acres to country. Various conditions lead to homelessness with the condition proliferating in the mid 80s due to strenuous economic conditions. Most countries, however, have put in place various measures to cater for the homeless. This is mainly and in form of provision of primary life commodities as food, clothing and shelter. This is done by community-based organizations through volunteers or through government agencies. According to Basuk & Rosenberg (1988), homelessness was a prevalent issue in The United States in the 80s. In their article, they acknowledged presence of closely a third of the homeless living in America. Despite these alarming figures, little was known in terms of the causes of the situation, consequences, and the antecedents of the problem. According to research, there are so many conditions being faced by the homeless that are still unmet. This paper focuses on homelessness in Hawaii. The paper will focus on the do of the situation, demographics, economic trends, effects on families, and other related effects, and the social concern at various levels. Homelessness in Hawaii There has been a large increase in the number of homeless juvenility in Hawaii. The issue has trickled to Honolulu, a major city in tourism. The increase in the number of homeless people in Hawaii has led to a major outcry from concerned groups such as the church, domain service, leaders of the community and the general public. Incidentally, the issue of homeless people in Hawaii is slowly sightly a public issue considering the high rates of publicity that its facing. Such continual cycles of homelessness within the youth in Hawaii is leading to deteriorating behaviors and a rise in crimes. It is a behavior that inflicts on youth in such a manner that one may find few running off from their homes due to the various problems. There are more detrimental effects of homelessness to the community such as increase in insecurity, and poor health and sanitation. It is a common factor to see homeless youth living in sewer lines (Kidd, 2006). Social personnel have the liability of abating this situation through looking into various solutions such as safe housing, access to health care, and maybe try to unite some of the homeless with their families, where

Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Technology - Essay Examplething, I have strongly disfavored my put down reliance on my laptop over a period of time but unfortunately I am totally dependent on this technological device for nearly all my tasks, routines and undertakings.My laptop becomes a real source of pain for me whenever I am doing something on the Internet and there is an issue that surfaces which has got cypher to do with my work in progress. Usually these problems stem from replacing an antivirus or asking me to run the scandisk other the system threatens to go off the track and off the track it always does I get wondrous things in my mind all of a sudden and my reliance on this technological product takes the full(a) wrath from my mouth in an instant. I start becoming very edgy and my feelings become very strong in hatred against the laptop and indeed the whole field of science. Thus I am of the belief that my laptop should not be given this much importance within my life as much as I give to it at the present. This will solve quite a fewer problems for my goodness

Monday, April 29, 2019

Taxation and health care financing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Taxation and health superintend financing - Essay Examplewellness fright financing is virtuoso of the most natural issues faced by every society which has some health care function to provide to its members. Health Care Financing is a term which often refers to the conveys and sources required to provide health care services. However, it is to a fault full of life to understand that sourcing of financing the health care do not only include fair(a) the money but it also include the voluntary sources such as rendering of voluntary services as well as gifts received in kind. The issue of financing health care is critical in the sense that the quantum of financing defines the overall quality of basic health care provision.While discussing healthcare financing, it is also important to understand the sources of financing i.e. from where to raise the money, how those sources are used and who controls them therefore, what is critical is the fact that health care financing is not just limited to the monetary aspect of financing but it also requires calculated management of various other non-monetary aspects of health care financing too.While discussing the sources of financing for health care, revenue is one of the major sources which ordure help raise the necessary funds to leverage healthcare provision on much larger scale. Taxation is also important because of it is probably the largest source of revenue for any judicature to fund its expenses including expenditure on health care. This paper will discuss some of the advantages of using evaluateation to finance health care. Taxation and Health Care FinancingOne of the most important sources of height global revenue for healthcare financing is general taxes imposed by State. Important sources of taxes include income taxes, shine duties as well as various business taxes however, what is important is how the government allocates funds raised by charging such taxes. Though, such taxes are general in nature and the allocation of such resources depends upon the general priorities of the several(prenominal) government however, If governments priorities include providing sustainable health care provision than government may divert impregnable sources of funds to health care services. (Goodman & Waddington, 2008).UKs population is increasingly be plan of attack old as well as obese therefore the overall expenditure on healthcare services is forecasted to increase in coming years. It is therefore, being proposed that specific taxes shall be levied for raising the standards of healthcare services in the country. According to one check up on by BBC, in 2002, 69% of the respondents suggested to levy taxes for NHS. Similarly, fleshiness is increasing the overall costs to be incurred on providing quality healthcare services. Leicester & Windmeijer (2004) are of the opinion that a Fat tax should be imposed on foods which contain high fat or salt in order to control the prevalence of obesity in the country. (Leicester & Windmeijer, 2004). This is because of the fact that increase in obesity rates are increasing the overall budgets for healthcare services as service providers have to divert substantial resources to cure obese people with coarse diseases such as Cardiac problems, Hypertension, high sugar glucose levels etc. therefore, by levying taxes, substantial revenue sources can be generated in order to improve the general health standards of the masses.Advantages of TaxationThere are disparate advantages of taxation for financing health care as increase in quantum of government revenue would mean greater resources to be diverted to upgrade the current state of healthcare in the country. Increasing the tax base for financing the healthcare services would therefore provide an incentive to the consumers for receiving better and much change health care services. It is also important to understand that since taxation serve as a general source of revenue for the countr ies however, in most of the case it is not earmarked for particular sectors of public healthcare services. By levying taxes specifically for healthcare se

Sunday, April 28, 2019

W.E.B. Du Bois - Returning Soldiers The Crisis (1919) Essay - 1

W.E.B. Du Bois - Returning Soldiers The Crisis (1919) - Essay ExampleDu Bois, did not attempt to take aim any particular side but his primary focus was on engaging in internationality across boundaries between nations which he terms as inter- nation (Du Bois)Returning Soldiers by Du Bois, in The Crisis (1919) was an abuse of all the struggles suffered by the thousands of black men who fought bravely in bitter resignation unto their last exclude of blood for the States, with a hope of a better tomorrow. In Du Boiss words We fought gladlyfor the States and her highest ideals, we fought in the far off hope, for the dominant southern oligarchy entrenched in Washington. (Du Bois)However, they were disillusioned because unfortunately the good deal did not change and the struggle continued relentlessly with the war claiming destruction to both life and property. Du Bois, accuses America of being vindictive in their approach which forced the blacks to retaliate and fight. In a backlash, Du Bois expresses his views in The Crisis which came in for heavy criticism from all quarters, because he accused, the America they fought for, of gloating in lynching, disfranchising its own citizens, encouraging ignorance, take from them and insulting them.In argument about lynching that Du Bois speaks of, we understand that lynching was very much bribe then and it ceaselessly continues even today. He describes lynching in the following words Barbarism of a degree of contemptible nastiness unparalleled in human history. (Du Bois) Some examples of people who were victims of lynching argon Rodney King, African Americans, Mexican and Asian immigrants, Oscar Grant and many others. The lynching that Du Bois speaks of, continues even today by punishing, torture and killing vulnerable individuals who dare to raise their voice against them.Disfranchisement of its own citizens

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Identify and critically assess the principles which underpin the EU Essay

Identify and critically assess the principles which underpin the EU universe procural - Essay ExampleFramework Procurement can be defined as the acquire of commodities, goods, works or run by familiar administrators.1 A public administrator in the EU Law includes state, regimen, association governed by public lawfulness and similar bodies. Collectively, public procurement accounts for 13.5% of the European weddings GDP.2 This therefore means that the authorities have a duty to provide a legally acceptable set of guidelines that promotes the European marriages single market system and also prevents leakages and partial procurement practices and corruption. However, some challenges in the EU Procurement Laws do non enable the EU Procurement system to achieve its objectives. In the UK, the threshold for the observance of EU populace Procurement Law is ?100,000 for government supplies and ?4 million for works and services.3 These thresholds are really high. This gives room f or various forms of manipulation. A public groundwork that desires to be mischievous is likely to buy goods and services in lower amounts so that they will not be required to follow the EU Procurement Rules. This gives room for easy evasion and manipulation. Reasons for the EU Public Procurement Laws The first reason why the EU Public Procurement Law was enacted was that the European Union has laws that guarantee the freedom of movement, person, capital and services across borders so nations and governments should not have public procurement systems that discriminate against people from other(a) EU nations.4 Also, non-tariff protection exists for all EU businesses in the transfer of their goods and services across the various borders.5 The EU Procurement Law avoids amongst other things, discrimination against efficient companies by ensuring the exquisite treatment of all potential bidders for a public supply tenders across the EU. The extent to which the procurement law has prote cted non-national businesses in bids and tender is quite questionable. This is because with higher transportation costs and diversity issues, it is often familiar for public institutions to choose local suppliers and not external suppliers. In summary, the EU Procurement Laws state that public institutions should honour three things in their operations.6 The are 1. They must treat a business and person of other EU nationality fairly7 2. No discrimination, there should be equality 3. There should be transparency in bid and tender selection process. However, with the uneven trends of development in the EU, there are cases when there is the need for overconfident discrimination to help some national businesses to grow by supplying to public institutions in the country. Adhering stringently to the public procurement framework can only cause some local businesses in small nations like Portugal and Latvia to collapse in the face of other richer businesses from more powerful nations l ike Germany, France and Britain. Overview of Underpinning Principles The main areas and aspects of the EU Public Procurement policy include transparency, publicity, objectivity, accountability, non-discrimination and flexibility/redress.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Personal Experiences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal Experiences - Essay ExampleApplying Lewins change management model, the organization should have ensured that it changes the mindset of its employees before initiating the changing. During the transitional change, the change should have been introduced gradually while putting into account the values and attitudes of the employees. The final stage, freezing, should have involved ownership of the change as part of the organizations operations.One of my peers wrote on an organizational change involving manufacturing processes. This change can be related with the above-discussed change in that both involve laying off workers and change of duties at work. The twain changes illustrate the need to involve employees when making organizational changes. Additionally, the top-level management should integrate the new change inside the values, mission and vision of the organization. In order to sustain these changes, leadership, structure, strategy, culture and systems should be

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Health Promotion Proposal Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Promotion end - Coursework ExampleThey propose Nucleic acid amplification tests as preferred diagnostic tests performed on vaginal swabs or urine sample. They also recommend annual Chlamydia screening for all sexually active fe phallics under be on 25. Department of Health The New York State (2006) recommends the measures to prevent the spread of Chlamydia that include using a male or female condom, limiting number of sex partners and in case, one is exposed to transmittal he or she should avoid sexual contact and should visit the nearest a sexually transmitted malady (STD) clinic, or doctor. It is advisable to bring sexual partner along with so that they can be examined for transmittance and if need be, given proper discourse. Chlamydia is a public wellness issue in Europe alike because untreated Chlamydia may lead to poor reproductive outcomes in women. Chlamydia causes tubal infertility, ectopic pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Chlamydia is harmful to new born and may cause pneumonia and eye infections. It also facilitates the transmittance of HIV. The damage of fertility treatment is high leading to in-vitro fertilization and tubal surgery. Controlling Chlamydia is challenging callable to its asymptomatic nature nevertheless, its prevention and contain is possible through screening of target commonwealth and treatment (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, 2009). The National Chlamydia Screening Program run by the department of health in the UK proposes to increase the testing regimen coverage from 25 % to 35 %. The evidence suggests that this will drastically reduce the prevalence of Chlamydia cases. Some estimates suggest that the programs past work has already reduced the prevalence by about 20 percent (Department of Health UK, 2011). Synthesis and Analysis Most literature across the testicle agrees on certain aspects of Chlamydia infection. They all agree that its control is possible though concerted eff orts are requisite right from educating young adults on healthy sex activities using male or female condom, in particular when changing partners and screening periodically the target population for infection. Screening is simple and can ascertain Chlamydia infection with reliability. Covering larger population for screening and treating them if found infected, can decrease the incidents of Chlamydia over time. Treatment is cost effective and the infected person needs to take medications only for a week or so to get completely rid of Chlamydia. The Theoretical Framework for Chlamydia Control It is important to note that currently, no vaccine is available to prevent Chlamydia infection. It is caused by bacteria called C. trachomatis and the most critical part is that it remains asymptomatic for months to years and thus infected person can transmit the disease without knowledge of anyone. Alternative ways of control are therefore requisite to prevent transmission of infection and s equelae. Screening for C. trachomatis in the target population becomes a necessary intervention to detect the infection. The theoretical framework for Chlamydia control thus lies within an kitchen stove of widespread screening and subsequent treatment process through medications. Repeat Chlamydia infection may total even after treatment process is over. Partner treatment, educating the patient and repeated testing become necessary

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Greenwashing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Greenwashing - Essay ExampleThis essay is meant to make a travel by means of the realities of the profit-bothered present day business world and the upshot that is facing the next generation. There is no head that a unit of production of anything has to compromise with their controls to reduce garbage however, the efforts it is willing to take to control the mishandling of such industrial wastes discriminates among the standards of various companies. In this alarming context, it becomes a collective responsibility of the people to protect their surround in order to get rid of the hazards in any form. If a standardized approach to fancy the shielding of environment is concerned, there arises the need for initiating the efforts to ensure the widely approved green washing trials to hold on the earth from further degradation. To uncover the fact of social wellbeing lying in the core of all(prenominal) collective human effort, businessmen of the current time have to realize that the profitability of their motives takes the right course of instruction only when the social requirements be fulfilled. The efforts of the visionaries to invoke the retailer giants and their sources are taking a better stretch in the recent past as more and more customers are turning green-friendly by acting upon the need for refreshing the environmental conditions either directly or indirectly, thanks to their identification of most emf threats (The sins of greenwashing). However, the preference of customers to adopt a particular product that serves a specific purpose takes a flavorless influx of differentiated opinions about making the right choice. In fact, it is not predictable as to what residual of the customers is satisfied with most of the products they use daily. The need for a rethinking has to be identified with the managements of businesses that are directly traffic with the routine needs of the buyers in which they can implement trials on improving their social i dentity as responsible entities. The alarming fact of uncontrollably increasing domestic garbage and the plastic disposal are the greatest actors in the challenges against the world nowadays. Many countries have recently developed a mechanism to arouse the idea of protecting the environment by urging the common public as well as the visitors to adopt nature-friendly lifestyles. However, there are many witnesses from actual recipients of the evil face of many of the hoteliers and restaurant owners who comfortably compromise with their standards of such an all green operation of their businesses. From the experience note of Lane (2011), it is so fact mood as he says that most of such posters and catalogues that declare the noble causes of behind the love-all-green urges of the owners are no more beneficial than saving their cost-cut tactics by reducing the use of electricity and water whereby creating inconvenience to the guests. In most of the situations where the organizers of to urs and holidays prepare sincere campaigns against the use of materials disastrous to the natural conditions of their own locations, plastic bags and containers are til now a notable item of their trade. Developed countries like

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Does induce Therapeutic Hypothermia Impact Neurologic Function and Research Paper

Does induce Therapeutic Hypothermia Impact Neurologic mapping and Improve Patients Outcome post cardiac block - Research Paper ExampleCardiac see is one of the medical fits, which are known to result into low or insufficient subscriber line move into the body of a patient. The parade of executing therapeutic hypothermia on patients involves the use of a catheter, which is placed in the inferior vena cava through the femoral veins in the legs through a method known as invasive therapeutic hypothermia. Non-invasive therapeutic hypothermia involves an external application of a blanket that is made extremely parky by water. Strict adherence to the therapeutic hypothermia has been proved to mortify the level of risks for ischemic witticism injuries that patients below such conditions of insufficient blood supply are exposed to. The development of therapeutic hypothermia to help reduce the levels of risks that patients recovering from cardiac arrest are exposed was developed by Greek physician Hippocrates when he advocated for the packing of wound soldiers in snow ice, a form of non-invasive therapeutic hypothermia. Studies into the application of therapeutic hypothermia in modern medicine began in 1945 when the first publication on the topic was made as authenticated by Storm, Steffen and Schefold, (2008). This paper will evaluate how induced therapeutic hypothermia affects the neurological functions and help post cardiac arrest patients recover. The impacts of the practice in reducing the development ischemic injury in cardiac arrest patients will also be evaluated. Literature review The aftermaths of cardiac arrest involves neurological injuries, which results into impairment of atomic number 8 flow into the brain, causes anaerobic metabolism in the brain. As stated by Riana, Abella and Mary, (2006), anaerobic metabolism disrupts adenosine triphosphate babelike cellular pumps, which lead to generation of excess calcium and glutamate in the excretions . This results into excitation of the brain, which magnifies hypoxemia resulting into mitochondrial and cellular death. Disruption of blood brain barrier results into initial injury resulting into increased fluid flow into the brain resulting into worsens state of noetic edema. This is exactly how persistent cardiac arrest result into increased level of neurological defects, a condition that can be arrested using therapeutic hypothermia. The application of therapeutic hypothermia results into counteractions of the neuroexcitations in the brain cells through process that stabilize the calcium and glutamate release resulting into decreased apoptosis in the brain. It also acts to stabilize the blood brain barrier resulting into reduced flow of fluids into the brain tissues and then reducing the instances of developing cerebral edema. Therapeutic hypothermia thus reduces the destructive mechanisms of cardiac arrest thus reducing the damaging impacts it may produce to the brain and the of import nervous system according to Tsai, Barbut and Wang, (2008a). Based on Matthias, Fries and Rossaint (2012), therapeutic hypothermia is done following a three phase procedure, which includes induction, maintenance and re-warming which must be done under controlled environments to prevent potential unbecoming effects of the procedure. The induction phase enables the attainment of a patients target body temperature inside the shortest time possible. This is done using solid ice packs, ice lavage or even

Monday, April 22, 2019

Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Branding - Essay Examplejectives to help and inclose and expanded its product lines, which greatly helped the comp both to expand overseas as people everywhere had the alike(p) needs and wants.Presently, Colgate is listed as bingle of the best-selling brands and operates in over 200 countries with an annual turnover in excess of $9 meg (Kantar, 2014). Colgates success shows how important it is for global enterprises to support their values, for example Colgates global values atomic number 18 caring, continuous improvement, and global teamwork, which enable the company to improve and adapt to the changing customer needs, as salubrious as, global market challenges (Colgate, 2013). The companys stable global growth also is because of the companys ability to focus on its four strategic initiatives, such as engaging to build the brand, innovate for business growth, effectiveness and efficiency, and leading to win (Colgate, 2013).Colgate always carries out environmental scanning that helps the company to target the external factors that will influence organisational performance (Wood, 2010). Factors that are political, legal or technological may lay different threats to Colgates business when entering a new country, or even, when the company has already successfully established its operations. Therefore, the external audits carried out are always considered to be a major focus for any organisation that wants prosperity (Baines, 2011). Furthermore, Colgate-Palmolive concentrates on creating personal care products in areas where the competition in this sector is comparatively high. This means that Colgate has to monitor the situation around its business in order to take the lead among its rivals (Schultz et al., 2006).The first and most important external audit that Colgate needs to constantly monitor is the governmental regulations. This is especially as Colgate is a multinational corporation each political atmosphere in every country that Colgate-Palmolive o perates has the same value and

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Comparison between da vinci and Michelangelo Essay

equation between da vinci and Michelangelo - Essay ExampleHe did not have the benefit of an early learning and around 1483, he was sent to Milan to work as an apprentice of various artificers. Leonardo showed mastery of so many fields including being a sculptor, an architect, pic and engineering. Even though Da Vinci is mainly considered an artist due to the popularity of his surviving masterpiece paintings, he was as well a pioneering scientist as evident in his numerous writings on various subjects including geology and anatomy. These writings that were done with brilliance reveal the genius of an discriminating and innovative mind that crossed so many disciplines. The natural genius exemplified a true spiritual rebirth man due to the humanist prominence in his works. Leonardo observed the world from a scientific perspective and always endeavored to find reason in how the world worked and why things appeared as they did, observations that were manifest in his paintings. It wo uld be wrong to define da Vinci as an idealist since most of his work portrayed realism for instance he made his look as lifelike as possible. The subjects in his early paintings had individualized attributes and facial characteristics that elevated him above all others. Michelangelo on the other hand was born on 6 March 1975 in Florence, Italy to a magistrate Italy and just like Leonardo, he was apprenticed at an early shape up to various artists including painters and sculptors. Another similarity the two artists share in their childhood is the hard lives they lived and absence of maternally upbringing Leonardo because of the illegitimacy of his birth while Michelangelo because of the death of his mother when he was still real young. Michelangelo, just like da Vinci, was equally exceptional in several subjects including sculptor, painting, poetry and poetry. Artworks Both artists depicted exceptional brilliance in their works that were mainly drawn from religious history, for example, Leonardos painting The Last Supper and Michelangelos The Last Judgment which are depictions of events from passages of the bible. One the most distinctive features of Leonardos masterpiece are the portrayal of the subjects with distinct emotive facial expressions and body language, a clear version of humanist character. Da Vinci portrayed a brilliant mastery of human anatomy when he varicolored his pictures realistically in terms of anatomy and posture, a subject of interest during the renaissance

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 25

morals - Essay ExampleThe corollary to this is, of course, that if a cleaning woman chooses to deny her fetus the sustenance it needs to thrive, then she has a right to deny it that, and therefore a right to decide on an abortion.Markowitz wishes to divert from these issues, not because of the capability or weakness of their positions, but because as a true feminist the issue should relate to the woman as woman. It will be noted that the personality of the fetus and the right of a person over her (or his) own body is not related in anyway to a womans gender. This is not, therefore, a feminist issue but a morality issue like any other. The way Markowitz sees it, women are, as a class, systematically oppress by the male-dominated society (this is known as the feminist proviso), a cornerstone principle of all feminist stands. Together with this, Markowitz espouses another principle, that of impermissible sacrifice. She said that it is the right of an crush or dominated class to r efuse to sacrifice itself for the sake of the dominant class. The reason for this is that this practice tends to circulate the oppression and causes greater injustice to the oppressed class. A quotation from the selection A Feminist confession of Abortion by Sally Markowitz explicitly expresses the impermissible sacrifice principle as followsWhen one sociable group in a society is systematically oppressed by another, it is impermissible to require the oppressed group to make sacrifices that will exacerbate or perpetuate this oppression.Taking this one step further, Markowitz views blueprint and childbirth as a sacrifice by women in order to serve the purposes of men to acquire him heirs or issue, to give him children to carry on his name and fill his household. In the Western cultural context, women are seen as being forced by men to bear the latter children. To Markowitz, this is an impermissible

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Film Studies (C) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film Studies (C) - Essay ExampleIt is not difficult to teach that hidden sinisters inside of humans are exposed during these ideological issues. People are born with temper traits such as selfishness, jealousy, and brutality. In spite of themselves or instinctively, people express these characteristics in self defense. The films Machuca and Malena break these human evils in severe situations like war and political conflicts. In addition, these films have a reciprocal theme in that they show them through the childs point of view. The following essay focuses on how people act in an unstable society such as in war or coups and how the children feel and regard such situations. This is shown by the directors as they reveal the story through these two movies. two of the films, Machuca and Malena, have the common background of war. Andres Wood, the director of Machuca, and Giuseppe Tornatore, the director of Malena, chose the historical background of war to express the evil side of hum ankind. In the films, human evil is expressed instinctively in difficulties or severe situations and depicted through the backdrop of chili con carne in 1973 and World War. In 1973, Allendes government in Chile won the general election, but was soon collapsed by the coup dtat of Pinochet and capitalism. (Encyclopedia) capitalist economy and socialism were head to head against each other. The conflict between people who had vested rights and those who did not was accelerating the gap between the rich and poor was growing larger. Therefore, the conflict between these two classes was naturally increasing. Wood shows the reality of Chile through Gonzalo and Machuca. Gonzalo represents the wealth of capitalism, while Machuca from the shanty town represents the failure of the realization of socialism. On the other hand, Tornatore depicts Italy in World War . The town is extremely unsettled because of the German military

Friday, April 19, 2019

Texas Parks and Wildlife Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Texas Parks and Wildlife - Research Paper ExampleCurrently, the Texas parks and wildlife department has several responsibilities. These accept managing and conserving resigns natural resources and providing the public with opportunities and access to fish and wildlife habitats. Background information and history The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) was created in 1983, following the merger between the State Parks Board and the Game and Fish commission. However, its formation slew be traced back to 1879 when fish commissioners bitr was first established as a state agency in 1879. In 1983, the department was authorized to oversee alone the resources both fish and the wildlife in all counties of Texas. The authority was given after the Wildlife Conservation coiffe was approved by the Texas legislature. Several historical sites that were under the management of Texas Parks and Wildlife earlier were reassigned to the Texas historical commission on 1st January 2008. In 187 9, the regulator was authorized to appoint a fish commissioner by the 16th legislature of Texas. The governor appointed the commissioner to a term of two years after being approved by the senate. This appointment was to ensure that the Act for fish preservation was cargonfully complied with. In addition, it was meant to ensure that fish ladders and fish ways were constructed. The Fish Commissioners office came to being in 1881. ... The commissioner was also given powers to appoint his deputy commissioners. In 1907, the responsibilities of Commissioners space were expanded. It also covered protection of wild birds and wild game. Therefore, commissioner was renamed Game, Fish, and Oyster commissioner. Fish and Oyster Commissioners moorage was make up of three members. In 1972, the number doubled to six members. By 1983, the commission was made up of nine members who were appointed by the governor and approved by the senate. The commission members are office bearers for overlapping six-year terms. The governor appoints the chairperson of the commission biennially. The meetings of the commission are normally quarterly. However, when required they meet on a regular basis. The major responsibility of the commission is to acquire the appropriate rules and policies that play a evidential role in conducting the mixed parks and wildlife department programs. Location and management of the Texas parks and wildlife department TPWD render is located at 4200 Smith School Road in Austin, Texas. Both the regional and field offices are established in different parts throughout the state. Those who are not working with the headquarters in Austin are known to be seventy-six percent of the total department staff. The management and coordination of all the policies and programs that concerns personnel is done in the Austin headquarters, Human Resource Division. A commission that comprises of nine members governs TPWD. The governor appoints the commission. The major responsibil ity of the commission is to adopt appropriate rules and regulations. This will be used in various

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Financial accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial accounting - Essay ExampleIt is headquartered at Dearborn, Michigan, USA. The accompany has remained under family ownership ever since (Bender, Slade, and Thorpe, 2009, p. 4). traverse Motor conducts its business in two different business particles namely, self-propellings and fiscal services sector. This handle entails about the additions utilised by the company to carry on its business activities. This report also analyses the technological and other means through which the organisation generates revenue out of its assets. The process of asset valuation used by get across Motors has also been included in this study. Finally the various sources of cash utilised by the company to conduct its operational activities have been discussed in this study. Assets The consolidated balance planing machine of Ford Motors Company includes various types of assets owned by the company. Some of those items are cash and cash equivalents, saleable securities, finance receivables, i nvestment in operating leads, inventories, property, deferred income taxes and intangible assets. As at 31 December 2011, Ford Motors had $18,618 jillion as marketable securities (Ford Motor Co., 2012). Marketable securities are a form of assets which helps in storing unnecessary cash that can help to generate return for the company (Fabozzi, and Peterson, 2003, p. 645). Ford Motors is found to have invested in the marketable securities of automotive and financial services sector. Total assets of the company in the form of investment in operating leases were $12,838 one million million million as on 31 December 2012 (Ford Motor Co., 2012, p. FS-4). Those operating leases mostly consisted of lease contracts for vehicles with all its different types of existing customers. Accounts receivables are mainly in the form of finance receivables which amounted to $69,976 million as at 31 December 2011. Other receivables amounted to $8,565 million (Ford Motor Co., 2012, FS-4). The finance receivables correspond to the automotive and financial services sector. The notes receivables in the automotive sector are primarily related to the purpose of restructuring the businesses of the company and loans with the suppliers. Ford Motor Credit Company LLC which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ford motors offers different types of automotive financing products all around the world. Ford Credits business activities mostly consist of supporting its dealers and financing the vehicles. This results in a large portfolio of leases and finance receivables for the company. The total inventories of the company as at 31 December 2011 were $5,901 million (Ford Motor Co., 2012, FS-4). The inventories of the company consisted of raw materials, work-in-process and supplies which amounted to $2,847 million at the end of the financial year 2011. The finished products amounted to $3,982 million and total inventory is calculated as $5,901 million after adjusting on the basis of (Last in forem ost Out) LIFO. Thus the inventories of Ford motors are lean in nature because they follow the build to order dodging (Ford Motor Co., 2012, FS-38). The inventories of the company which is primarily the service part obsolescence amounted to an ending balance of $249 million as at 31 December 2012 (Ford Motor Co., 2012, p. FSS-1). Use of Technology and Revenue Generation Revenues are recognised by the companies in United States mostly in accordance with the US GAAP (Nikolai, Bazley, and Jones, 2009, p. 931). Revenues from the automotive business segment of Ford Motors are generally generated through sales of automobiles and its accessories. Revenues are recorded in the books of account of the company only after the risks and rewards of ownership related to the products are completely transferred to its

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Harrignton Collection Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Harrignton Collection Case - Essay ExampleAt what charge should they demonstrate the new line? They could introduce the new progressive wear at the proposed wrongs or introduce it at a price twenty percent above their proposed price. The criteria they developed in coming up with the price were high margins of profit, market share potential, sales potential, brand perception, and customer satisfaction (Blais1).The first resource was selling the push active line at the proposed prices (Blais 1). Given that womens active wear units were pass judgment to, increase by double by the year 2009 and Harrington intended to take advantage by introducing the active wear to introduces that carried their vigour line. Majority of the customers who purchased items with price points between one and two hundred dollars, did not opine that cheaper active wear would lead to cheap brand perception. Alternative two involved raising the proposed price by twenty percent (Blais 2). Given it is a mod erately expensive clothing brand customers would be less sensitive to a hike in price compared to those who were shopping on a budget. Therefore, Vigor will be able to maintain the majority of its market share.Harringtons decided to sell at 20% above proposed price and target trend setters aged between 20 and 25, as rise as women seeking comfortable and edgy design. To develop their product, they introduced their new product into an already existing market. Harrington in any case pursued a product differentiation strategy, which entailed a push-and-pull strategy for promotion. They also used an indirect passage strategy by selling their new wear at all their fifty Vigor store

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Essay Example for Free

The international History of a Chinese Family EssayBeginning in the late 19th century and continuing to the early 20th century, some Chinese families jumbled to gain well-disposed, economic, and preceptal superlative in twain mainland chinaware and the United States. In the book, A Transnational History of a Chinese Family, by Haiming Liu, we learn ab forth the Chang family rooted in Kaiping County, China, who unlike many an(prenominal) typical Chinese families exemplified hard- spring and toilsome cultural values allowing them to pursue an exceptional Chinese-the Statesn lifestyle.Even with immigration laws preventing Chinese laborers and citizens to enter unless maintaining merchant status, Yitang and surface-to-air missile Chang managed to sponsor approximately 40 relatives to the states with their nonees in herbalist medicine and edible asparagus leavening. Though the Changs encountered many of the hardships typical of Chinese families for the duration, the y relied on their outstanding manoeuver ethic so that their families would always be supported, find oneself the best possible education, and preserve family and kinship relationships to get them through the tough clock times and long periods of separation.the States in the early 19th century was a place full of racial discrimination, and citizens were rattling unwelcoming to immigrants of other raceways. During this time period, they did not find the presence of these immigrants useful, and went as far as passing federal restrictions on immigration. For one race in particular, the Chinese, there were very high restrictions in place. The Chinese Exclusion pull in a motion of 1882, which we discussed in lecture, banned al al close to all Chinese laborers and their families from entering the U.S for 10 years. Some changes were made, and the comprise was passed again as in 1892 as the Geary Act, and it was not completely repealed until 1942. Luckily, being an herbalist, Yitan g Chang was classified as a merchant, and this allowed them to immigrate into America since they were not laborers. This classification was a sign of an educated Chinese man, a quality many Chinese laborers and immigrants did not possess. Yitang was eventually able to bring over family members to overhaul with his parentage once he was settled.He first called upon his son surface-to-air missile Chang to travel across the Pacific and economic aid him in the family business, giving him the opportunity to further support his family. MENTION WORK ETHIC AND HOW THIS RELATES TO THE CHANGS IMMIGRATION PROCESS, high society ALREADY AGAINST THEM Along with the Exclusion Act barring further immigration, immigrants who were already in America had to work around another restriction known as the Alien Land Act, which we also discussed in class. This prohibits both Chinese and Japanese immigrants from owning or leasing land unless they were American-born.This made it arduous for families, as it forced them to rely on those family members who were citizens to register the land low their name, which made their kinship and appreciation for each other stronger. The Chang family had registered their land under surface-to-air missiles third and quaternaryth young ladys names as they were both American citizens, but not all families were privileged enough to have those members to fall back on. With all the discrimination the Chinese race was suffering in America, Yitang sought it to be best if his wife and kids stayed in China until he could make a better life in America.Yitang and Sam Chang were successful in starting up an herbalist denounce and asparagus kindle and quickly realized there were many advantages to owning them, both socially and economically. Owning an herbalist shop provided cures and treatments for illness and other various diseases by using holistic medicine. It put the Changs in constant contact with both Chinese and Americans looking to him for help i n his area of expertise. This was a bend encounter many immigrants neer experienced. Patients realized the risks of this profession, as it dealt with human health, and they began to feel how beneficial these herbs were to their own health. afterwards earning a positive reputation in the community, the Changs began to form relationships and friendships with people in a higher social class, one in which they strived for. These relationships he would later be able utilize in testimony when fate his family migrate to the U. S, a key role in the economic success of the businesses. Like we discussed in lecture, most Chinese immigrants were laborers and did not receive many pleasant encounters with white men. Although Yitang was seen by many Americans as a valuable Chinese immigrant, he and his family members still received discrimination other immigrants had to face.Their thriving asparagus farm did not have as many social benefits as the herbalist business did, but the farm was their main source of income, and with this they were able to provide for their families while living transnationally. Once the Chang family moved into Los Angeles and had their herbalist shop and asparagus farm under way, they realized the need for to a greater extent laborers. In order to support their wives and kids with groceries, clothing, and education, the Changs needed to find the cheapest labor possible while still establishing the farm as a business that could support their income.The cheapest laborers were relatives, and they were for the most part thankful to come and work for Yitang, even if it was not their ideal running(a) situation. One frustration Sam expressed in the book that may correlate to the continuing brusque treatment and vision of the Chinese, is that within the Chinese workforce, most hard-working laborers in the railroad, farming, mining, and foresting businesses were almost 50 years or older and sent a majority of their earnings back to their families in Chi na.Meanwhile, the younger Chinese generations were elusive in gambling, restaurants, and laundries as they did not have the willpower to spend long days in the lie working in the fields, and knowingly allowed their elders to partake in much harder work than they had. This was viewed by many as un-filial, especially from a culture so embodied with filial piety, which is a virtue of reckon for ones parents and ancestors. This did not seem to be the case with the Japanese-Americans however, who regardless of their age, dedicated so much hard-work to the farming and food product business.Sam writes in a letter central office, While the Japanese have made much progress, the Chinese have achieved downward rather than upward mobility, and refers to the younger Chinese generations as parasites and lazy bones. Sam was reasoned enough and quickly figured out the importance of weeding out the unproductive workers who complained too often, and keeping the ones who complained from time to time but whose work reflected dedication. To Sams surprise, even a few of the younger Chang relatives who were sponsored to help on the farm complained often and did not show as much allegiance as Sam had expected.It was apparent when workers, especially family members did not share the same interest in the goals of the farming business and were only when concerned with making their wages and returning back to their families as soon as possible. This occurrence was very rare in the Chinese culture, as one of their main values is the strength of their kinship relationships. In the Chinese culture the word kinship refers to the entire family, including extended family.Not all Chinese businesses encountered this struggle with diligence, while some failed under the lack of perseverance, and the ones that did, play a role in the different views Americans had of Chinese people compared to the Japanese. While some of the kinship relationships in the Chang family were slightly severed, m ost family members who were given the opportunity to work on the asparagus farm saw it as an honor and were thankful to be sponsored by Yitang. Unfortunately, and fortunately, Yitang acquired many of the relative workers due to family unrest in China.While returning home for a visit four years after his initial trip to America, there were family conflicts where they were fighting over land and ended up spliing into two different kinship organizations. The arguments resulted in outrage and sometimes violence. Yitang finally urged his kinship to move out of the province to a safer area until he could get them to the U. S. This shows how rural families, the Chang family in particular, would move from time to time depending on their social and economic situations in order to strengthen their family success and kinship relationships in the migration process. many another(prenominal) Chinese businesses were not as successful as the Changs. Struggles arose because families could not make e nough of a mesh with just one farm of agriculture and did not have the resources or money to purchase more land or hire workers. The Chang family, having their herbalist medicine shop was crucial to their success. Although the farming generated more revenue, the family members who were sponsored to America came in as merchants claiming work at Yitangs herbalist shop.They eventually maintained another asparagus farm and generated enough of a profit to further educate their children and grandchildren so they could have lives just as fulfilling, which in the Chinese culture was the greatest honor a parent could feel. fosterage for the Chinese was the most important achievement and was the gateway to all the success the Chang family incurred on their transnational voyage. It all started with Yitang as a young herbalist mentor and only after years of schooling and experience gained enough combine to travel to America to open his own shop in Los Angeles.With having the experiences he d id and knowing how important education is in reaching your goals, he strived to instill the desire to receive the best education possible in all his children and grandchildren. Self-sacrifice of the parents obliged the children to work vigorously in school in hopes of pursuing a good career that allowed them social mobility. The Chang family benefitted greatly from having received educational opportunities in both China and America.Education for most started in China where they received basic Chinese literacy schooling, but they would eventually leave home to attend more advanced schools in other towns or cities. Sams son Tennyson and lady friend Constance were paid more attention to in this book in regards to education. Both were born in China and while Tennyson stayed there throughout his entire schooling and career, Constance went to America for part of her schooling, but then returned to China for a college education. While attaining an education in the early 20th century Americ a was cheaper for the Chang family, it was not needs the best choice for their ideals and overall morale.Sam believed that it was important to have a well-versed knowledge and understanding of the Chinese culture and education as well as having an English educational background. Because of this, Tennyson who remained in China and never had the exposure to the English language that Constance did, searched for someone to come and teach him English. The Chang family stressed being culturally diverse, but when it came down to it also stressed looking into a future in China as the economic and social opportunities were far more vast and accommodating.Many Chinese-American children attended school in America their total life, and it was known that secondary school campuses were not a very suitable environment for young children, women in particular. At this age kids are very impressionable and the values that American born Chinese feature were different than the naturalized Chinese cit izens. While Sam never personally saw his own daughter struggle with low conceit, or harassment by men, the general consensus was that the children were very impressionable and for this reason he made the tough decision to send Constance back to China for her senior high, and college.While low self-esteem wasnt a huge worry for Sam with Constantine, children that did suffer from it tended to come from and surround themselves with people of scorn social classes. Yitang and Sam made the choice to surround themselves with wealthy, educated, upper-class Chinese and even Americans during their stay in the states, and they only hoped to encourage their children to want the same as it helps maintains important relationships, and a healthy, determined mind.In Sams decision to send Constantine back to China it is apparent that the cultural values and aspects gave way to the economic aspects. The position of higher social status of the Chang family in both China and America is an example of how the Chang family was not your typical Chinese immigrant family. During the years of Yitangs stay in America his kinship relations and commitment to home never changed. His transnational achievements were not internally gratifying for only Yitang, but also for the entire Chang lineage.Due to his major successes obtained while abroad, family members in China built an ancestral hall in his honor. genetic halls were usually constructed after someone has passed, so the proposal for it to be constructed during his life further illuminates just how extremely regarded he was in the Chang family. 1 . Haiming Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and invert Migration (New Brunswick, N. J. Rutgers University Press, 2005), 117. 2 .Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 117. 3 . Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 2. 4 . Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 36. 5 . Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 126. 6 . Liu, The Transnational History of a Chinese Family Immigrant Letters, Family Business, and Reverse Migration, 43.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Socratic dialogue Essay Example for Free

Socratic dialogue Essay1. Meno is among the Socratic dialogues that were inscribed by Plato early in the Fourth Century B. C in Greece. Plato wrote the article in an attempt to determine the befitting definition of legality as he understood it. He cherished to come with a common meaning of virtue which applied evenly to every particular virtue this he succeeds with the use of the dialogue between Socrates and Meno. The dialogue between Meno and Socrates tries to de delightful what aspects makes a human macrocosm good and what makes him or her bad. Plato as well introduces another theme in the talk anamnesia.Anamnesia suggests that human some ane is eternal and it understands everything, and merely recollects for the purpose of learning. The article brings divulge the ideological difference between Meno and Socrates. 2. Meno first points out that virtue is different from person to person but Socrates believes there is a common definition for all. Socrates rejects Menos asser tion that virtues depends on factors like age and gender. Meno secondly suggests that the capacity to govern well (Plato, 2009) could be a virtue to all.Socrates mentions to the hard worker master, Meno, that governing well can never be a virtue of a knuckle down, since he would then not be a break ones back anymore. Meno also suggests that virtue is yearning for fine things and the influence to get them. Socrates notes that this brings about another dilemma- a lot of people dont concede what is evil. 3. Socrates drew geometric shapes on the ground to articulate how a slave is originally ignorant of finding double the square area. Socrates explains how, before he randomly picked the slave boy from Menos entourage, the slave boy had spoken well and fluently on the topic (Plato, 2009).Socrates remarks that the numbing he effected on the slave boy did not harm him. Afterwards he draws another square shape diagonally the slave boy can now observe that adding horizontal and vertica l lines from the square corners, the area created is double the size. Socrates gets the slave boy to concur that the area is doubled and the slave boy admits to spontaneously recovering knowledge from a previous life. Witnessing the slave boy example, Meno finally concurs with Socrates in his innate theory (Plato, 2009). 4. Virtue is something that someone learns from the environment that he or she has been brought up in.Sometimes the degree of holding on to a belief as being true depends on how seriously the subject matter is taken in the society one is brought up in. Knowledge and virtue are closely related but can be in return exclusive. When a child grows up he or she learns new things by observing the environment, and ground on his observations will decide what is virtuous and what is not. This is mostly based on his reaction to the societys treatment or punishment of alleged vices. When he or she grows he forms his own opinion of what is good and what is bad, based on his interactions in life. Reference Plato. (2009). Meno. Arc Manor LLC.