Sunday, April 21, 2019

Comparison between da vinci and Michelangelo Essay

equation between da vinci and Michelangelo - Essay ExampleHe did not have the benefit of an early learning and around 1483, he was sent to Milan to work as an apprentice of various artificers. Leonardo showed mastery of so many fields including being a sculptor, an architect, pic and engineering. Even though Da Vinci is mainly considered an artist due to the popularity of his surviving masterpiece paintings, he was as well a pioneering scientist as evident in his numerous writings on various subjects including geology and anatomy. These writings that were done with brilliance reveal the genius of an discriminating and innovative mind that crossed so many disciplines. The natural genius exemplified a true spiritual rebirth man due to the humanist prominence in his works. Leonardo observed the world from a scientific perspective and always endeavored to find reason in how the world worked and why things appeared as they did, observations that were manifest in his paintings. It wo uld be wrong to define da Vinci as an idealist since most of his work portrayed realism for instance he made his look as lifelike as possible. The subjects in his early paintings had individualized attributes and facial characteristics that elevated him above all others. Michelangelo on the other hand was born on 6 March 1975 in Florence, Italy to a magistrate Italy and just like Leonardo, he was apprenticed at an early shape up to various artists including painters and sculptors. Another similarity the two artists share in their childhood is the hard lives they lived and absence of maternally upbringing Leonardo because of the illegitimacy of his birth while Michelangelo because of the death of his mother when he was still real young. Michelangelo, just like da Vinci, was equally exceptional in several subjects including sculptor, painting, poetry and poetry. Artworks Both artists depicted exceptional brilliance in their works that were mainly drawn from religious history, for example, Leonardos painting The Last Supper and Michelangelos The Last Judgment which are depictions of events from passages of the bible. One the most distinctive features of Leonardos masterpiece are the portrayal of the subjects with distinct emotive facial expressions and body language, a clear version of humanist character. Da Vinci portrayed a brilliant mastery of human anatomy when he varicolored his pictures realistically in terms of anatomy and posture, a subject of interest during the renaissance

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