Monday, April 29, 2019

Taxation and health care financing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Taxation and health superintend financing - Essay Examplewellness fright financing is virtuoso of the most natural issues faced by every society which has some health care function to provide to its members. Health Care Financing is a term which often refers to the conveys and sources required to provide health care services. However, it is to a fault full of life to understand that sourcing of financing the health care do not only include fair(a) the money but it also include the voluntary sources such as rendering of voluntary services as well as gifts received in kind. The issue of financing health care is critical in the sense that the quantum of financing defines the overall quality of basic health care provision.While discussing healthcare financing, it is also important to understand the sources of financing i.e. from where to raise the money, how those sources are used and who controls them therefore, what is critical is the fact that health care financing is not just limited to the monetary aspect of financing but it also requires calculated management of various other non-monetary aspects of health care financing too.While discussing the sources of financing for health care, revenue is one of the major sources which ordure help raise the necessary funds to leverage healthcare provision on much larger scale. Taxation is also important because of it is probably the largest source of revenue for any judicature to fund its expenses including expenditure on health care. This paper will discuss some of the advantages of using evaluateation to finance health care. Taxation and Health Care FinancingOne of the most important sources of height global revenue for healthcare financing is general taxes imposed by State. Important sources of taxes include income taxes, shine duties as well as various business taxes however, what is important is how the government allocates funds raised by charging such taxes. Though, such taxes are general in nature and the allocation of such resources depends upon the general priorities of the several(prenominal) government however, If governments priorities include providing sustainable health care provision than government may divert impregnable sources of funds to health care services. (Goodman & Waddington, 2008).UKs population is increasingly be plan of attack old as well as obese therefore the overall expenditure on healthcare services is forecasted to increase in coming years. It is therefore, being proposed that specific taxes shall be levied for raising the standards of healthcare services in the country. According to one check up on by BBC, in 2002, 69% of the respondents suggested to levy taxes for NHS. Similarly, fleshiness is increasing the overall costs to be incurred on providing quality healthcare services. Leicester & Windmeijer (2004) are of the opinion that a Fat tax should be imposed on foods which contain high fat or salt in order to control the prevalence of obesity in the country. (Leicester & Windmeijer, 2004). This is because of the fact that increase in obesity rates are increasing the overall budgets for healthcare services as service providers have to divert substantial resources to cure obese people with coarse diseases such as Cardiac problems, Hypertension, high sugar glucose levels etc. therefore, by levying taxes, substantial revenue sources can be generated in order to improve the general health standards of the masses.Advantages of TaxationThere are disparate advantages of taxation for financing health care as increase in quantum of government revenue would mean greater resources to be diverted to upgrade the current state of healthcare in the country. Increasing the tax base for financing the healthcare services would therefore provide an incentive to the consumers for receiving better and much change health care services. It is also important to understand that since taxation serve as a general source of revenue for the countr ies however, in most of the case it is not earmarked for particular sectors of public healthcare services. By levying taxes specifically for healthcare se

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