Friday, April 19, 2019

Texas Parks and Wildlife Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Texas Parks and Wildlife - Research Paper ExampleCurrently, the Texas parks and wildlife department has several responsibilities. These accept managing and conserving resigns natural resources and providing the public with opportunities and access to fish and wildlife habitats. Background information and history The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) was created in 1983, following the merger between the State Parks Board and the Game and Fish commission. However, its formation slew be traced back to 1879 when fish commissioners bitr was first established as a state agency in 1879. In 1983, the department was authorized to oversee alone the resources both fish and the wildlife in all counties of Texas. The authority was given after the Wildlife Conservation coiffe was approved by the Texas legislature. Several historical sites that were under the management of Texas Parks and Wildlife earlier were reassigned to the Texas historical commission on 1st January 2008. In 187 9, the regulator was authorized to appoint a fish commissioner by the 16th legislature of Texas. The governor appointed the commissioner to a term of two years after being approved by the senate. This appointment was to ensure that the Act for fish preservation was cargonfully complied with. In addition, it was meant to ensure that fish ladders and fish ways were constructed. The Fish Commissioners office came to being in 1881. ... The commissioner was also given powers to appoint his deputy commissioners. In 1907, the responsibilities of Commissioners space were expanded. It also covered protection of wild birds and wild game. Therefore, commissioner was renamed Game, Fish, and Oyster commissioner. Fish and Oyster Commissioners moorage was make up of three members. In 1972, the number doubled to six members. By 1983, the commission was made up of nine members who were appointed by the governor and approved by the senate. The commission members are office bearers for overlapping six-year terms. The governor appoints the chairperson of the commission biennially. The meetings of the commission are normally quarterly. However, when required they meet on a regular basis. The major responsibility of the commission is to acquire the appropriate rules and policies that play a evidential role in conducting the mixed parks and wildlife department programs. Location and management of the Texas parks and wildlife department TPWD render is located at 4200 Smith School Road in Austin, Texas. Both the regional and field offices are established in different parts throughout the state. Those who are not working with the headquarters in Austin are known to be seventy-six percent of the total department staff. The management and coordination of all the policies and programs that concerns personnel is done in the Austin headquarters, Human Resource Division. A commission that comprises of nine members governs TPWD. The governor appoints the commission. The major responsibil ity of the commission is to adopt appropriate rules and regulations. This will be used in various

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