Sunday, April 28, 2019

W.E.B. Du Bois - Returning Soldiers The Crisis (1919) Essay - 1

W.E.B. Du Bois - Returning Soldiers The Crisis (1919) - Essay ExampleDu Bois, did not attempt to take aim any particular side but his primary focus was on engaging in internationality across boundaries between nations which he terms as inter- nation (Du Bois)Returning Soldiers by Du Bois, in The Crisis (1919) was an abuse of all the struggles suffered by the thousands of black men who fought bravely in bitter resignation unto their last exclude of blood for the States, with a hope of a better tomorrow. In Du Boiss words We fought gladlyfor the States and her highest ideals, we fought in the far off hope, for the dominant southern oligarchy entrenched in Washington. (Du Bois)However, they were disillusioned because unfortunately the good deal did not change and the struggle continued relentlessly with the war claiming destruction to both life and property. Du Bois, accuses America of being vindictive in their approach which forced the blacks to retaliate and fight. In a backlash, Du Bois expresses his views in The Crisis which came in for heavy criticism from all quarters, because he accused, the America they fought for, of gloating in lynching, disfranchising its own citizens, encouraging ignorance, take from them and insulting them.In argument about lynching that Du Bois speaks of, we understand that lynching was very much bribe then and it ceaselessly continues even today. He describes lynching in the following words Barbarism of a degree of contemptible nastiness unparalleled in human history. (Du Bois) Some examples of people who were victims of lynching argon Rodney King, African Americans, Mexican and Asian immigrants, Oscar Grant and many others. The lynching that Du Bois speaks of, continues even today by punishing, torture and killing vulnerable individuals who dare to raise their voice against them.Disfranchisement of its own citizens

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