Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Harrignton Collection Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Harrignton Collection Case - Essay ExampleAt what charge should they demonstrate the new line? They could introduce the new progressive wear at the proposed wrongs or introduce it at a price twenty percent above their proposed price. The criteria they developed in coming up with the price were high margins of profit, market share potential, sales potential, brand perception, and customer satisfaction (Blais1).The first resource was selling the push active line at the proposed prices (Blais 1). Given that womens active wear units were pass judgment to, increase by double by the year 2009 and Harrington intended to take advantage by introducing the active wear to introduces that carried their vigour line. Majority of the customers who purchased items with price points between one and two hundred dollars, did not opine that cheaper active wear would lead to cheap brand perception. Alternative two involved raising the proposed price by twenty percent (Blais 2). Given it is a mod erately expensive clothing brand customers would be less sensitive to a hike in price compared to those who were shopping on a budget. Therefore, Vigor will be able to maintain the majority of its market share.Harringtons decided to sell at 20% above proposed price and target trend setters aged between 20 and 25, as rise as women seeking comfortable and edgy design. To develop their product, they introduced their new product into an already existing market. Harrington in any case pursued a product differentiation strategy, which entailed a push-and-pull strategy for promotion. They also used an indirect passage strategy by selling their new wear at all their fifty Vigor store

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