Monday, April 22, 2019

Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Branding - Essay Examplejectives to help and inclose and expanded its product lines, which greatly helped the comp both to expand overseas as people everywhere had the alike(p) needs and wants.Presently, Colgate is listed as bingle of the best-selling brands and operates in over 200 countries with an annual turnover in excess of $9 meg (Kantar, 2014). Colgates success shows how important it is for global enterprises to support their values, for example Colgates global values atomic number 18 caring, continuous improvement, and global teamwork, which enable the company to improve and adapt to the changing customer needs, as salubrious as, global market challenges (Colgate, 2013). The companys stable global growth also is because of the companys ability to focus on its four strategic initiatives, such as engaging to build the brand, innovate for business growth, effectiveness and efficiency, and leading to win (Colgate, 2013).Colgate always carries out environmental scanning that helps the company to target the external factors that will influence organisational performance (Wood, 2010). Factors that are political, legal or technological may lay different threats to Colgates business when entering a new country, or even, when the company has already successfully established its operations. Therefore, the external audits carried out are always considered to be a major focus for any organisation that wants prosperity (Baines, 2011). Furthermore, Colgate-Palmolive concentrates on creating personal care products in areas where the competition in this sector is comparatively high. This means that Colgate has to monitor the situation around its business in order to take the lead among its rivals (Schultz et al., 2006).The first and most important external audit that Colgate needs to constantly monitor is the governmental regulations. This is especially as Colgate is a multinational corporation each political atmosphere in every country that Colgate-Palmolive o perates has the same value and

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